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Published byAylin Rogers Modified over 9 years ago
Very weak electromagnetic fields at the appropriate frequencies can be as effective, or even better, than other approaches for reducing inflammation, counteracting diseases, and enhancing longevity. The mechanism involves resonance, the process by which a field of a particular frequency or wavelength can transfer vibrational energy to an object. Very weak electromagnetic fields at the appropriate frequencies can be as effective, or even better, than other approaches for reducing inflammation, counteracting diseases, and enhancing longevity. The mechanism involves resonance, the process by which a field of a particular frequency or wavelength can transfer vibrational energy to an object.
Clinical applications of electromagnetic resonance have the advantage that they can act at a distance using tiny fields that excite or energize natural processes taking place deep within the body. Clinical applications of electromagnetic resonance have the advantage that they can act at a distance using tiny fields that excite or energize natural processes taking place deep within the body. James Oschman, PhD James Oschman, PhD
Specific Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields Specific Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields (SPEMF) adjust treatment to the individual patient and the process can take place in the Main Focus Area (SPEMF) adjust treatment to the individual patient and the process can take place in the Main Focus Area
The National Osteoporosis Foundation in the The National Osteoporosis Foundation in the USA reported that : USA reported that :
Osteoporosis and low bone mass are currently estimated to be a major public health threat for almost 44 million U.S. women and men aged 50 and older. The 44 million people with either osteoporosis or low bone mass represent 55 percent of the people aged 50 and older in the United States. Additional efforts must be made to stem this disease, which may be largely prevented with lifestyle considerations and appropriate treatment.
using specific pulsing em fields using specific pulsing em fields cause a dramatic pain relief in patients with cause a dramatic pain relief in patients with severe osteoporosis severe osteoporosis how does this work? how does this work?
The Facts The Facts Behind a Successful Medical Clinic Behind a Successful Medical Clinic
Specific pulsating electromagnetic fields
Erwin Schrödinger The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933
Abstract Aging is undoubtedly a lack of energy Aging is undoubtedly a lack of energy Erwin Schroedinger: The energy to do the work, to keep up life in the living matrix, comes from photons. Erwin Schroedinger: The energy to do the work, to keep up life in the living matrix, comes from photons. Photons are attracted to any protein, DNA site, molecule, electron if their spectral wave matches that one of the other protein or electron. Matching means resonance takes place and sublte energies would build up enormous energies needed to dynamise aging or ailing tissues or to build up food. Photons are attracted to any protein, DNA site, molecule, electron if their spectral wave matches that one of the other protein or electron. Matching means resonance takes place and sublte energies would build up enormous energies needed to dynamise aging or ailing tissues or to build up food.
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain to oscillate at maximum amplitude at certain frequencies frequencies
Left: Energie level diagram of the ground and excited states of chlorophyll a and β -carotene. Right: Two-Photon excitation spectroscopy (red line with red dots) enables the measurement of spectra of the carotenoid dark state within intact pigment-protein complexes. The example shows spectra of Photosystem I: Absorption spectrum (green line), Fluorescence spectrum (black line) and the already mentioned two-photon excitation spectrum (red line). For details see M. Hilbert, A. Wehling, E. Schlodder and P. J. Walla
The question is: How do we get photons which match ailing How do we get photons which match ailing tissue structures? tissue structures?
