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Organic Chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Chemistry

2 Organic Chemistry The chemistry of carbon compounds
Sometimes called carbon chemistry

3 Organic Chemistry The backbone element in the molecules of all living things is carbon

4 Carbon Chemistry Carbon is one of the only elements that can form long chains Carbon can form 4 covalent bonds

5 Organic Chemistry Carbon forms covalent bonds with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and the halogens

6 Hydrocarbons

7 Hydrocarbons Compounds whose molecular structures contain only carbon & hydrogen

8 Hydrocarbons CH4 C5H10 C3H8 C18H36 C6H6 CxH2y

9 Nomenclature Naming compounds Rules made by IUPAC
International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry

10 Nomenclature Prefix: Indicates # of carbons in the group
Suffix: Indicates the type of organic compd

11 Organic Prefixes 1 = meth- 6 = hex- 2 = eth- 7 = hept-
3 = prop- 8 = oct- 4 = but- 9 = non- 5 = pent- 10 = dec-

12 Organic Suffixes -ane Sat hydrocarbon -ene DB hydrocarbon
-yne TB hydrocarbon -ol Alcohol -one Ketone etc

13 Alkanes

14 Alkanes Hydrocarbons containing only single covalent bonds

15 Alkanes All hydrocarbons with no multiple bonds end with the suffix -ane Prefix: Alk- any length carbon chain

16 Alkanes 1 = methane 6 = hexane 2 = ethane 7 = heptane
3 = propane 8 = octane 4 = butane 9 = nonane 5 = pentane 10 = decane

17 Drill Name & give the molecular formula for alkanes with 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 carbons

18 Alkane Chemical Formula

19 Name each of the following: C5H12 C3H8 C8H18

20 Saturated Hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with the maximum number of hydrogens possible

21 Unsaturated Hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with less than the maximum number of hydrogens possible

22 Formula Writing Molecular Formula C4H10

23 Condensed structural formula, C-C & C-H bonds understood
Formula Writing Condensed structural formula, C-C & C-H bonds understood CH3CH2CH2CH3

24 Condensed structural formula, only C-H bonds understood
Formula Writing Condensed structural formula, only C-H bonds understood CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3

25 Condensed structural formula, bonds understood & repeats in ()
Formula Writing Condensed structural formula, bonds understood & repeats in () CH3(CH2)2CH3

26 Carbon skeleton, C-H bonds omitted
Formula Writing Carbon skeleton, C-H bonds omitted C-C-C-C

27 Complete structural formula
Formula Writing Complete structural formula H H H H H C C C C H

28 Stick or minimal Structures

29 Stick Structures Line ends & joints represent carbons
Hydrogens understood Others draw

30 Draw the following Propane octane hexane pentane butane methane
heptane ethane

31 Draw the following 5-butyl-3-ethyl-4-cyclohexyl-,2,2-dimethyl-6-propylnonane

32 Name the following

33 Branched Alkanes

34 Branched Chains When an alkane chain gets another hydrocarbon group substituted onto it Branches: sidechains

35 Branched Chains C C C C C C C C C C

36 Naming Branched Chains

37 ) Find the longest continuous carbon chain & name it as the main chain
) Find the longest continuous carbon chain & name it as the main chain. The final name will end with the naming of the main chain

38 C Hexane C C C C C C C C C

39 ) Number each carbon in the chain; so that, the side chains will be connected to the lowest possible numbers on the carbons

40 C Hexane C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C C C

41 ) Name the side chains or substituted groups, & precede them with the # of the carbon they are connected to & a dash

42 C 2-methyl C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C C C 2-methyl 4-ethyl

43 ) If identical groups appear more than once, use prefixes: di for 2, tri for 3, tetra for 4, penta for 5, etc Examples: dimethyl, tripropyl, etc

44 C 2,2-dimethyl C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C C C 4-ethyl

45 ) Name the sidechains or groups in alphabetical order, but ignore the prefixes when doing so
Examples: ethyl comes before dimethyl, e < m

46 ) Separate numbers with commas, use hyphens between words & numbers, and write the alkanes as one word Example: dimethylhexane

47 C C C C C C C C C C 4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane

48 Drill: Name CH3 CH2 H3C-CH-CH2-CH-CH-CH3 CH CH2

49 Deriving Structures from Names
Draw the main chain first Look the name ending Draw the branches Look the # & group name

50 Draw: 3,4-diethyl-2-methyloctane 2,3,5-trimethylhexane

51 5-butyl-3-ethyl-2,6,8,9-tetramethyl-4,7-dipropyldecane
Drill: Draw: 5-butyl-3-ethyl-2,6,8,9-tetramethyl-4,7-dipropyldecane

52 Isomers Compounds that have the same chemical formula, but different shapes

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