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Make the recycling collection Try to make the recycling collection both at home and at school.

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3 Make the recycling collection Try to make the recycling collection both at home and at school

4 Use your bike Don’t use private cars if you do short journeys

5 Use public transports Don’t pollute the air and use the public transport to move

6 Use glasses and plates Don’t use plastic plates and bags

7 Use biodegradable bags When you go the grocery store use biodegradable bags

8 Use eco-friendly nappies Traditional nappies’s degradation requires 500 years

9 Use low consumption light bulbs they consume 5 times less and last 10 times longer

10 Use rechargeable batteries Batteries can be recharged up to 500 times



























37 Glossary Classe IIIB

38 Chlorofluorocarbons Chemical hazardous compounds widely used as refrigerants, cleaning solvents and aerosol propellants

39 Ecology The study of the relationship between plants, animals, people and their environment

40 Acid rain It is caused by acid discharged into the atmosphere from factories

41 Green peace Active environmentalist group

42 Greenhouse

43 Ozone Thin layer of triatomic oxygen that absorbs the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation

44 Pollution The contamination of water, air and atmosphere by means of poisonous chemicals and other substances

45 Biodegradable What decomposes without any special treatment and is thrown away without causing pollution

46 Overpopulation Excessive population of an area causing depletion of natural resources and environmental deterioration.

47 Melting of ice caps When a high latitude region that is covered with ice becomes smaller and slowly disappears

48 Global warming The rise in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and of oceans


50 Burning plastic releases dioxins and nanoparticles, highly polluting substances for man

51 The solution is one:

52 Pretend that plastic bags do not exist: If you throw the plastic in a landfill it takes more than 1000 years before it decomposes

53 Consume local products: the transport of goods consumes oil and increases the greenhouse effect.

54 Get the sun. How? With the solar pannels.

55 Change the car: choose natural gas or gpl. And, above all, use it as little as possible


57 To store food use glass and aluminum

58 Use energy saving light bulbs: they consume 5 times less and last 10 times longer.

59 Disposable? No, thanks. Use rechargeable batteries: batteries can be recharged up to 500 times.

60 Recycling is the smartest and the most important contribution you can give to the environment


62 ”together we make the difference”

63 … a set of strategies to recover materials from waste to be re-used Classe IIIC


65 Collection Pick to separate it from impure materials Pressing and Tying bales Reduction in mixture Spreading of mixture and production of these materials

66 Collection Separation of the different types of glass Crushing Which becomes a secondaryRaw material Transport in glassware Fusion and Solidification with the formation of a new container

67 Collection Separation from magnetic materials throught a separator Pressing To bales Fusion at 800° and production of ingots

68 Collection Separation From different materials Trituration And Dessication Granulation and production of new objects

69 Collection Treatment Transformation into Electrical,thermal Energy and Composting

70 Composting is a biological process that brought to the production of a mixture called compost consisting of animals or vegetal residues.

71 … reuse the raw materials, reduce waste in landfils, reduce pollution, save energy and money. Recycling…


73 Throughout most of history, the «amount» of waste generated by humans was insignificant Low population density Low exploitation of natural resources Irrilevant amount of waste Common waste produced during pre- modern times was mainly ashes and human «biodegradable waste» and these were released back into the ground locally, with minimum «environmental impact» Tools made out of wood or metal were generally reused or passed down through the generations

74 However, some civilizations do seem to have been more profligate in their waste output… Maya, for instance, used to have a fixed monthly ritual, in which the people of the village would gather together and burn their rubbish in large «dumps» An example of Maya’s dump

75 The modern era represents a time of changes: following the onset of industrialization and the sustained urban growth of large population centres, the build up of waste in the cities caused a rapid deterioration of sanitation and the general quality of urban life. industrialization Waste increasing Deterioration of the conditions of life

76 Waste management consists of different stages :  collection of rubbish  transport  disposal  managing  monitoring  recycling

77 « Waste management» usually relates to the materials produced by the human activities and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment and the quality of urban life. There are different kinds of waste materials: solid, liquid, gaseous and radioactive materials. Waste management practices aren’t equal all over the world, in fact they can differ for developed and developing countries, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while commercial and industrial waste management is usually the responsibility of local, national or international authorities.

78 Liquid waste Gaseous waste Radioactive waste Solid Waste

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