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PAGE 2013 AHM&S Satellite Highlights Jonathan Mochel AHM&S Teleconference: September 17 th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "PAGE 2013 AHM&S Satellite Highlights Jonathan Mochel AHM&S Teleconference: September 17 th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAGE 2013 AHM&S Satellite Highlights Jonathan Mochel AHM&S Teleconference: September 17 th, 2013

2 Highlights of pre-meeting AHM&S teleconferences  Format Every other month 1-2 hours ‘Time-varying focus’ -Telco i: administrative topics -Telco i+1: scientific debate  Materials should be sent beforehand for pre-read  Agenda to be prepared/agreed upfront (e.g. beginning 2014)  External invitees (e.g. grad. students) welcome 2| AHM&S PAGE 2013 Glasgow | J Mochel | 17-Sep-2013 | Meeting Minutes

3 Highlights of pre-meeting Increase visibility within and outside animal health community  Affiliation to existing associations ‘As many as possible’ Both from the Veterinary (Animal Health Pharmacology) and Human (Methodology) community Legal -‘Take the easiest/fastest path’ -Update (RG, LP)  Publication strategy Shoot for Journals broader than ‘Veterinary only’ Although sometimes hard to reach (‘what is the added value of work for the human scientific community ?’) Network/liaise with Journal Editors (e.g. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology) 3| AHM&S PAGE 2013 Glasgow | J Mochel | 17-Sep-2013 | Meeting Minutes

4 Highlights of pre-meeting Upcoming activities: what is to be done?  Decision on affiliations Open for ‘all interested’  Creation of design teams (Legal) affiliation of AHM&S to existing associations AHM&S bye-laws AHM&S website  AHM&S publication pipeline  Timelines 4| AHM&S PAGE 2013 Glasgow | J Mochel | 17-Sep-2013 | Meeting Minutes

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