Specific pulsating electromagnetic fields They resonate individually with each living They resonate individually with each living tissue tissue
SPECIFIC EM FIELDS Find the ailing tissues Find the ailing tissues Tell us where to treat Tell us where to treat Tell us how to treat Tell us how to treat Based on Resonance Based on Resonance
Tissue specific pulsing em fields resonate and heal aging tissues They induce photon activity which is They induce photon activity which is accordingly specific to that tissue accordingly specific to that tissue photon activity is induced through manipulation photon activity is induced through manipulation of tissue hydrogen and electrons with pem fields of tissue hydrogen and electrons with pem fields
RESONANCE Kernspintomograph (MRT)
Cellular control, function, and repair Cellular control, function, and repair depends upon photon activity in cells depends upon photon activity in cells and tissue. Photons activate proteins…. and tissue. Photons activate proteins…. By Resonance By Resonance
Steroid receptors are zinc finger proteins
Fundamental chemical law In order to activate the receptor protein, it In order to activate the receptor protein, it must be excited must be excited În the living matrix this is done by Photon În the living matrix this is done by Photon Resonance with the protein Resonance with the protein
Light consists of different colors Light consists of different colors
It travels in packages It travels in packages Packages are called “photons” Packages are called “photons”
Dispersion of light through a prism
Spectroscopy and Specificity
Gilbert Newton Lewis, 1875 -1946 named light quanta “photons”
What is the healing force? Photons are the secret Photons are the secret
Living cells are emitting light Living cells are emitting light Living cells absorb light Living cells absorb light Professor Fritz Popp, Germany
Biophoton Emisson from Leaf Professor Fritz-Alfred Popp
Professor Fritz Popp Tissue in pain is emitting less photons Tissue in pain is emitting less photons Dead cells do not emit photons Dead cells do not emit photons
Popp: Popp: P hotons represent the electromagnetic P hotons represent the electromagnetic backbone of cells and tissues backbone of cells and tissues
If you reduce the number of photons below a critical number, the whole field structure of the tissue dramatically collapses into a new setting. If you reduce the number of photons below a critical number, the whole field structure of the tissue dramatically collapses into a new setting. The new setting may not be compatible with live and rapid aging takes place. The new setting may not be compatible with live and rapid aging takes place. One photon could be the critical turning point One photon could be the critical turning point
Myungshik Kim and Marco Bellini Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata Florence, Italy European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy Subtracting one photon from the light field
Which health conditions benefit from SPEMF? Countless conditions Countless conditions For instance: For instance: Specific pulsing em fields are very Specific pulsing em fields are very effective in osteoporosis effective in osteoporosis
Bone healing Bone healing especially non jointed fractures especially non jointed fractures
Numerous other disorders Tinnitus Brain disorders Any infections/parasites AutismAllergiesBladderProstate Eye problems Cancer (much better tolerance of chemotherapy) chemotherapy)Pre-operationPost-operation Back problems etc
Are there any contra-indications for pulsating electromagnetic frequencies ? No ! No ! On the contrary ! Using specific modalities such as low intensities and low frequencies, they boost the repair field of cells and tissues through resonance.
Field Intensity, Field Strength 50 – 500 Gaus 50 – 500 Gaus 5 – 50 milli Tesla 5 – 50 milli Tesla
Field intensities used in medicine: MRI 1.5 – 4.5 Tesla MRI 1.5 – 4.5 Tesla Shock therapy in psychiatry 2 Tesla Shock therapy in psychiatry 2 Tesla
0.1-32.000 Hz Low and extremely low frequencies are very Low and extremely low frequencies are very effective for tissue repair and anti aging effective for tissue repair and anti aging because they have a long wavelength because they have a long wavelength
You will bring hope to countless people You will bring hope to countless people
Pulsating specific em fields Pulsating specific em fields are “heating up” the ailing tissues by exciting their hydrogen atoms and electrons. are “heating up” the ailing tissues by exciting their hydrogen atoms and electrons. Consequently photons are emitted. Consequently photons are emitted. It is the same principle as in the MRI and It is the same principle as in the MRI and emission spectroscopy. emission spectroscopy.
With permission of James Oschman PhD
Then: Then: Healing takes place by specific photon Healing takes place by specific photon absorption by cellular structures (DNA) absorption by cellular structures (DNA) etc. etc. The same principle as in absorption spectroscopy. The same principle as in absorption spectroscopy.
