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Respiration & Breathing Respiration What is respiration? It is the release of energy from food substances in living cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiration & Breathing Respiration What is respiration? It is the release of energy from food substances in living cells."— Presentation transcript:


2 Respiration & Breathing

3 Respiration What is respiration? It is the release of energy from food substances in living cells.

4 respiration §Sugar is oxidised to release energy, carbon dioxide and water are formed. §Equation: §sugar + oxygen energy + carbon dioxide + water §(i) sugar comes from food §(ii) oxygen comes from air §(iii) carbon dioxide is excreted thru’ lungs §(iv) energy is used for life processes or lost as heat (keeps body warm).

5 Breathing system To move air in and out of lungs for gaseous exchange. Gaseous exchange Diffusion of oxygen from lungs into blood. Movement of carbon dioxide from blood into lungs.

6 Respiration- Wee SC

7 Breathing System - Nasal Passage nasal cavity voice box windpipe epiglottis

8 Path taken by air to lungs. 1 Air passes through nasal passages, wind pipes and alveoli.** 2 Wind pipes are kept open by cartilage rings.** 3 Gaseous exchange takes place in alveoli.**

9 Air Sacs - Alveoli

10 Respiration- Wee SC The Rib cage How air enters and leaves the lungs Breathing 1 Chest expands to inhale 2 Chest contracts to exhale Is breathing voluntary?

11 Inhalation

12 Exhalation

13 The Rib Cage The Bell jar Compare and Contrast

14 Composition of air in the lungs

15 Respiration- Wee SC Experiment to show that exhaled air contains Carbon Dioxide

16 Respiration- Wee SC Indicator used to test for presence of Carbon Dioxide § calcium hydroxide § (lime water)

17 To test for presence of Carbon dioxide in Expired air

18 Respiration- Wee SC Gaseous exchange in alveoli

19 Pulmonary Circulation

20 Respiratory System

21 Air Sacs

22 Respiration- Wee SC Gaseous Exchange

23 Respiratory System Return

24 Respiration- Wee SC Exercise- Breathing Hard

25 Respiration- Wee SC Recovery period

26 Respiration- Wee SC Energy

27 Respiration- Wee SC Respiration in animal and plant

28 Gills of fish §Fish breathe with gills. §Gills are feather-like structures with a rich supply of blood vessels. §Gills are found under the gill covers of fish. Gill cover

29 Water enters the mouth of the fish … How a fish breathes in …

30 Water enters the mouth of the fish … … and flows over the gills. Oxygen passes through the walls of the blood vessels and into the blood. How a fish breathes in … Gills

31 Carbon dioxide passes through the walls of the blood vessels and dissolves in the water. How a fish breathes out …

32 Water with dissolved carbon dioxide flows out from under the gill cover. Carbon dioxide passes through the walls of the blood vessels and dissolves in the water. How a fish breathes out …

33 … through special nostrils called blowholes on top of their heads. Dolphins and whales breathe … blowhole

34 How do different animals breathe? § Lungs eg. Man, whale, seal, bat, snake, dog, cow § Moist skin eg. Frogs, toads, salamander, earthworm § Gills eg. Fish, tadpole, mudskipper § Breathing tube eg. Wriggler, water stick insect § Breathing holes eg. Ant, dragonfly

35 My Pals are Here! Science 4B © 2003 Times Media Private Limited Respiratory System in Plants underside of a leaf stoma Plants exchange gases with their surroundings through the stoma. You are reminded that under the Copyright Act, it is an offence to reproduce or copy any part of this presentation without permission from Times Media Private Limited.

36 At night oxygen carbon dioxide During respiration oxygen carbon dioxide During photosynthesis oxygen carbon dioxide During respiration In the day You are reminded that under the Copyright Act, it is an offence to reproduce or copy any part of this presentation without permission from Times Media Private Limited. My Pals are Here! Science 4B © 2003 Times Media Private Limited

37 Respiration- Wee SC Which is faster? What does it depend on? Respiration and Photosynthesis

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