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Ephesians: 2:1-10 Coming to Life In Christ The Christian’s Past v. 1-3 –Salvation is from sin—our state of existence Matt. 15:18-19 Paraptoma and hamartia.

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Presentation on theme: "Ephesians: 2:1-10 Coming to Life In Christ The Christian’s Past v. 1-3 –Salvation is from sin—our state of existence Matt. 15:18-19 Paraptoma and hamartia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ephesians: 2:1-10 Coming to Life In Christ The Christian’s Past v. 1-3 –Salvation is from sin—our state of existence Matt. 15:18-19 Paraptoma and hamartia Acts 12:23 Evil by nature –Dead men walking Romans 3:23; 1:21; Luke 6:33; 11:13; John 16:8,9; Matt. 8:21-22; 1 Tim. 5:6 –Satan’s children & his domain kosmos- realm, sphere Humanism, materialism and sexual immorality –Personification of death –Personification of rebellion (original sin) The Christian’s Now v. 4-6, 8-9 –Salvation is by love— Romans 5:8 –Salvation is into life— spiritual life— Romans 6:4; Col. 3:2 –Salvation has purpose— to bring us in contact with God –Salvation is through faith— 2 Peter 1:1; Phil. 1:29; Acts 3:16; John 5:40 Faith in God, through Jesus His Son

2 The Christian’s Future v. 7,10 –Saved by and through God for His glory Where in the ages to come we will see the full riches of HIS grace –Saved for good works John 15:1-8; Philippians 1:6 Good works are expected because they were prepared beforehand Are you enjoying God’s salvation today, have you been set in heavenly places with Christ Jesus? If not, why not? Are you successfully living the life of salvation into which you were called? Are you a piece of work creating work around you or His workmanship created for good works and doing them?

3 Ephesians: 2:11-22 Raise A Wall and Build A Temple Remember the old alien v. 11-12 –Dead in trespasses and sins 2:1 The Uncircumcision Separated from Christ Apart from the commonwealth of Israel Psalm 147:20 Without the Promises of Abraham & Moses Ezek. 16:4-14 Without hope or God Himself Recognize the new man v. 13-18 –Brought near by the blood of Christ –Unifying Hebrews and Gentiles, into one group 1 Cor. 3:1; Gal. 3:26-28 –Tearing down the wall of enmity— Law –Reconciling both groups in one body –Peace with God and peace between the groups –Access to God through one Spirit

4 Resulting construction—The dwelling place of God v. 19-22 –No alienation –Fellow citizens of the new household and kingdom –The dwelling’s foundation—Apostles & Prophets –The Cornerstone— Christ Isa. 28:16; 1 Peter 2:5-9; Ps. 118:22 –Fitted together by Christ –Dwelling of God in the Spirit— the church What’s keeping you from unity in the body that Christ Jesus has purchased, what divisions are you creating or allowing to stand in the way? Is the peace of God evident in your life?

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