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Teacher Leadership Initiative Trainings 2009-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Leadership Initiative Trainings 2009-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Leadership Initiative Trainings 2009-2012

2 Teacher Leadership Strands

3 ¡TIP and PROPEL 2009- 2012 Teacher Facilitator Training = ¡TIP “ Improving teacher interaction, process and protocol” Gradual Release Model = PROPEL “Promoting performance and engagement for every learner” (Gradual Release Model = Doug Fisher)

4 The Training Model

5 !TIP Audience,Target Skills, Logistics ¡TIP Audience : Teacher leaders and administrators to facilitate content/grade teams Target Skills: Meeting Design, Facilitation Skills, Planning Protocols, Cycle of Inquiry Processes Logistics : 2 modules/ 6 hrs each, Onsite coaching and follow-up Regional teacher leader networking and electronic support

6 PROPEL Audience, Target Skills and Logistics PROPEL Audience : Teacher teams to implement Gradual Release Model Target Skills : Use of Gradual Release Model, increased student engagement, effective modeling and monitoring/initial instruction as an intervention, emphasis on student language production Logistics : 3 days with Doug Fisher, monthly follow-up support sessions at site, on-site coaching and follow-up, regional networking

7 !ITIP / PROPEL Administrator Component ¡ITIP Administrator Component to Support 90% Implementation one two-hour overview bi-monthly administrator networking meetings on-site support / implementation tool PROPEL Administrator Component to Support 90% Implementation initial training with D. Fisher on-going support at bi-monthly regional networking meetings

8 90% Implementation- Leadership Skills for Teachers and Administrators

9 Gradual Release Model – Why? Initial Instruction As An Intervention When significant number students are below proficiency Never enough intervention resources Alter the delivery of initial instruction to increase initial mastery – Joseph Torgensen (Florida Center for Reading Research)

10 RTI- Response to Intervention Tier I: Adjusted delivery of the core to meet student needs in the classroom- delivering initial instruction as an intervention Tier II: Additional Instruction Time for Intervention Beyond the Classroom Tier III: A Systematic Intervention Curriculum Replacing Core Program ……………………… Referral to Special Education

11 RTI- Response to Intervention…Response to Instruction Tier I : Initial Instruction with greater explicitness, intensity and interaction Increase intensity and explicitness of initial instruction and student interaction (Gradual Release Model) Provide small group instruction with teacher, a minimum intervention In addition, if possible, provide time with a tutor for additional practice and feedback

12 Characteristics of Initial Instruction as an Intervention Greater Explicitness Greater Intensity Greater Interaction

13 Greater Explicitness Explicitness - Clarity, detail and consistency of explanations and vocabulary used - Chunking of skills - Accessible visual representation of skill/concept

14 Greater Intensity Intensity…………….  Quantity of examples used in -Teaching phase - Structure/lock-step practice phase - Guided practice phase  Quantity of checking for understanding  Quantity of feedback on correct usage or skill correction

15 Greater Interaction Smaller instructional groups provide for more teacher-student interaction (small group instruction) More structured student –student collaboration provide support and language use More checking for understanding and feedback provide for more teacher-student interaction

16 Gradual Release Model= Advanced Direct Instruction Model Phase I: Teaching / Model > Explicitness, Intensity and Interaction Phase II: Structured /Lockstep Practice > Explicitness, Intensity and Interaction Phase III: Guided Practice > Explicitness, Intensity and Interaction  Phase IV: Independent Practice

17 How Does Initial Instruction As Intervention Increase Results Over Time With consistent quality implementation across classrooms! 90% Implementation Approach…five years of quality instruction closes the achievement gap ………..Chula Vista District story…14.9% to 36.8% in 6 years

18 What does it take: 90% Implementation Provide ongoing professional development and support: - Multiple year training to support deep, proficient implementation - Provide during the year mini-trainings, peer observation and coaching, demonstration lessons Principal messaging accountability, monitoring and feedback, continuous improvement and accountability ……Five years of consistent quality instruction closes the achievement gap!

19 90% Implementation- Define the focus, Keep the Focus Define target instructional skills year 1, year 2, year 3 Determine evidence for progress on target skills Monitor and hold accountable for target skill progress Focus PLC on instructional planning embedding target instructional skills

20 A System for 90% Implementation

21 PROPEL Our Students Towards Proficiency PROPEL our students and schools towards greater proficiency PROPEL us towards deeper implementation of quality instruction – five years of consistent quality implementation closes the achievement gap! PROPEL us towards our AYP Targets!

22 ¡ TIP- Strategic Collaborative Instructional Planning Strategic collaborative instructional planning focused on initial instruction as an intervention, is the tipping point ¡TIP is we tip!!!

23 Group Discussion: Reflecting on your teams 1) Which of your content teams at which schools are - Emerging? - Developing? - Proficient? … their skills as teams collaborating on instructional planning and the use of data/student evidence? 2) What would be your strategyin who you selected to participate in the ¡TIP training to build teacher leadership skills in facilitating content teams in instructional planning? 3) What would your message be to principals regarding principalparticipation?

24 Personal Reflection? What have you learned from this discussion and what are your next steps?

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