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Radioactive Waste Handling Russian Federal Nuclear Center Academician Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF) Prof.Borisov V.N.,

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Presentation on theme: "Radioactive Waste Handling Russian Federal Nuclear Center Academician Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF) Prof.Borisov V.N.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radioactive Waste Handling Russian Federal Nuclear Center Academician Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF) Prof.Borisov V.N., Dr.Kuranov V.V., Brusentsov V.P.

2 Fire and Explosion-proof Storage of wastes from Industrial Processing of Metallic Uranium 1. Title of the Project: Development of Technology for Fire and Explosion Safe Storage of wastes from Industrial Processing of Metallic Uranium 2. Responsible of the Project: Prof.Victor N. Borisov, Deputy head of the Technological division. E-mail:, fax: 7-351-72-2-39-82 3. The goal of proposed Project is to develop a cheap technology of gas inhibition of fire- and explosion- proof storage and transportation of compacts of uranium shaving not requiring expensive reagents and special preparation for metallurgical reprocessing of compacts of uranium shaving..

3 Fire and Explosion-proof Storage of wastes from Industrial Processing of Metallic Uranium Mechanical reprocessing Decrease of irreversible material losses of metallurgical reprocessing Decrease of reusable material losses within the reprocessing Reprocessing technology optimization Shaving & compactization optimization Impregnation by mineral oil Oxidation up to oxides Preservation in controlled gas medium Storage & transportation optimization

4 Fire and Explosion-proof Storage of wastes from Industrial Processing of Metallic Uranium The following tasks are to be performed in the frames of the Project: ë Analyze up-to-date data on the status of research into kinetics of uranium and uranium-based alloys corrosion in gaseous media. ë Develop mathematical model for simulation of uranium corrosion in the gaseous media. ë Investigate kinetics of dominant uranium corrosion reactions. ë Develop technical means to provide conditions of operation and storage of research uranium-based alloys corrosion in gaseous media of container.

5 Fire and Explosion-proof Storage of wastes from Industrial Processing of Metallic Uranium 4. Expected results Activities performed in the frames of the Project will permit to develop a cheap technology & design of container for fire and explosion - proof storage and transportation of metallic uranium wastes without additional preparation for subsequent metallurgical reprocessing. 5. The number of people to be involved The work of 100 highly qualified specialists of Academician Zababakhin RFNC, Academician Bochvar Institution & Ural State Technical University is planned in the Project. 6. Project duration – 24 months. 7. Estimated total cost of the project– 290,000 $. Thank you for your attention.

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