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Gill Ayre. The role of governors has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. The governing body is responsible and accountable in law and.

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Presentation on theme: "Gill Ayre. The role of governors has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. The governing body is responsible and accountable in law and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gill Ayre

2 The role of governors has changed beyond recognition over the past few years. The governing body is responsible and accountable in law and in practice for major decisions about the school and its future.

3  briefly look at the crucial role governors need to undertake  consider ways of helping governors to carry out their role effectively, particularly in relation to visits to schools  reflect on key ideas and information.

4 1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 2. Hold the headteacher to account 3. Oversee the financial performance of the school

5  Part of a strategic programme  Action Plan  Critical Friend Role  Monitoring and evaluating  Accountability

6  Pre-arranged with a clear focus  Implement policies and plans  Talk to pupils, parents and staff  ………………….thinking rather than doing?  NOT to assess/ judge teaching and learning  page 15 Governors’ Handbook

7  Plan briefly beforehand  Agree ground rules  Agree focus  Complete school templates  Be punctual  Confidentiality  See Governors’ Visits Policy

8  Guidance to help and support  Draft and agreement  School Governors Initiatives Group

9  A form of inspection to make judgements about professional expertise of the teacher  Checking on progress of own children  Pursuing personal agenda  Monopolising staff time  Arriving with inflexible or pre- conceived ideas

10  Increase knowledge  Keep under review  Experience impact of plans and policies  Show taking responsibilities seriously  Establish and develop good working relationships  See school in context  Contribute to school’s self-evaluation  Show support and encouragement

11  Many different types  General  Specific subject focus  Specific aspect focus  Discussion and feedback  Report

12  Introductory  Entrance and Reception  Corridors  Classrooms  Administrative areas  Playground  Learning Walls

13 ◦ Development Plan ◦ Displays ◦ Equipment ◦ Children’s engagement ◦ Learning Walls ◦ Discussion and feedback ◦ Report

14  Health and Safety  Behaviour  Pupil Premium  Lunchtimes and break times  Breakfast Club or after school activities  Discussion and feedback - report

15  Working walls  Current  Pupils’ responses  Questions  Extending learning  Misconceptions  Challenge

16 … BUT cannot afford to be amateurs!  Lord Nolan – 7 principles - Public Life Every inspection report comments on quality  Quality of leadership in and management of the school Ofsted page 40-51 ◦ Page 47 criteria ◦ Page 49-51 Grade descriptors

17  Governors’ Handbook DfE September 2014  Ofsted School Inspection Handbook  Statutory Policies for School DfE February 2014  The constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools DfE May 2014  Knowing your School NGA Briefing Notes, Twenty Key Questions  National Governors’ Association  Ruth Agnew – search  Education Endowment Fund

18 Gill Ayre

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