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Innovation grant guidance. Innovation grant processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation grant guidance. Innovation grant processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation grant guidance

2 Innovation grant processes

3 When should this model be used? This funding should be used when we wish to pilot a new project or test a new method of delivery. –It can offer flexibility around the delivery of the service to allow for the need to change part way through the pilot –It is much more about working in partnership than a standard purchaser/supplier relationship –The learning form the funded project will be joint owned by the funder and the funded organisations

4 Priority/outcomes setting It is always beneficial to consult users/beneficiaries and providers in considering the outcomes required The priorities/outcomes of the project are:???

5 Criteria The main criteria on which we will judge applicants for this project are:

6 Communication process Ensure the market is aware of the funding opportunity and what the associated priorities and criteria are by using the following communication channels: –Conference –Advertising in papers etc –VCS partners networks –VCS Newsletters –Partners Websites We should also ensure potential applicants understand how the process works and have access to all relevant info including terms and conditions and how we will judge applications. This will allow applicants to maximise their chances of success and increase the quality of proposals. You may also want to have an open meeting with applicants to discuss your requirements and give them the opportunity to ask questions. This will ensure every applicant gets the same information

7 Application process It should be done through a competitive process using a standard application forms templates available Applications will be invited from all voluntary and community organisations that can meet the criteria and deliver the outcomes The application process may be done in one or two stages. This should be proportionate to the sum of funding. The benefit of two stages is that we can break up the information required. This reduces the time spent for unsuccessful applicants and the time reading needless information for panel members

8 Application process stages If this is done over two stages Stage 1 –This stage is to choose organisations who have the skills and capability to deliver a project of the type you wish to fund –The info required can be received through an Expression of interest form (see template) All the questions in this form will enquire into the relevant skills, knowledge and experience of the organisation and its staff –Closing date for Expression of interest - ??

9 Application process stages If this is done over two stages Stage 2 You may like to have a meeting with all applicants to openly discuss what you are looking for and allow them to ask questions At this stage we are asking organisations to come up with new ideas and potential solutions that can be tested. –The info required can be received through an full application form (see template) All the questions in this form will relate to their own solutions to the issue/need and how this will provide value for money –Closing date for Full application - ??

10 Appraisal process If you choose one or two stages at the application process then this will be replicated at appraisal. At each stage you should –elect an appraisal panel of 3-7?? –user and VCS participation is highly desirable on the appraisal panel (need to consider conflicts of interest)

11 Appraisal process continued At each stage you should use a standard scoring matrix to ensure fairness. Where possible it is best if the appraisal panel meet to decide who goes to the next stage/ gets the funding. It is up to you how you undertake the appraisal some choices include –Sending out the applications beforehand – reading the applications individually when you arrive then discussing them –Marking individually –Marking as a group

12 Monitoring process Monitoring should be proportionate to the size of the grant and agreed before money is transferred The funded organisation will be given an offer letter and a grant contract. They will be monitored on delivery of this contract. The letter will state the outputs and outcomes that were set out in the application It will also state how success/failure will be measured against these. If organisations continually fail to deliver or spend funding inappropriately funding can be clawed back, however this should be as a last resort Learning from funded activities should be fed back to the council to impact on how the service is delivered in the future

13 Grant contract A standard contract template is available for use This document is designed to be flexible. Feel free to add or take out any bits that are required/not relevant The main points that need to be changed/considered are highlighted within the template Please consult legal to ensure this contract is suitable for your needs The template can be found at add web address

14 Timescales It is anticipated that the Scheme will be up and running by ?? Closing date for expression of interest is ?? Open meeting with applicants is ?? Closing date for full application is ?? Appraisal panel to meet ?? Funding given to successful applicants by ?? Project starts ??

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