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Turn in old catalyst if you have not. Turn in mini-lab. Catalyst: Methane is mixed with oxygen. 1. Write down a balanced equation for this reaction. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn in old catalyst if you have not. Turn in mini-lab. Catalyst: Methane is mixed with oxygen. 1. Write down a balanced equation for this reaction. 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Turn in old catalyst if you have not. Turn in mini-lab. Catalyst: Methane is mixed with oxygen. 1. Write down a balanced equation for this reaction. 2. What do you see when this reaction occurs? 3. Describe what is happening to the molecules in this reaction. Homework: Page 258, 1-14 Extra Credit/Service Learning Opportunity: Represent Lindblom Science Saturday 10-11:30

3 Flames burn at a flame "membrane" formed between a fuel rich and an oxygen rich gas. As more oxygen is provided in the fuel mixture, a more complete combustion takes place. A blue flame is observed. Air enters the fuel mixture from the hole in the bottom of the can. Also, as the mixture burns, the concentration of fuel decreases. Eventually the can is filled with a fuel/oxygen mixture that can sustain reaction throughout the gas. An explosion takes place at this point.

4 Energy: Two forms exist: kinetic energy and potential energy. kinetic energy potential energy Kinetic energy is the energy due to motion. Potential energy is the energy stored by an object that can be transformed into another form of energy.

5 P OTENTIAL E NERGY Chemical Energy Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of stored chemical energy. Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy when we burn wood in a fireplace or burn gasoline in a car's engine. Mechanical Energy Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands Nuclear Energy is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom — the energy that holds the nucleus together. Gravitational Energy is energy stored in an object's height. The higher and heavier the object, the more gravitational energy is stored.

6 K INETIC E NERGY Radiant Energy is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves. Radiant energy includes visible light, x- rays, gamma rays and radio waves and light. Thermal Energy, or heat, is the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances. Motion Energy is energy stored in the movement of objects. The faster they move, the more energy is stored. Sound is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves. Electrical Energy is delivered by tiny charged particles called electrons, typically moving through a wire.

7 L AW OF CONSERVATION OF E NERGY Energy is neither created or destroyed in any mechanical, physical or chemical process. The form of energy just changes between forms! B.3 (page 243): What types of energy are required to propel a car? Chemical (potential) energy of gasoline Thermal and mechanical energy of engine cylinders Mechanical energy of pistons converted to rotational mechanical energy of crankshaft and wheels

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