The photon pump - Erwin Schrödinger Living species are constantly loosing heat and tumble into chaos (entropy) Living species are constantly loosing heat and tumble into chaos (entropy) Accumulating photons (photon pump) is the antidote for entropy Accumulating photons (photon pump) is the antidote for entropy Building up coherence through photons is called syntropy Building up coherence through photons is called syntropy
Harmonics Hamprecht showed that Schroedinger’s equation Hamprecht showed that Schroedinger’s equation is the basis of modern quantum mechanics. is the basis of modern quantum mechanics. All conditions of matter and light follow the laws All conditions of matter and light follow the laws of acustics such as keynotes and harmonics. of acustics such as keynotes and harmonics. They produce the same quantum conditions (tone They produce the same quantum conditions (tone sequences) without other forms in between as sequences) without other forms in between as matter and light. matter and light. However, here it is not the string and the air However, here it is not the string and the air which is vibrating but the vacuum. which is vibrating but the vacuum.
Ergo Specific pulsing electromagnetic fields which are harmoniously structured in tone and overtone exert the maximum resonance for photon emission Specific pulsing electromagnetic fields which are harmoniously structured in tone and overtone exert the maximum resonance for photon emission
First step in healing: First step in healing: Photon emission Photon emission Boosting photon activity in ailing tissues Boosting photon activity in ailing tissues
Second step in healing Second step in healing Photon absorption Photon absorption Photon absorption in order to build up food or to Photon absorption in order to build up food or to repair DNA is well known and not new : repair DNA is well known and not new :
Photon absorption: Fraunhofer lines of solar spectrum
When sun-light is travelling through the cooler outer gas layers of the sun, light (photons) is partly absorbed by the gas molecules. The received light spectrum on earth is then lacking certain photons When sun-light is travelling through the cooler outer gas layers of the sun, light (photons) is partly absorbed by the gas molecules. The received light spectrum on earth is then lacking certain photons
It was later discovered that each chemical element was associated with a set of spectral lines, and deduced that the dark lines in the solar spectrum were caused by absorption by those elements in the upper layers of the sun. It was later discovered that each chemical element was associated with a set of spectral lines, and deduced that the dark lines in the solar spectrum were caused by absorption by those elements in the upper layers of the sun.absorption Kirchhoff and Bunsen
According to Popp and Schrödinger, According to Popp and Schrödinger, Photon absorption by DNA is the key to Photon absorption by DNA is the key to counteract entropy. They key for control and counteract entropy. They key for control and repair. Photons become very repair. Photons become very coherent quasi glued together. Thus they coherent quasi glued together. Thus they build a structure of light. build a structure of light.
Specific photon absorption is needed for cellular and tissue repair and food production.
Photolyases are DNA repair enzymes that repair damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. This enzyme mechanism requires visible light, preferentially from the violet/blue end of the spectrum, and is known as photoreactivation. ultravioletvisible lightultravioletvisible light
Photosynthesis chlorophyll is activated by absorbing a photon, then forms ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and TPNH (the reduced form of triphosphopyridine nucleotide – TPN) They provide the energy for the assimilation of carbon dioxide gas, yielding a variety of sugars from which other sugars and carbohydrates, including starch can be built up. chlorophyll is activated by absorbing a photon, then forms ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and TPNH (the reduced form of triphosphopyridine nucleotide – TPN) They provide the energy for the assimilation of carbon dioxide gas, yielding a variety of sugars from which other sugars and carbohydrates, including starch can be built up. chlorophyllcarbon dioxidestarch chlorophyllcarbon dioxidestarch
Let us use a super microscope and have a look Let us use a super microscope and have a look into our tissues into our tissues How are they composed? How are they composed?
Tissues are mainly composed of spinning Tissues are mainly composed of spinning hydrogen atoms which build up a specific hydrogen atoms which build up a specific electromagnetic field. electromagnetic field.
