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3SDW test case at NPS/CIRA Mike Barna NPS-ARD 5/29/13 National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "3SDW test case at NPS/CIRA Mike Barna NPS-ARD 5/29/13 National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 3SDW test case at NPS/CIRA Mike Barna NPS-ARD 5/29/13 National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior

2 Intro “first test case” CAMx run at NPS/CIRA a few weeks ago July 2008 (with 10 day spin-up) 36/12km domains (no 4 km domain) ~3 days wall clock time on 3GHz ‘westmere’ cpu’s w/OMP and hyperthreading

3 36/12/4 km domains

4 Process Copied CAMx inputs to local storage Built CAMx 5.41 w/OMP support Created python run script

5 Hiccups Some configuration of CAM v.5.41 Only one ‘initial condition’ file A little tedious to convert csh to python…would be easier to have

6 Results Appears to be good match w/ ‘primary’ species (NO, NH3) Some mismatch w/ozone NPS O3 concentrations generally higher Probably not due to initial conditions…persist to end of simulation

7 Example O3 difference (July 31, 2008)

8 Pilot study – NPS intermountain domain Emission sectors: O&G EGU’s Mobile Area Biogenic Perform in-house at NPS/CIRA Use CAMx DDM

9 WestJump and NPS policy issues WestJump is an ideal platform to ask questions about western US air quality: “where are the problem areas?” Base case run “who is contributing to the problem?” Source apportionment run “how would the problem respond to changing emissions?” DDM run “what will this look like in the future?” Future base case run

10 Total N deposition

11 PSAT tracers Sulfur (2 Tracers) o SO2 i Primary SO 2 emissions o PS4 i Particulate sulfate ion from primary emissions plus secondarily formed sulfate Nitrogen (7 Tracers) o RGN i Reactive gaseous nitrogen including primary NOx (NO + NO 2 ) emissions plus nitrate radical (NO 3 ), nitrous acid (HONO) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N 2 O 5 ). o TPN i Gaseous peroxyl acetyl nitrate (PAN) plus peroxy nitric acid (PNA) o NTR i Organic nitrates (RNO 3 ) o HN3 i Gaseous nitric acid (HNO 3 ) o PN3 i Particulate nitrate ion from primary emissions plus secondarily formed nitrate o NH3 i Gaseous ammonia (NH 3 ) o PN4 i Particulate ammonium (NH 4 )

12 Wish list Complete set of inputs Initial conditions 4km met & emissions More details regarding CAMx build Pre-merged SMOKE files Ancillary tools(?) Collected obs (CASTNet, NADP, IMPROVE, etc) UAM to netCDF conversion

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