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Introductions APUSH. Techniques Opposite Point of View (O.P.V.) States the opposite argument and shows why their stance is better. Uses words such as.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductions APUSH. Techniques Opposite Point of View (O.P.V.) States the opposite argument and shows why their stance is better. Uses words such as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductions APUSH

2 Techniques Opposite Point of View (O.P.V.) States the opposite argument and shows why their stance is better. Uses words such as “although” or “despite” or “while”…. Example: Although many believed that taxation was the cause of the American Revolution, it was ultimately a product of the Enlightenment.

3 Techniques A very short story Shows the dilemma that is occurring or how it affects others. Example: 56 men sat around the delegation, pondering how to birth a new government.

4 Techniques A short quote Shows can recall important speeches/phrases of the content area. Explains the connection between the quote and the prompt. Example: “Give me liberty, or give me death!”. These words echoed amongst the colonists who were wishing to break away from Great Britain during the American Revolution.

5 Techniques An analogy Compares what the prompt is about to another idea. Explains the connection between the analogy and the prompt. Example: The Articles of Confederation was like a ship without a propeller. It did not propel the government forward.

6 What’s in an Intro? Technique Thesis Topics Your introduction is a road map to your paper.

7 Steps Steps: ◦ 1. Unpack the prompt ◦ 2. Outline  INTRODUCTION  Technique (write it)  Thesis (write it)  BODY 1  Topic sentence (write it)  Give bullet points of key terms/evidence  BODY 2  Topic sentence (write it)  Give bullet points of key terms/evidence  CONCLUSION

8 Question (1971) “Between 1607 and 1763, Americans gained control of their political and economic institutions.” To what extent and in what ways do you agree or disagree with this statement?

9 Question (2012) Analyze the effect of the French and Indian War and its aftermath on the relationship between Great Britain and the British colonies. Confine your response to the period from 1754 to 1776.

10 Question (2009) Analyze the ways in which British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 intensified colonials’ resistance to British rule and their commitment to republican values.

11 Question (2007b) The French and Indian War (1754–1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regard to TWO of the following in the period between 1763 and 1775. Land acquisition Politics Economics

12 Peer Edit Identify the technique ◦ Write the name of the technique in the margin ◦ Does it link technique to thesis correctly? ◦ (Write check technique in margin?) Highlight thesis one color ◦ Does it address ALL parts of the prompt? ◦ (Write check thesis in the margin?) Highlight and number topics in another color. ◦ Are these topics the same idea as in the outline? Do NOT USE THE SAME KEY TERMS!

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