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Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1Which kind of chemical will react with an acid to form hydrogen? Ametal Bwater Ccarbon Dpetrol Quick.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1Which kind of chemical will react with an acid to form hydrogen? Ametal Bwater Ccarbon Dpetrol Quick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1Which kind of chemical will react with an acid to form hydrogen? Ametal Bwater Ccarbon Dpetrol Quick Quiz 7Fb

2 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 2The substances that you get at the end of a chemical reaction are called: Areactants Bchemicals Cproducts Dgases. Quick Quiz 7Fb

3 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 3Hydrogen gas: A burns with a squeaky pop. Bmakes a glowing splint relight and burn brightly. Cputs a glowing splint out. Dturns universal indicator solution red. Quick Quiz 7Fb

4 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 4Which of these substances is naturally acidic? Awood Bsand Climestone Drainwater Quick Quiz 7Fb

5 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 1Which kind of chemical will react with an acid to form hydrogen? Ametal Bwater Ccarbon Dpetrol Quick Quiz answers 7Fb

6 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 2The substances that you get at the end of a chemical reaction are called: Areactants Bchemicals Cproducts Dgases. Quick Quiz answers 7Fb

7 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 3Hydrogen gas: A burns with a squeaky pop. Bmakes a glowing splint relight and burn brightly. Cputs a glowing splint out. Dturns universal indicator solution red. Quick Quiz answers 7Fb

8 Exploring Science 7© Pearson Education Limited 2004 4Which of these substances is naturally acidic? Awood Bsand Climestone Drainwater Quick Quiz answers 7Fb

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