Spinning hydrogen atoms of our tissues and focus University of Boulder, Colorado
How can we manipulate and influence How can we manipulate and influence these hydrogen atoms for healing? these hydrogen atoms for healing?
We excite them by specific resonance We excite them by specific resonance frequencies frequencies
External pem fields cause Hydrogen Precession
How do we find the matching frequencies for each patient? How do we find the matching frequencies for each patient? By simple pulse feedback By simple pulse feedback
Nuclear magnetic resonance property has Nuclear magnetic resonance property has been used in the medical community since been used in the medical community since 1970 1970
When these hydrogen atoms are excited by an external or internal resonance energy field, two things happen: When these hydrogen atoms are excited by an external or internal resonance energy field, two things happen:
1) Hydrogen atoms emit a photon when 1) Hydrogen atoms emit a photon when their axis is shifting their axis is shifting 2) Their electrons emit a photon 2) Their electrons emit a photon
Photon emission and focus University of Boulder Colorado
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Depends on the strength of the field, Depends on the strength of the field, depends on the Larmor precession frequency depends on the Larmor precession frequency of the nucleus. of the nucleus.
Because in each tissue the Larmor precession frequencies are specific, emitted photons would also have a specific wavelength and color matching that tissue. Because in each tissue the Larmor precession frequencies are specific, emitted photons would also have a specific wavelength and color matching that tissue.
LARMOR PRECESSION If an electromagnetic field (our tissue) is exposed to an external em field, it‘s atoms will rotate (precess) about the axis of the external field with a specific frequency called „Larmor frequency“ If an electromagnetic field (our tissue) is exposed to an external em field, it‘s atoms will rotate (precess) about the axis of the external field with a specific frequency called „Larmor frequency“
Larmor, Sir Joseph (1857-1942) Irish physicist
Honours awarded to Joseph Larmor Fellow of the Royal Society 1892 Lucasian Professor 1903 Royal Society Bakerian lecturer 1909 Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1910 Speaker at International Congress 1912 LMS De Morgan Medal 1914 Royal Society Royal Medal 1915 London Maths Society President 1914 - 1916 Speaker at International Congress 1920 Royal Society Copley Medal 1921 Fellow of the Royal Society 1892 Lucasian Professor 1903 Royal Society Bakerian lecturer 1909 Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1910 Speaker at International Congress 1912 LMS De Morgan Medal 1914 Royal Society Royal Medal 1915 London Maths Society President 1914 - 1916 Speaker at International Congress 1920 Royal Society Copley Medal 1921 Fellow of the Royal SocietyLucasian ProfessorRoyal Society Bakerian lecturerFellow of the Royal Society of EdinburghSpeaker at International Congress LMS De Morgan MedalRoyal Society Royal MedalLondon Maths Society PresidentSpeaker at International CongressRoyal Society Copley Medal Fellow of the Royal SocietyLucasian ProfessorRoyal Society Bakerian lecturerFellow of the Royal Society of EdinburghSpeaker at International Congress LMS De Morgan MedalRoyal Society Royal MedalLondon Maths Society PresidentSpeaker at International CongressRoyal Society Copley Medal
Switching off the external field: All hydrogen atoms and their electrons will fall back to their original state and emit a photon. Same principle as in emission spectroscopy. All hydrogen atoms and their electrons will fall back to their original state and emit a photon. Same principle as in emission spectroscopy.
An intelligent pemf device would: excite the hydrogen atoms of a tissue by pemf, and both the hydrogen atoms and their electrons will emit photons. Their colors and wavelengths are also specific to the tissue because they correlate with the Larmor frequencies of the tissue hydrogen atoms and electrons which have emitted them. excite the hydrogen atoms of a tissue by pemf, and both the hydrogen atoms and their electrons will emit photons. Their colors and wavelengths are also specific to the tissue because they correlate with the Larmor frequencies of the tissue hydrogen atoms and electrons which have emitted them.
