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Overview  Interview Types JMM short interviews Phone interviews Informal meetings (esp. for post-doc) On-Campus interviews  Decision Process  Salary.

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2 Overview  Interview Types JMM short interviews Phone interviews Informal meetings (esp. for post-doc) On-Campus interviews  Decision Process  Salary and Benefit Negotiating

3 JMM Short Interview  Many teaching-focused schools will use the JMM to conduct preliminary interviews with their short list  May be scheduled in advance or on-site (Online Employment Center scheduling, message board, email or phone)  Some schools will be open to interview requests; others will only meet with their chosen candidates

4 JMM Short Interview  Typically meet with 1-6 faculty members from the department  Location can be Employment Center or an alternative prearranged place  Usually lasts 15-30 minutes  Some schools will treat this very formally; others will just casually share information

5 JMM Short Interview  Familiarize yourself with department website Faculty interests Courses you might like to teach Defining mission or characteristics of school  Have reasons why you are specifically interested in their school  Be able to briefly explain your research to a non-expert (including any accessible problems for student investigation)

6 JMM Short Interview  Have questions to ask them  Dress professionally  Bring extra copies of all of your application materials  Let interviewers know if you are giving a talk or poster  If possible, schedule down-time between interviews

7 Phone Interview  Some schools (and some candidates) will not attend the JMM  Similar preparation and content to a JMM interview  May be one-on-one or a conference call (possibly on a speaker phone)  Typical length 30-60 minutes

8 Phone Interview  Arrange for a quiet space beforehand, preferably on a landline  Have your materials easily accessible and organized  Know that the phone and the technology (speaker phones, conference calls, etc.) can be very awkward for both you and the interviewers  Be calm and project enthusiasm

9 Research Post-docs  Many research post-docs do not conduct formal interviews  Look for opportunities to informally interview or sell yourself: Get invited to give a talk at a potential hiring institution Seek out potential research mentors at conferences or when they visit your institution Email professors in your field at institutions advertising a post-doc or visiting position Ask your advisor to help you make initial contact at a target school

10 On-Campus Interview  Invitations begin soon after JMM, but will continue through the semester  May be 1 or 2 days long  All aspects of the day, including meals, airport rides, etc. are part of the interview process  Travel may be arranged and pre-paid by the department, or arranged by you with reimbursement

11 On-Campus Interview A typical interview will include a subset of the following: Interview with the search committee Interview-style seminar with full department Giving a talk Doing a teaching demonstration Meeting with the department chair Meeting with a dean, provost or president Meeting with faculty/staff from outside of the department Interacting with students Meeting with Human Resources Campus tour Meals

12 On-Campus Interview  Things to know in preparing your talk Length of time (20-60 minutes typical) What is the target audience? What level of math background can you assume? Will the actual audience include students? Non-math faculty? Is the talk more about showcasing your research results, or more about demonstrating your teaching ability? What technology will be available? Will there be a white board or chalk board?  Practice your talk beforehand until length is consistent  Have a backup way to access your slides

13 On-Campus Interview  The experience is as much about you interviewing them and determining fit as about them interviewing you  Be prepared to ask the same questions of many people ○ “What is the tenure process like?” ○ “How are courses assigned to faculty?” ○ “What are the service requirements of new/experienced faculty?” ○ “What do you like most about working here?” ○ “Where do most of the faculty live?”  There are many things which they are not allowed to ask you (marital status, birthplace, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc.) but very few things which you are not allowed to ask them – if something will be important to your ultimate decision, find a way to safely ask for this information

14 The Decision Process  Once an offer has been made, more of the power shifts to you  This is the time to be sure that this is the right fit for you in terms of both job and location – contact faculty you liked to discuss any questions that you still have  Offers come with decision deadlines, often before you’ve heard back from other schools Can ask if the deadline could be extended Check in with other schools that interest you to let them know you have an offer and a deadline

15 The Decision Process  This is the time to negotiate salary and benefits Know salary ranges – The Chronicle and AMS (and sometimes AAUP) give info Other offers in hand are relevant Know what you NEED and what you WANT  Get any agreed upon benefits in writing before signing a contract

16 Potential Negotiation Categories  Salary  Travel funding  Course release  Computer Resources (software and hardware)  Start up funds  Time to decide  Summer funding  Moving expenses  Tenure Clock  Project NExT Funding  Library funds  Deferments See resources handout online for more information

17 Ask current department faculty what the culture/regulations are with respect to negotiations (economic reality or union contract may restrict or prohibit the dean from differentiating offers)

18 Final Thoughts  There are exceptions to every rule – every school and interview will be different  Don’t read into things like a school’s delayed timeline – there may be a lot of administrative hoops on the school’s end that determine their process  Although the job search can be stressful, enjoy the fun aspects of being courted by schools and figuring out what shape you want your career and life to take GOOD LUCK!!!

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