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ELAG 2005 CERN, Geneva 1. – 3. June 2005. Topic: Open access.

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Presentation on theme: "ELAG 2005 CERN, Geneva 1. – 3. June 2005. Topic: Open access."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELAG 2005 CERN, Geneva 1. – 3. June 2005

2 Topic: Open access

3 Papers Grey literature : overview Grey literature citation processing Electronic theses OAI-PMH & CDSware The European Library DOAJ Persistent identifiers Commercial publishers and Open Access SPARC and Open Access International Preservation Consortium

4 Workshops 1.Low cost e-journal production 2.E-learning and libraries (cont.) 3.RFID and self-service 4.XML DBMS – do they really exist? 5.Personalization 6.RSS 7.Protocols for ILL (NCIP? ISO ILL? OpenURL?) 8.Authentication & authorization 9.ZING (cont.)

5 Board meeting 2005 Before the board meeting: –Have a suggestion for topic (and perhaps host) –Discuss on ELAG-L before the board meeting At the meeting: –Discuss ELAG objectives –Discuss procedures for deciding on papers Topic on beforehand?

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