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You can website too! A users guide to setting up a website…or at least as much of one as we can cram in over 45 minutes while eating fajitas.

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Presentation on theme: "You can website too! A users guide to setting up a website…or at least as much of one as we can cram in over 45 minutes while eating fajitas."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can website too! A users guide to setting up a website…or at least as much of one as we can cram in over 45 minutes while eating fajitas.

2 Why website? Because the world expects you to have one Sharing is caring The basics aren’t too hard you can learn something new and amaze your friends at that next thing you do with your friends

3 HIRE ME TO DO IT FOR YOU (my name is Jason Ball...and I love this stuff)

4 Technobabble! Domain – functions as both the branding of a site and how the interwebs knows how to find you Registrar – The people you pay to make sure your domain functions on the interwebs Hosting – the people you pay to store the actual website data

5 Technobabble! (Part Deux) cms – the system to actually click around and add/subtract things (CMS is short for ‘content management system’) Database – that mystical set of excel-like tables on steroids that stores data

6 first steps Function – What am I trying to do here? Form – colors first! Then features! Then everything else! Pre-game tools – an ftp client (I like filezilla), a web browser, a credit card, some time, and possibly an adult beverage or three

7 Bling bling Purchase your domain and hosting plan – I highly recommend dreamhost for both. Go download wordpress and your ftp client.

8 It’s go time In the DH panel – make a new user

9 In the DH panel – make a new database

10 In filezilla – put in your website information

11 In filezilla – upload the wordpress cms

12 On your pc – eDit wp-config- sample.php

13 On web browser– run the wordpress installer This is done by going to the following: admin/install.php (also, here is a reference guide:) ress

14 Almost there! (stay on target) Pick an admin password – wordpress will make you do this. Don’t use ‘1…2…3…4…5’ Pick a theme – don’t do this after 3 adult beverages without peer review from a trusted source Change the world – add your content and casually drop your new website into every conversation

15 Some final thoughts Try To avoid lots of clicking – by planning a bit beforehand, you can reduce world-wide carpal tunnel. And high blood pressure The clothes make the person – pick 3 colors and two fonts. No more. Srsly. Put down the mouse and back away slowly Picture resolution matters – bigger is better

16 A few resources – if you need a professional... from turn-key setups, logo design, or just a quick consult... please drop me a line – A REALLY AWESOME TOOL TO HELP YOU PICK OUT THOSE 3 COLORS– a great place to start on your theme hunting

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