Wherever there is photon emission, there Wherever there is photon emission, there is photon absorption is photon absorption Photon absorption Photon absorption Light harvesting enzymes: Light harvesting enzymes:
Pigment positions and orientations (green pigments=chlorophylls, red pigments = carotenoids) in Photosystem I, Photosystem II and a trimer of light-harvesting complex LHC II. Pigment positions and orientations (green pigments=chlorophylls, red pigments = carotenoids) in Photosystem I, Photosystem II and a trimer of light-harvesting complex LHC II.
the pigment flavin is the photoreactive component of the human cryptochrome
Mangoes contain phenols, this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities. Papayas have antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes.
History of light in physics * Since 1700 light has been considered as both particle- like and wavelike. Newton thought that light was vibrating particles. Newton thought that light was vibrating particles. In 1900 Max Planck suggested that electromagnetic rays (light) could only be radiated and absorbed in certain packages. He named those packages Quanta. In 1900 Max Planck suggested that electromagnetic rays (light) could only be radiated and absorbed in certain packages. He named those packages Quanta. In 1905 Albert Einstein finally proved Planck’s theory In 1905 Albert Einstein finally proved Planck’s theory and was awarded the Nobel Prize: and was awarded the Nobel Prize: “Light is both wave and particle (light quanta)”. “Light is both wave and particle (light quanta)”. In 1926 the American, Gilbert N. Lewis, named those In 1926 the American, Gilbert N. Lewis, named those light quanta ‘photons’. light quanta ‘photons’.
In emission spectroscopy light (photons) are emitted when you excite the atoms/molecules of a substance by heat. The emitted photons are specific to that substance. In emission spectroscopy light (photons) are emitted when you excite the atoms/molecules of a substance by heat. The emitted photons are specific to that substance.
Absorption spectroscopy refers to the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Absorption spectroscopy refers to the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter.
Healing: Healing: Matter, substances, tissues absorb and emit light according to their atoms and molecules. Matter, substances, tissues absorb and emit light according to their atoms and molecules.
UV-Visible Spectroscopy UV-Visible Spectroscopy refers to techniques where one measures how much light of a particular wavelength (color) is absorbed by a sample. refers to techniques where one measures how much light of a particular wavelength (color) is absorbed by a sample.
DNA absorbs light in the UV range (which is partly why sunlight is dangerous) so the amount of DNA in a sample can be determined by measuring the absorbance of UV light. DNA absorbs light in the UV range (which is partly why sunlight is dangerous) so the amount of DNA in a sample can be determined by measuring the absorbance of UV light.
Absorption Spectroscopy Absorption Spectroscopy the intensity of a beam of light measured before and after interaction with a sample is compared. the intensity of a beam of light measured before and after interaction with a sample is compared.
Professor F. Popp morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent bio- photon field. morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are explained by the structuring and regulating activity of the coherent bio- photon field.
In 1995, Sisken & Walker listed some of the healing frequencies being tested in medical research laboratories and the types of tissues they affect. Frequencies are specific for: In 1995, Sisken & Walker listed some of the healing frequencies being tested in medical research laboratories and the types of tissues they affect. Frequencies are specific for:
2 Hz nerve regeneration, neurite outgrowth from 2 Hz nerve regeneration, neurite outgrowth from cultured ganglia cultured ganglia 7 Hz bone growth 7 Hz bone growth 10 Hz ligament healing 10 Hz ligament healing 15, 20,72 Hz decreased skin necrosis, stimulation of 15, 20,72 Hz decreased skin necrosis, stimulation of capillary formation and fibroblast capillary formation and fibroblast proliferation proliferation 25, 50 Hz synergistic effects with nerve growth factor 25, 50 Hz synergistic effects with nerve growth factor From James Oschman, Energy Medicine
The key for anti-aging and healing is the trick to induce specific photon emission in ailing cells and tissues by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. The key for anti-aging and healing is the trick to induce specific photon emission in ailing cells and tissues by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. Specific low intensity em fields of long wavelength and low frequency are very effective. Specific low intensity em fields of long wavelength and low frequency are very effective.
