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Man in search of Meaning in life MAKING SENSE OF THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES Through a viable interpretive strategy SCBC Adult Sunday school Class – Session.

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1 Man in search of Meaning in life MAKING SENSE OF THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES Through a viable interpretive strategy SCBC Adult Sunday school Class – Session One Kenneth Lau February 24, 2013

2 Session Overview Objectives Objectives Overview Wisdom Books Overview Wisdom Books Appreciate the inter-textual tensions Appreciate the inter-textual tensions Perceptions of the Book Perceptions of the Book Authorship and Dating of Ecclesiastes Authorship and Dating of Ecclesiastes Uniqueness of the Book Uniqueness of the Book Structure and Division Structure and Division Finding the message and appropriation Finding the message and appropriation

3 Overview of Wisdom Books in the Old Testament The three canonical Books The three canonical Books Job Job Proverbs Proverbs Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Key similarities Key similarities Humanity’s speaking out and reaching out to God Humanity’s speaking out and reaching out to God Comparable literary form Comparable literary form Deals with lived experience under the sun Deals with lived experience under the sun Observation verses Tradition Observation verses Tradition Creator and creature Creator and creature Order of things Order of things

4 Inter-Textual Tensions The “Two-way “Doctrine The “Two-way “Doctrine Prov 3:33; 13:21 vs. Eccle 7:15; Eccles 8:12 - 14 Prov 3:33; 13:21 vs. Eccle 7:15; Eccles 8:12 - 14 Incomprehensibility of God and the seeking of Humanity Incomprehensibility of God and the seeking of Humanity Prov 8:17; 2:2-7 Eccle 8:16-17; Prov 8:17; 2:2-7 Eccle 8:16-17; Prov 25:2Job 42:1 - 5 Prov 25:2Job 42:1 - 5 Articulating the nature of the tension Articulating the nature of the tension

5 What is your perception of The Book of Ecclesiastes? “The strangest book in the Bible” (Scott) “The strangest book in the Bible” (Scott) “At odds with views of traditional wisdom”(Murphy) “At odds with views of traditional wisdom”(Murphy) There is no spiritual uplift..only confusion…(L. Smith) There is no spiritual uplift..only confusion…(L. Smith) Treatise in Joyful perseverance (Brown) Treatise in Joyful perseverance (Brown)

6 Authorship & Dating Authorship Authorship Non-explicit claim of Solomonic authorship (cf Ps 72, 127) Non-explicit claim of Solomonic authorship (cf Ps 72, 127) Implication of 1:12, timing of 1:16, Implication of 1:12, timing of 1:16, Others 4:1-3, 5:7-8, 10:20 Others 4:1-3, 5:7-8, 10:20 The writer adopts a Solomonic persona (Longman) The writer adopts a Solomonic persona (Longman) Dating Dating Grammar, syntax and orthography suggested late Mishnaic Hebrew or late Aramaic Grammar, syntax and orthography suggested late Mishnaic Hebrew or late Aramaic Words shown foreign influence – Persian, Aramaisms, Phoenicianism (C. Seow) Words shown foreign influence – Persian, Aramaisms, Phoenicianism (C. Seow) Due to its tenor and language – most scholars consider that the book is post-exilic ( Murphy, Leupold) Due to its tenor and language – most scholars consider that the book is post-exilic ( Murphy, Leupold) Hebrew manuscripts - unity rather than multiple authorship Hebrew manuscripts - unity rather than multiple authorship

7 Uniqueness of the book It reflects a human not divine point of view It reflects a human not divine point of view The two voices The two voices The book opens with the Framer’s finding The book opens with the Framer’s finding "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher." Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” 1:2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher." Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” 1:2 The book closes with the Framer’s exhortation The book closes with the Framer’s exhortation ‘Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man…God will bring every deed to judgment’ 12:13-14 ‘Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man…God will bring every deed to judgment’ 12:13-14

8 Structure and Division Structure Structure – Prologue 1:1-11 – Qoheleth’s finding 1:12 - 12:7 – The Epilogue 12:8 - 14 Division Division – The search and the realities 1:12- 4:8 – The reflection and the truths 4:9 - 6:2 – More reflection and searches 7:1- 9:18 – The realization 1:12- 4:8 – The conclusion 12:8 -14

9 Message of the Book Affirms that Life, achievements, power, pleasure and possessions are transitory Affirms that Life, achievements, power, pleasure and possessions are transitory Points out that our wisdom is limited and life after us is beyond our control Points out that our wisdom is limited and life after us is beyond our control We are constrained by our inability to know, to control and ultimately face with the the inevitable - death We are constrained by our inability to know, to control and ultimately face with the the inevitable - death We can transcend our struggled lived experience with joys of living and hope for eternity through faith and reverence to a sovereign God-creator We can transcend our struggled lived experience with joys of living and hope for eternity through faith and reverence to a sovereign God-creator

10 Questions for thoughts and discussion What are your feeling and thoughts on your first reading of the book? What are your feeling and thoughts on your first reading of the book? After the topics we have discussed in this session, how have your feeling and thought been changed, if at all? What would you be now looking to get out from the study of this book? Share. After the topics we have discussed in this session, how have your feeling and thought been changed, if at all? What would you be now looking to get out from the study of this book? Share.

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