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Tanks Tanks were one of the most important weapons that Germany used during the war. As the war progressed, German scientists continued to improve their.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanks Tanks were one of the most important weapons that Germany used during the war. As the war progressed, German scientists continued to improve their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanks Tanks were one of the most important weapons that Germany used during the war. As the war progressed, German scientists continued to improve their tanks in various ways, allowing them to successfully face any allied tanks on the field. Blitzkrieg- A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to use Tank battalions, and focused aircraft bombing to quickly break through enemy lines.

2 Panzer II Number built—1,856 The Panzer II was ordered into production because the construction of medium tanks, later to be known as the Panzer III and IV, was falling behind schedule. The Panzer II was intended to “fill the gap” until the III and IV could come into full production. Along with the Panzer I, the II made up the bulk of German tank forces during the invasion of Poland and France.

3 Panzer III number built—5,774The Panzer III was intended to be the main medium core of the German armor force when it was designed during the inter-war period. While it was originally designed to fight other tanks, its guns could not keep pace with the Russian tanks that had thicker armor. In 1941, the Panzer III was the most numerous German tank, but by late 1943 it was largely replaced by later versions of the Panzer IV and Panther.

4 Panzer IV Number built—8,800The Panzer IV was the workhorse of the German tank force during World War II. It saw combat in all theaters, and was the only German tank to remain in production for the entire war. The Panzer IV was originally intended to be a support tank. It was thus armed to fire high-explosive shells in support of other tanks or infantry. By Mid 1942, it was rearmed with a longer 75 mm dual-purpose gun which could defeat most Soviet tanks. In the second half of the war, about half of all German tanks were Panzer IVs

5 Tiger I Number built—1,347 In response to the T-34 after the invasion of the Soviet Union, the German forces ordered the construction of a new heavy tank. Originally to be named the Panzer VI, Hitler ordered the name changed. The tank had formidable firepower (the 88 mm anti-aircraft/anti-tank gun)and thick armor. It had some mechanical problems due to its weight.

6 Tiger II Number built—492 Even larger and heavier than the Tiger I the Pzkpfw VIB Tiger II. It is also known under the informal name Königstiger (the German name for the "Bengal tiger"), often semi-literally translated as the King Tiger or Royal Tiger by Allied soldiers. It was the largest and most powerful tank released by German forces during the war. It had the firepower to knock out virtually any Allied tank and enough armor to shrug off most Allied firepower at the time (excluding hollow charge weapons), but it suffered from multiple mechanical problems due to its rushed development and excessive weight. It was named after the Tiger but it was a combination of the Panther medium tank and Tiger heavy tank.

7 Aircraft The German’s developed aircraft that would serve to support their infantry, and to bomb important cities and railroads.

8 Kolibri Though other helicopters were invented during WWII, the Kolibri was operational way before most of them even got off the ground. It was also far superior to virtually anything the Allies had in the skies at the time; it’s noted that, even during incredibly bad weather, pilots were able to fly the Kolibri with no trouble. They were so effective that the Nazis actually ordered hundreds of the things, however an Allied bombing run destroyed virtually all of them.

9 Bf 109 The Bf 109 became the most widely produced, the most respected, and the most varied Luftwaffe fighter. Over 30,000 of the nine major variants of Willy Messerschmitt's versatile aircraft were built. From its introduction in the Spanish Civil War, until the last Bf 109 model retired from the Spanish (!) Air Force in 1967, the 109 served for thirty years.

10 Dornier Do 17 The Dornier Do 17, sometimes referred to as the flying pencil. This was the German plane that was used for long-range bombing of Britain. The Dornier was designed with two engines mounted on a "shoulder wing" structure and possessed a twin tail fin configuration. The type was popular among its crews due to its handling, especially at low altitude, which made the Do 17 harder to hit than other German bombers.

11 Buzz Bomb The V-1 flying bomb, also known to the Allies as the buzz bomb, or doodlebug was an early version of a missile. This weapon was launched from the German occupied French and Dutch coast, to bomb Great Britain. It was designed to launch off a ramp, then propel itself across the channel and destroy areas targeted by Nazi’s. By the fall of 1944, over 100 v-1 bombs were launched toward London a day.

12 Un-made Inventions!! Their were many weapons that Nazi scientists had invented, that were not able to be made before Germany lost the war.

13 The Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster This German tank would have been over 150 feet long, and was intended to fire shells as large as tanks.

14 The Zielgerät 1229 The Zielgerät 1229, also known as the Vampire Scope, was a revolutionary night vision attachment, designed to be fitted to the Nazis’ STG44 assault rifle. This scope would have given Nazi snipers the ability to see in the dark.

15 The Ruhrstahl X-4 This missile was designed to tune into the sound/ frequency of an airplanes engine. When the X-4 came near an airplane, the frequency of the engine would trigger it to explode.

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