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OCSD Case Study Hydrogen from Sewage

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1 OCSD Case Study Hydrogen from Sewage
SCAP Energy Management Committee Meeting July 28, 2009 Layne Baroldi Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Supervisor Orange County Sanitation District 1

2 Orange County, California
OCSD Service Area 471 square miles 220 million gallons per day 2.5 million population 21 cities, 3 special districts 568 miles sewer lines pumping facilities treatment plants Orange County, California Newport Beach Fountain Valley Santa Ana Los Alamitos Buena Park Fullerton Tustin Garden Grove La Habra Brea Placentia Yorba Linda Anaheim Orange La Palma Cypress Westminster Irvine Stanton Villa Costa Mesa Huntington Seal Reclamation Plant No. 1 Treatment Plant No. 2 Pacific Ocean Ocean Pipeline

3 Wastewater Plant Diagram
Influent Effluent Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Solids Processing Central Power Generation System Engines Solids Reuse Solids Dewatering Digestors



6 Full-scale Hydrogen Energy Station
300kW molten carbonate fuel cell From digester gas Natural gas as a back up fuel source Co-produce electric power, hydrogen and thermal energy

7 Industrial Environmental Coalition of Orange County
4/14/2017November 20, 2008 Participants + + Orange Co. Sanitation District (OCSD) ---Host site/utilities/digester gas U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) – Cost sharing Air Products and Chemicals (APCI) – Engineering/Operation Fuel Cell Energy (FCE) – Fuel Cell Power Plant National Fuel Cell Research Center (UCI) – Data acquisition/validation South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) – Grant funding

8 12-Month Study Determine quantity and quality of hydrogen
Maximize electricity and hydrogen Optimize process efficiency Establish a hydrogen fueling station Analyze data to determine economic and environmental benefits

9 Environmental Goals Create an alternative to gasoline
Governor’s “Hydrogen Highway” Emissions reduction from digester gas combustion Clean / renewable energy source


11 Renewable H2 Energy Station Vision
Treatment Plant Heat Power Fuel Cell Biogas Heat Solids Treatment Assume 1.5 – 1.7 Cars per Household (US = 1.7, Britain = 1.5) The system we are demonstrating could easily support a 100 home community with electricity and hydrogen for fueling. Fuel Cell Energy’s larger product the DFC-1500 could support a 500 home community. One thing you should note about this program is that we are harnassing the knowledge and efficiencies that reside in elements of existing technology. There is no fundamental novel advance in any one technology required but rather a combining of technologies, ideas, and people in a way that hopefully results in a technological breakthrough. Robert Fulton combined a steam engine with a sailing ship to radically alter global commerce. He didn’t invent the steamship so much as bring together the right technical components, business ideas, people to make it work. We haven’t invented the coproduction system but I do believe that we are bringing together the right technologies, the right people, and the right experiences that like the way Robert Fulton radically altered global commerce, we are hoping to radically alter global energy by advancing the development of a viable solution for hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Hydrogen Fueling Station Digesters Natural gas (backup)

12 Hydrogen Co-Production using MCFC
Air WGS Shift Biogas Heat Exchangers Heat recovery Water gas shift Cooling and water recovery Hydrogen recovery Tailgas integration H2 Purification Hydrogen

13 Digester Gas Fed DFC® Power Plants Sierra Nevada Brewery, CA
Wastewater Treatment, Santa Barbara, CA Sierra Nevada Brewery, CA Kirin Brewery, Japan This is a photo of two power plants in California. As you can see, they don’t take up a lot of room but they are kicking out a total of 500 kWs of power. They are using what’s called anaerobic digester gas (produced when wastewater is treated) to generate the electricity that Santa Barbara uses to run the plant and the excess can be sold back to the electric company. Provided by:

14 Fuel Cells can contribute to reducing targeted emissions
Industrial Environmental Coalition of Orange County 4/14/2017November 20, 2008 Fuel Cells can contribute to reducing targeted emissions Target Reduction Fuel Cell Reduction VOCs – 250 to 30 ppm (88%) VOC – ND NOx – 40 to 11 ppm (73%) NOx – 0.3 ppm CO – 600 to 200 ppm (67%) CO – 10 ppm SCAQMD Rule on CGS 14

15 Industrial Environmental Coalition of Orange County
November 20, 2008 Layne Baroldi (714) Orange County Sanitation District Questions or to Schedule a Tour OCSD plant tours can be scheduled Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for groups of five or more. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance. OCSD will also offer regularly scheduled tours for individuals or groups of less than five on September 30, and November 25 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. 15

16 Central Power Generation System at Plant No .1

17 CNG Facility

18 CNG Dispensers


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