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Morgan Graiser 2013-14.  Behavior  Study Habits & Grades  Curriculum  Testing  Field Trips  Website.

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Presentation on theme: "Morgan Graiser 2013-14.  Behavior  Study Habits & Grades  Curriculum  Testing  Field Trips  Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morgan Graiser 2013-14

2  Behavior  Study Habits & Grades  Curriculum  Testing  Field Trips  Website

3  Give me 5  Take-Home folders are sent home each Friday and are to be signed and returned on the following Monday with any papers needing a signature, all other papers are to be kept at home.  Inability to follow classroom rules results in a mark on the Behavior Sheet. More than 5 marks (6 or more) for behavior in a nine week period constitutes an N in the behavior section of the report card and a loss of awards at the end of the year. This includes all Specials.  More serious behavioral infractions will be followed with a phone call home and/or a trip to the office and a behavior reflection sheet

4  Homework is not graded in 5 th grade, but is reflected in the study habits section on the report card.  Homework will be given on a nightly basis with occasional weekend assignments and projects that will be completed at home.  Students will receive a mark in their Friday Folders for each homework assignment missed. More than 5 marks (6 or more)in the Friday Folder for homework in a 9 week period results in an N in the Study Habits section of the report card and a loss of awards at the end of the year. This includes all Specials.

5  Grades  Any papers with a grade of 73% or below need to be corrected on a separate sheet of paper and signed by a parent.  The grading scale is as follows: A= 90 - 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 74 – 79 D = 70 – 73 F = 69 or below “ N” in either study skills or behavior will result in the loss of awards at the end of the year. Agendas must be signed daily!

6 Car Rider Procedures at Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. Attendance Policy Bus Lot/Fire Lane Transportation Changes Mandated Reporter Law Buzz In System


8 MathReading  Reader’s Workshop format or Daily 5 format  Guided Reading  Word Work  Sustained Silent Reading  Reading Response  Fluency  Read to a partner  The focus for all Qtrs. will be on both Informational Text and Literature  Critical area for CRCT  Guided Math  Practice Stations  Weekly or Bi-Weekly Pre-Tests and Post- Tests  Critical area for CRCT, students must pass with a score of 800 or above to advance to middle school

9  Writing  Students will be writing across all curriculum subject areas [Please buy a composition notebook.]  Every Quarter’s focus will consist of Opinion, Narrative, and Informational pieces  Spelling  Tests are given at the end of each unit.  Students are responsible for learning their words independently throughout the week by completing a Spelling choice board. Spelling grades will now be included in the English/Language Arts part of the report card.

10 Health  Electricity and magnetism, matter, cells, constructive and destructive forces that shape the Earth, classification of organisms, inherited traits. The Science book is available online.  Human Growth and Development classes are held when we return from winter break. Permission slips will be sent home beforehand, and the video will be available for viewing. Social Studies  Government, American History from Civil War to present day. The Social Studies book is available online. Science

11  1920’s/Depression/WWII ABC Book/Power Point  Plant and Animal Cell models  Immigration Day  Electric Circuits  Accelerated Option Projects for extra credit in most Science Units will be possible. There are also classroom projects that each teacher may individually assign!

12  Norm Referenced Test – 9/23-30 - Iowa Test  CRCTs are the week of - April 23-5/2 - students must pass both the reading and math portions to move on to 6 th grade.  State Writing Assessment is - March 5 - All on one day, no dictionaries, and various types of writing prompts are distributed randomly.  SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) - computer generated reading test given three times a year.  DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) -reading test administered as needed

13  Mountain View no longer has the Accelerated Reader Program.  In order to instill a “love” of reading across all genres, our grade level is starting the “HOOKED ON READING BOOK CLUB.”  Students are expected to read a minimum of 25 on level books this school year.  Students will use Reading Response Journals during Reading Workshop to reflect on Reading strategies taught instruction

14 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Visit to the Middle Schools in the Spring Civil War field trip to “General” in September Fifth Grade Field Trip & Cost???

15 Students have access to my website to assist them with: - reviewing for quizzes - accessing resources for projects

16  All fifth grade students need to have a 4gb flash drive  They will used in both the Computer Lab and in the classroom to save and secure work and projects  REMINDER 101 Please text @mrsgrais to (470)315-7196 to be added to my phone text list for updates and reminders from me regarding school or classroom messages.

17  Conference Week is the week of Oct. 21 through October 25  School will be dismissed two hours earlier on these days.  Teachers try to schedule conferences to accommodate siblings in other grades

18  Dress Code: Even though it is extremely hot, please help your child observe the dress code – no shorts or skirts shorter than fingertip, no flip flops on P.E. days, no midriff baring or spaghetti strapped tops  Please make sure your child uses deodorant daily…we have P.E. first thing in the morning  Please make sure your child attends school daily unless their illness warrants a day at home…fever, etc. Send in a note when your child returns to school after an illness

19  Please get a composition notebook.  Please get school supplies as soon as possible.  Students need music folder & recorder each week in music. We no longer have a school store, so the recorders will be sold the weeks of August 19-23 & 26-30 in the cafeteria from 7:20-7:50 by PTA volunteers. After August 30 th any new students or students that have lost their recorders will need to let me know so I can notify Jen-i DeBetta to meet the student on a specified morning.  Mad Dash t-shirt order forms will be distributed for each classroom on Monday for all the teachers to share with their families Tuesday evening. Please ask the teachers to mention when distributing the order forms on Tuesday night - These t-shirts will serve as the t-shirts for each grade for the year as well as be the t-shirt for the mad dash. They are due back by the 19th and we would like to provide a reminder notice on 8/16. The cost of the t-shirt is $5.00.


21 a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Thursday d. Friday

22 a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 10 e. Doesn’t really matter

23 a. Fernbank b. The San Diego Zoo c. The Atl. Symphony d. The Georgia Dome

24 a. Check their agenda b. Check the class website c. Look through their notebook d. All of the above


26 Thank you for coming to curriculum night! We are excited about working with you and your children this year! We’re off to a fantastic start!

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