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“Alexandru cel Bun” School, Iasi, Romania Burlacu Ionut-Mihai Al-Mousa Kais VIII-th Grade.

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1 “Alexandru cel Bun” School, Iasi, Romania Burlacu Ionut-Mihai Al-Mousa Kais VIII-th Grade

2 a)General data: Chemical symbol : Z=1 => 1p +, 1e - (single proton, single electron), first element in the periodic table the atomic weight is : A = Z + n 0 => n 0 =A-Z= =1-1=0 Electronic configuration:

3 Isotopes of hydrogen: -light hydrogen (protium) {1p +, 1e -, 0n 0 -heavy hydrogen (deuterium) {1p +, 1e -, 1n 0 -very heavy hydrogen (tritium) {1p +, 1e -, 2n 0

4 Formation of the H 2 molecule M H 2 = 2A H = 2 1 = 2g/mol 1 mol H 2 = 6,023 10 23 molecule H 2 Single covalent bonds or

5 b) Manufacture ways a.Reaction between alkaline metals and water. 2Na + 2H-OH => 2NaOH + H 2 ↑ Sodium WaterSodium hydroxide Hydrogen

6 b. Reaction between alkaline earth metals and water. Ca + 2H-OH => Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 ↑ Calcium Water Calcium hydroxide Hydrogen

7 c. Reaction between active metals and acids Mg + 2HCl => MgCl 2 + H 2 ↑ Magnesium Chlorhydric acid Magnesium Hydrogen chloride d. Electronic decomposition 2 H 2 O ======> 2 H 2 + O 2 WaterHydrogen Oxigen

8 d) Physical properties of H 2 gas; 14,45 lighter than air; colourless, odorless, tasteless, Diffuses through porous surfaces insoluble in water and soap solution.

9 e) Chemical properties of H 2 * H 2 burns with an explosion, but does not sustain burning. it is considered the fuel of the future as it does not pollute the air: H 2 + O 2 => H 2 O * H 2 – reaction with other non-metals Cl 2 S C N 2

10 Reaction with Halogens: H 2 + Cl 2 => 2HCl Hydrogen ChlorineChlorhydric Acid Reaction with Sulphur: H 2 + S => H 2 S Hydrogen Sulphur Hydrogen sulphide

11 3H 2 + N 2 => 2NH 3 HydrogenNitrogenAmmonia 2H 2 + C => CH 4 Hydrogen Carbon Methane

12 * Reaction with metallic oxides: H 2 + HgO => H 2 O + Hg↓ Hydrogen Mercury oxide Water Mercury

13 * Reaction with non-metallic oxides H 2 + CO 2 => H 2 O + C↓ Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Water carbon (black) 2H 2 + SO 2 => 2H 2 O + S↓ Hydrogen Sulphur dioxide Water Sulphur(yellow)

14 e)Use: -laboratory synthesis; - Industrial synthesis; - hydrogenating organic substances; - obtaining metals; - cutting and welding metals; -fuel for the future.

15 THE END Thank you for watching! Thank you for watching!

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