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Benjaminised (or Benji) Acol

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1 Benjaminised (or Benji) Acol
Some Bidding Techniques Benjaminised (or Benji) Acol (Part I)

2 Benji Acol Becoming very popular
Pre-emptive at the 2 level instead of 3 Note: Must be agreed beforehand with partner Need a new way of bidding strong Twos No change to other parts of your system 1 Level and 3 Level openings remain as they were

3 Benji Acol Invented by Albert Benjamin In a nutshell:
2 is an ‘Acol Two’ in any suit 2 is 23+ points or Game Force (Acol 2) 2 is 6-10 points and 6 Hearts 2 is 6-10 points and 6 Spades

4 We will discuss the weak 2 openings in the next session
2 2 Today we concentrate on the strong openings 2 2 And balanced hand bidding

5 2 Openings Used to show any hand worthy of a Strong Two opening in any suit 8 Playing tricks for a major (Because you can show the suit at the 2 level) 9 Playing tricks for a minor (Because you have to show the suit at the 3 level)

6 Response to 2 Openings 2 ALWAYS! Says – tell me more
In particular – which suit? NOTE – this is a relay not a negative

7 After 2 - 2 2 = 8 playing tricks in Hearts
2 = 8 playing tricks in Spades 3 = 9 playing tricks in Clubs 3 = 9 playing tricks in Diamonds (See later for balanced hand bidding)

8 Example AKQJT4 Q92 AKQ6 2 8763 43 AT9763 2 2 2 4

9 Example 2 2 3 3 3NT     9 A9 A86 AKQJ743     KQ763 K3 9432
62 2 2 3 3 3NT

10 2 Openings Your strongest bid 23+ points Or can make game by itself
Exactly the same as Acol 2 Except the negative response (<8) is 2 Simple as that

11 Example 2 2 2NT 3NT     AKJ A92 A86 AK43     763 K3 9532
Q652 2NT 3NT

12 Balanced Hand Bidding Standard Acol 2NT = 20-22 2-2-2NT = 23-24
New Option 2NT = 19(?)-20 2-2-2NT = 21-22 2-2-2NT = 23-24 2-2-3NT = 25+

13 Example 2 2 2NT 3 3 4     KQ3 AJ76 AK6 AJ4     2 K982
832 2 2 2NT 3 3 4

14 Summary 2 is an ‘Acol Two’ in any suit OR
21-22 Balanced 2 is 23+ points or Game Force (Acol 2) 2 is 6-10 points and 6 Hearts 2 is 6-10 points and 6 Spades 2NT is 19(?)-20 Balanced

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