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Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming
PhD student: José Antonio Torres Supervisor: Daniel Montané Wood Biopolymers Group

2 Presentation outline Introduction Motivation Overall Objective
Research scope Catalyst preparation & characterization Reactor engineering Workplan Project stages and work packages

3 Presentation outline Introduction Motivation Overall Objective
Research scope Catalyst preparation & characterization Reactor engineering Workplan Project stages and work packages

4 Where the problem came from
Environmental problems Atmospheric pollution Greenhouse effect Global dependency on fossil fuels Fair balance between: limited oil reserves increasing oil consumption

5 Generating solutions Desired characteristics Major improve
Renewable energy source Easy to: produce, store and transport Widely available Environmentally friendly Reasonable cost is a MUST Major improve in the technology for producing energy

6 Deciding the course of action
Reactor Module Biomass Catalytic Reaction Fuel Cell Energy High efficiency

7 Objective H2 H2O CO2 Steam reforming reaction C2H5OH+3H2O 2CO2+6H2
Reactor Module Ethanol H2 H2O CO2 Combustion Separation Steam reforming reaction C2H5OH+3H2O 2CO2+6H2 DHr=173.1 kJ/mol

8 Presentation outline Research scope
Introduction Motivation Overall Objective Research scope Catalyst preparation & characterization Reactor engineering Workplan Project stages and work packages

9 Catalytic reactor scopes
Micro: Catalyst Levels Meso: Reactor Macro: Process

10 Catalyst preparation & characterization
Active Phase High Surface Area Longevity/Strength Chemistry Materials Science Engineering Product characteristics Knowledge required Performance on Activity Selectivity Stability

11 Reactor design Configurations Packed Bed Monolith Performance on
Reaction kinetics Hydrodynamics/Pressure drop Mass/heat transfer

12 Presentation outline Workplan Project stages and work packages
Introduction Motivation Overall Objective Research scope Catalyst preparation & characterization Reactor engineering Workplan Project stages and work packages

13 Project stages and work packages
Prepare the catalyst Start Is the experimental equipment working appropriately? No Yes Perform an experimental test Prepare the packed bed reactor Is the catalyst adequate? Analyze performance No Yes Prepare the monolith Look for variations Perform experiments Analyze performance Report findings Is the monolith giving satisfactory results? No Yes

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