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Indoor Environmental Quality. The well-being of people depends largely on their health and comfort as well as on the safety level of conditions under.

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Presentation on theme: "Indoor Environmental Quality. The well-being of people depends largely on their health and comfort as well as on the safety level of conditions under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indoor Environmental Quality

2 The well-being of people depends largely on their health and comfort as well as on the safety level of conditions under which they perform their main activities of living, working and transportation. These activities take place in an enclosed space in which people spend more than 90 per cent of their time (Jenkins et al., 1990), and in more than 40 per cent of the enclosed spaces, people suffer from health, comfort- and safety-related complaints and illnesses.

3 Indoor Environmental Quality Indoor characteristics that most affect human health are connected to thermal comfort, lighting, moisture, mould and noise. Complaints are also related to sickness absence rates of office workers due to the sick building syndrome (SBS) and building-related illnesses (BRI).

4 Indoor Environmental Quality The ideal situation is an indoor environment that satisfies all occupants and does not unnecessarily increase the risk or severity of illness or injury. The satisfaction of people (comfort) and health status are influenced by numerous factors: general well-being, mental drive, job satisfaction, technical competence, career achievements, home/work interface, relationship with others, personal circumstances, organizational matters, etc. and last but not least environmental factors,

5 Indoor Environmental Factors Indoor Air Quality: odour, indoor air pollution, fresh air supply, etc.; Thermal comfort: moisture, air velocity, temperature; Acoustical quality: noise from outside, indoors, vibrations; Visual or lighting quality: view, illuminance, luminance ratios, reflection; Aesthetic quality.

6 The Sick Building Syndrome is a combination of ailments associated with an individual's place of work or residence. is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building.

7 The Sick Building Syndrome is the name given to a set of varied symptoms experienced predominantly by people working in air conditioned buildings, although it has also been observed in naturally ventilated buildings.

8 Indicators of SBS Building occupants complain of symptoms associated with acute discomfort, e.g., headache; eye, nose, or throat irritation; dry cough; dry or itchy skin; dizziness and nausea; difficulty in concentrating; fatigue; and sensitivity to odors. The cause of the symptoms is not known. Most of the complainants report relief soon after leaving the building.

9 Symptomatology These symptoms may occur singly or in combination with each other. 1. Nasal manifestations The symptoms most frequently experienced are nasal irritation with rhinorrhoea and nasal obstruction, usually described as 'nasal stuffiness’ 2. Ocular manifestations Dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. 3. Orooharvngeal manifestations Dryness and irritation of the throat.

10 Symptomatology 4. Cutaneous manifestations Dryness and irritation of the skin, occasionally associated with a rash on exposed skin surfaces. 5. General manifestations Headaches and generalised lethargy and tiredness leading to poor concentration.

11 Causes of SBS Inadequate ventilation Chemical contaminants from indoor sources Chemical contaminants from outdoor sources Biological contaminants

12 Risk Factors Physical Chemical Biological Psychological

13 The Physical Factors Temperature The standards for maintaining a c e r t a i n acceptable level of comfort and occupational activity fluctuate between 20° and 26 °, taking into account the clothing and the relative humidity.

14 The Physical Factors Relative Humidity It is known that high values (above 70%), particularly associated with high temperature, are uncomfortable and health may be threatened, at least through the development of surface condensation and mould growth.

15 The Physical Factors Ventilation The latest information (IEA) indicates that a rate of approximately 8 litres per second (nearly 30 m3/h) per person (sedentary activity) will be adequate for non smoking areas in order to extract the bioeffluents of man (odours).

16 The Physical Factors Artificial Light Varying both the quantity of ultraviolet light and the ventilation, noted a reduction in eye symptoms. Visual stress plays a part in the development of eye irritation and headache.

17 The Physical Factors Noise and Vibrations The nature of the noise is important. It is more likely that low frequency noise (20-100 Hz) which is found in buildings with industrial machines or ventilation machinery may cause problems. Vibrations produced in the neighbourhood of buildings (for instance underground railways) have also been accused of being a contributory factor.

18 The Physical Factors Ions There is a hypothesis that the lack of negative ions in the atmosphere may also be responsible for SBS. Negative ionizers have been described releasing significant amounts of ozone, a potent airway irritant.

19 The Physical Factors Particles and Fibers Dust in the indoor air consists of organic and inorganic particles many of which can be classified as fibres. Man made mineral fibres (MMMF) have been a matter of concern. MMMF come mainly from acoustic ceilings. The fibres are transferred from such surfaces to skin and eyes normally by direct hand contact.

20 The Chemical Factors Environmental Tobacco Smoke Sick building syndrome is statistically more pronounced in smokers than in non smokers. It is responsible for mucous membrane Irritation. Tobacco smoke contains several hundred chemical compounds with particularly toxic constituents and that tobacco can also act as an allergen affecting the bronchial or alveolar immune defence mechanisms

21 The Chemical Factors Formaldehyde It has been suggested that formaldehyde may be the cause of sick building syndrome since it irritates both the eyes and the upper or lower respiratory tract. It may also be responsible for allergic disorders including asthma.

22 The Chemical Factors Volatile Organic Compounds are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary, room-temperature conditions. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air.

23 The Chemical Factors Biocides Biocides are currently used in most cold water spray humidifiers t o control microbial growth. These products are highly irritant in concentrated form; when dispersed in the indoor atmosphere, at low concentrations, they may cause mucous membrane irritation in susceptible individuals.

24 The Chemical Factors Other gaseous substance Carbon Dioxide is a gas which occurs naturally in the atmosphere and is an indicator of adequate ventilation within buildings. Carbon Monoxide is produced in incomplete combustion processes: unvented heating, gas cooking, tobacco smoking. Nitrogen Dioxide is also a possible source of irritation, especially in households using unvented heating or gas cooking.

25 The Chemical Factors Other gaseous substance Ozone, which is an irritant to the respiratory tract, may be produced by photocopying machines, laser printers and certain types of ionizers. Sulphur dioxide, from outside pollution enters buildings by air infiltration. The gas is irritant to mucous membranes.

26 The Chemical Factors Other gaseous substance Odours, Many gases and vapours give rise to sensory discomfort from odour and irritation, which may be a disturbing factor, leading to anxiety and stress,

27 The Biological Factors Mite - along with ticks, are small arthropods belonging to the subclass and the class Arachnida. Dust mites cause several forms of allergic diseases, including hay fever, asthma and eczema and are known to aggravate atopic dermatitis.

28 The Biological Factors Mold - is applied to a large and taxonomically diverse number of fungal species where their growth results in a moldy appearance of objects, especially food Mold spores are a common component of household and workplace dust. However, when mold spores are present in large quantities, they can present a health hazard to humans, potentially causing allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

29 The Psychological Factors SBS may well be responsible for the stress. Psychological factors may play a role by increasing the stress of people and thus making them more susceptible to environmental factors.

30 The Psychological Factors Psychosocial factors are associated with the prevalence of mucosal irritation and general symptoms. The psychophysical load at the working place can cause eye irritations, tiredness and headache, and can be an additional factor for complaints on indoor climate and indoor air quality

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