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Shipwreck investigation in the Port of Pori, Finland Maija Matikka 20.11.2013

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1 Shipwreck investigation in the Port of Pori, Finland Maija Matikka 20.11.2013

2 Town of Pori 20.11.2013

3 Port of Pori 20.11.2013

4 Kallonlahti –wreck 2009

5 Antiquities Act 1963 - the wrecks of ships and other vessel discovered in the sea or in inland waters, which can be considered to be over one hundred years old, or parts thereof, are protected as ancient monuments - in planning of public construction works or urban or zone plans the developer shall find out beforehand if the project will concern ancient monuments - where the execution of public or considerable private works concern an ancient monument insofar as they require special investigations or special action to preserve it, the developer must pay for the investigation of the site 20.11.2013

6 Dendrochronological dating 2009 and trial excavation 2010 20.11.2013

7 Excavation 2011 20.11.2013

8 Excavation 2011 20.11.2013

9 Lessons learned -more awareness of the possibility of underwater cultural heritage sites in port areas is needed in Finland -archaeological surveys at an early stage in the project planning – avoiding surprises; archaeological finds are possible in areas that have undergone heavy modifications -importance of positive cooperation 20.11.2013

10 Thank you 20.11.2013

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