The method is individual to each patient. The method is individual to each patient. It is fast to learn, simple, and guided by It is fast to learn, simple, and guided by pulse feedback. pulse feedback.
Resonance increases amplitude and Resonance increases amplitude and energy energy In wave mechanics, two identical In wave mechanics, two identical resonating waves would triple the energy, resonating waves would triple the energy, would triple the amplitude. would triple the amplitude.
Intelligent PEMF Follows the laws of acustics such Follows the laws of acustics such as keynotes and harmonics. as keynotes and harmonics.
Erwin Schroedinger Photon pump is the antidote to entropy. Photon pump is the antidote to entropy. It is pumping up photons into coherence and It is pumping up photons into coherence and synthropy. synthropy.
DNA repair is done at 380 nanometer in the DNA repair is done at 380 nanometer in the ultraviolett range. ultraviolett range. Benzo-a-pyren absorbes ultraviolett and passes Benzo-a-pyren absorbes ultraviolett and passes infrared light. (F.Popp) infrared light. (F.Popp) This prevents repair and is carcinogenic This prevents repair and is carcinogenic
Benzpyren twin substances absorb different “colors” Benzo-(a)-pyren is carcinogenic Benzo-(a)-pyren is carcinogenic Benzo-(e)-pyren non carcinogenic Benzo-(e)-pyren non carcinogenic
Low frequencies have long waves lengths wavelength = wave speed / frequency. wavelength = wave speed / frequency. wavelength is therefore inversely wavelength is therefore inversely proportional to frequency. proportional to frequency.
Morbus Perthes Necrosis of the femoral head
M.Perthes before treatment
M.Perthes after first treatment
M.Perthes after second treatment
M.Perthes after third treatment
collective concerto “nonintelligent” unspecific electromagnetic fields would resonate dispersed with atoms/molecules here and there in the body. There would be no collective concerto of the atoms in the needy, ailing, and aging tissue. In order to get maximum response for repair, the atoms (hydrogens) of the aging tissue must be selectively and collectively activated.
Take home message How are all chemical reactions initiated? By electronic/photonic switch on and off of proteins. By switching on and off semiconductive bands
The idea that energy within a living system may be transported within semiconductive bands of proteins was suggested by SZENT-GYÖRGYI in 1941.
Footnotes: Footnotes: 1. Bischof, Marco: Biophotonen. Das Licht in unseren 1. Bischof, Marco: Biophotonen. Das Licht in unseren Zellen, 1995, Zweitausendeins Verlag Zellen, 1995, Zweitausendeins Verlag 2. Popp, F.A./Nagl, W./Li, K.H./Scholz, W./ Weingärtner, O./ Wolf, R.: 2. Popp, F.A./Nagl, W./Li, K.H./Scholz, W./ Weingärtner, O./ Wolf, R.: Biophoton emission: New evidence for coherence and DNA as Biophoton emission: New evidence for coherence and DNA as source (1984) source (1984) 3. Cittert, P.H. van: Physica, Vol 1 (1934), S.201; Zernike, F.: 3. Cittert, P.H. van: Physica, Vol 1 (1934), S.201; Zernike, F.: Physica, Vol. 5 (1938), S.785 Physica, Vol. 5 (1938), S.785 4. Popp, F.A. : Biology of Light (1984) S. 75-76: Li/Popp, F.A.: Non- 4. Popp, F.A. : Biology of Light (1984) S. 75-76: Li/Popp, F.A.: Non- exponential decay law of radiation systems(1983) ; Li, K.H., Popp, exponential decay law of radiation systems(1983) ; Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.,/ Nagl,W/ Klima, H. : Indications of optical coherence F.A.,/ Nagl,W/ Klima, H. : Indications of optical coherence
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