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Ways you can get the word out about your club and events.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways you can get the word out about your club and events."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways you can get the word out about your club and events.

2  Post PowerPoint slide to advertise your club’s meeting date and times or an upcoming event  Slide needs:  Club’s name  Date, Time, and Location of meeting or event  What the event or reason for meeting is  Some sort of design, picture etc.  Send PowerPoint slide to

3  To have your club information displayed on the big screens, contact Mark Owsley at  Send PowerPoint slide 1-2 weeks before event  Include  Name of hosting club  Date, time, location,  Generic Slides like Club Meeting slides will be removed at the end of the quarter

4  17 Student Life Boards around campus used for students activities  Bring 17 visually appealing posters/large flyers with  Name of club  Date, Location, Time in prominent letters  Comments about event/ other important information  You cannot post these on the boards yourselves- you need to bring them to the Student Life Front Desk for approval  We will post the signs for you

5  We have the ability to send out a limited number of messages to our students.  Please send an email to Sarah Gruhler at  The desired date to be sent  The email title  Who the email is from and to whom responses should be made.

6  We can post on our Facebook page a blurb of your event along with a picture  Please email the ASCC PR Director at with your blurb at least three days before your  Blurb should be in grammatically correct English and include:  Name of club  Name of event  Time, location, and Date  Contact information for people with ??

7  Shows the Who, What, When and Where of many events  Can have reoccurring events or an upcoming event (at least a month or so beforehand)  Email the ASCC PR Director at before the 24 th of each  It may be important to add the why: learn, meet, etc  Note: due to limited space and the volume of requests, your event may not make it on the calendar- send in information as soon as you can

8  Hand flyers to students  Please let the Club Coordinator know when you plan to be handing out flyers.  You can use Student Life resources up to 20 pages on the copier or paper  You just need to ask a Student Life or ASCC Staff for assistance

9  In order to qualify for CSF, you must advertise with at least 1 method for at least 1 week in advance of event  It is always a good idea to advertise when and where your clubs are meeting through a PowerPoint

10  Student clubs can reserve a table in Breezeway between GSC and PUB 160  Please ask Front Desk of Student Life Office for a reservation

11  Document can be found at or in the Club Information stand in PUB 160  If you have questions on how to fill out form, please contact the Club Coordinator asap Warning: the form can be complicated! Please be sure to read everything!!

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