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BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 Viorel POPA “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Galati,

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Presentation on theme: "BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 Viorel POPA “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Galati,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan Kick off Meeting, Samsun, 2013 Viorel POPA “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati Galati, Romania 1

2 2 1. “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati - UDJ 2. UDJ Networking activities 3. UDJ involvement in projects concerning energy consumption/ energy production/ energy efficiency issues 4. Primary Energy in Romania 5. Electrical Energy produced and delivered in grid in Romania 6. UDJ expertise 7. UDJ Role in BSBEEP 8. BSBEEP Partner Perception and Added Value Table of Contents

3 33 The University assumes the role of cultural and civic centre meant to contribute to the formation and dissemination of cultural values, to promote pluralism of options and the development of political and civic culture. The University also assumes the role of scientific and technological creation pole to support all economic, educational and social entities in the region. Its mission is to promote free thinking and the values attached to the principles of universality of knowledge. 1. “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati A forward-thinking, modern and student-oriented institution, „Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati has a firm commitment to generate and transfer knowledge to society through: a)Initial and continuous education through undergraduate and post graduated programs for self-development, job insertion in an attempt to meet the skill demands of the social and economic environment; b) Research, development, innovation and technology transfer, through individual and collective creativity in science, engineering sciences, economic sciences, arts, letters, sciences, humanities, health sciences, legal sciences, providing sports performance and physical development, and results dissemination.

4 4 1. “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati Number of employees: 1273 Annual turn-over or budget: 114.704.136 RON Overview of your main activities: Teachig; Research Main Networking activities

5 5 2. “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati Networking activities Students can take advantage of the European Community programs such as Erasmus and Leonardo which give them the opportunity to expend their horizons in Europe. The incoming exchange students from Europe, the foreign students from non European countries such as Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan, the post graduated students from African countries supported by the national Agency of Fracophonie, free-movers, students of Romanian origins living abroad (from Moldova, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and other neighbouring countries) along with the native students from all over the country contribute to a close-knit friendly multicultural student community.

6 6 Research National Programme MENER - Agreement nr. 331/332/2003 – “Procedure to evaluate and to improve the efficiency in grid” Beneficiary: The Minister of Education and Research. Parteners: o “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – Coordinator; o SC ELECTRICA SA Bucureşti – Partner; o SC FDFEE Muntenia Nord SA – Co-financing Partner. Details: 3. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati involvement in projects concerning energy consumption/ energy production/ energy efficiency issues

7 7 Research National Programme PNCDI 2007-2010 Agreement nr. 21-017/2007 „Evaluation Methods for the Quality of Electrical Energy to Increase Energetic Efficiency in Electrical Systems to which Renewable Sources are also Connected - MECENER” Partners: o University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati – Coordinator; o University “Politehnic a” of Buc ureti – Partner 1; o S.C. CEPR OHAR T S.A. Brăila – Partner 2. Details: 3. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati involvement in projects concerning energy consumption/ energy production/ energy efficiency issues

8 8 Research National Programme PNCDI 2007-2010; Agreement nr 21-065 /2007 “New solutions for power supply in residential and public building” – ENHIT Partners: o Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti – Group MicroDERLab – Coordinator; o ICPE SA – Partner 1; o SC COELCO SRL Bucuresti – Partner 2; o University "Dunarea de Jos" Galati – Partner 3 Details: 3. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati involvement in projects concerning energy consumption/ energy production/ energy efficiency issues

9 9 Grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA financial mechanism “Integrated micro CCHP - Stirling Engine based on renewable energy sources for the isolated residential consumers from South-East region of Romania (m- CCHP-SE)” Partners: o University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati – Coordinator; o SINTEF (Norway) – Partner; o IPA S.A. - Commercial Company Research - Design and Manufacturing Automation Equipment and Installations - Partner; o ICPE S.A. - Electrical Engineering Research Institute - Partner Details: 3. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati involvement in projects concerning energy consumption/ energy production/ energy efficiency issues

10 10 4. Primary Energy in Romania


12 12 5. Electrical Energy produced and delivered in grid in Romania 2011 2009 Nuclear 21% Hidro 29% Gaseous 11% Liquid 2% Solid 37% Nuclear: 18,4 % Hidro 27,71% Biomass: 1,18 % Wind: 2,05 % Solid 37,29% Liquid 0,56% Gaseous 12,79% 2010 Nuclear 19,11 % Hidro 35,68% Gaseous 10,38% Liquid 0,70% Solid 32,74% Biomass: 0,41 % Wind: 0,54 % Others: 0,45 % Sun: 0,00 %

13 13 6. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati expertise In “Dunarea de Jos” University there are laboratory involved in energy efficiency for students and for research like: Thermal systems; HVAC systems Power Quality Renewablw sources

14 Thermal Equipments : Refrigerating, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems 14 6. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati expertise

15 Environmental Engineering Sustainable Energy Developmentl Engineering 15 6. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati expertise

16 Energy Audits 16 6. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati expertise

17 Environmental Technologies and Management 17 6. “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati expertise

18 18 The “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati will be actively involved in all Groups of Activities.. 7. UDJG Role in BSBEEP WPGA1GA2GA3GA4GA5 Activity1234512341234123451234 UDJGXXXXXXXXXXX

19 8. BSBEEP Partner Perception and Added Value Development of appropriate applied best practices concerning energy efficiency issues; Developing relationships with educational structures in the Black Sea basin countries; Strengthening collaboration between “Dunarea de Jos” University and local authorities; Sharing knowledge and expertise in the local community 19

20 Contact details Name of your institution: “Dunarea de Jos” Uiversity of Galati Name of contact person/s for BSBEEP project: Viorel POPA; Gelu GURGUIATU e-mail of contact person/s:; Mobile Phone: +40721804500; +40730678362 Skype address: ……..) 20

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