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Use the talents you possess; for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best.

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Presentation on theme: "Use the talents you possess; for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the talents you possess; for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best.


3 Naming Compounds Lesson 5

4 Nomenclature A System of Naming Compounds Compounds are two or more atoms of different elements bonded together. Even though the gases O 2, N 2, F 2, and Cl 2 travel in pairs, their names are simply oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, and chlorine.

5 Practice 1 S 2 O 2 Disulfur dioxide Remember (Do not use mono if only 1 atom on first element)

6 Practice 2 SO 3 Sulfur trioxide H 2 O Dihydrogen monoxide

7 Acids Compounds that give off hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. General formula HX.

8 Rules for naming Acids

9 Rule 1 When anion (X) ends with (ide). Acid name begins with hydro change the ide to (ic), then follow by the word acid. Hydro ____ ic Acid Ex: HCl Hydrochloric acid [X = chloride]

10 Rule 2 When anion ends in (ite), change the stem of the anion with the suffix (ous) followed by the word acid. ite to ous Ex: H 2 SO 3 Sulferous acid [X = sulfite]

11 Rule 3 If anion ends in (ate), the acid name is the stem of the anion with the suffix (ic) followed by the word acid. ate to ic Ex: HNO 3 Nitric Acid [ X = nitrate]

12 Practice 1 H 2 CO 3 Carbonic acid HNO 2 nitrous acid

13 Distillation Method of separating substances in a mixture by evaporation of a liquid and subcondensation of its vapor.

14 Example #1- Names to Formulas H ClO 3 2. Add hydrogen ions 1.Determine the formula & charge of the polyatomic ion Final Formula chloric acid (aq) chlorate +1 3. Balance charge with ions 4. Add the subscript: (aq) =0

15 Examples #1- Formulas to Names 2. Determine the ion and it’s acid ending. 1. The hydrogen out front & the (aq) subscript indicates an acid Final Name HBrO 2(aq) bromous acid bromite ____________ acid

16 Practice Problem #1 HIO 4(aq) Choose the correct name for the compound 1. iodic acid 2. iodous acid 3. periodic acid 4. hydrogen periodate 5. none of the above next problem Ion list

17 Practice Problem #2 hydrobromic acid Choose the correct formula for the compound 1. HBrO (aq) 2. HBr (aq) 3. HBrO 3(aq) 4. HBrO 2(aq) 5. none of the above next problem Ion list

18 Practice Problem #3 HBr (aq) Choose the correct name for the compound 1. Bromic acid 2. Bromous acid 3. Hydrobromic acid 4. Hydrogen bromic 5. none of the above next problem Ion list

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