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15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Welcome

2 Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending  A Christian minister or priest having spiritual charge over a congregation or other group. The word pastor usually refers to an ordained person within a Christian church.  The word itself is derived from the Latin word pastor which means ”shepherd".  The Old Testament) uses the Hebrew word רעה (ra ʿ ah). It is mentioned 173 times and describes the feeding of sheep, or the spiritual feeding of human beings, as in Jeremiah 3:15, "Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding" (NASB).  In the New Testament, the Greek noun ποιμήν (poimēn) and verb ποιμαινω (poimaino) are usually translated shepherd or to shepherd. The two words are used a total of 29 times in the New Testament, most frequently referring to Jesus. For example, Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd" in John 10:11 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Miffin Company. All rights reserved. Pastoring Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending 15/06/2010

3 Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Definitions.  The term ‘mentor’ is derived from Ancient Greek fiction. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus entrusts the care of his son Telemachus to a trusted advisor called Mentor.  The term ‘Mentoring’ is used for a broad number of activities but the defining idea of mentoring is that it is always a helping activity in which one person (the mentor) helps on a one-to-one basis another person (the mentee) to achieve a set goal.  “A one-one, non-judgmental relationship in which an individual gives time to support and encourage another. This relationship is typically developed at a time of transition in the mentee’s life and lasts for a significant and sustained period of time.” The Home Office Volunteer Social mentoring Mentoring is used in many areas including business, training, school, marriage, etc. MOVING-ON falls under the category of Volunteer Social Mentoring. The environment is a charity, HOPE worldwide, seeking to offer social care and welfare. The needs of the mentee group are around homelessness and unemployment, and there is a specific goal of helping people back into independent living through training and employment. The mentoring relationship is offered freely by volunteers, and there is often a wide social, cultural and experiential distance between mentor and mentee. Features of Formal Mentoring. Informal mentoring is a natural, organic and social relationship between two people, one of whom guides, supports and imparts knowledge to the other. For a more formal mentoring scheme to be effective to must mimic this natural relationship, but by being more defined and structured, it has the potential to achieve more. The Nature of Formal Mentoring: It is voluntary. Both the mentor and the mentee must be allowed to come to the mentoring relationship of their own free will and neither of them may be detained in it against their wishes. A mentoring relationship really is a relationship, rather than a service. This most closely mimics informal mentoring. It is participative. The relationship cannot truly be a mentoring relationship unless it is viewed as being fully participative by both mentor and mentee. Both mentor and mentee must acknowledge the legitimacy of the relationship and to the roles they occupy within it. It is mentee-led. It is important that the needs expressed by the mentee be the objectives of that mentoring relationship, providing these needs fall within the objectives of the MOVING-ON programme. Although mentees may need guidance and support, they must also be accorded respect as experts on themselves, on their own problems and their own needs. It is supportive. The relationship must be one in which mentees are supported in their efforts to identify their own developmental goals and begin to find strategies that will achieve them. An important aspect of this will be for the mentor to validate the mentee’s feelings and aims. It facilitates learning. The mentor has an important role in educating the mentee, but not as a directive teacher. It is more important for the mentor role to be undertaken by someone who supports and facilitates the mentee’s learning. This is the key role of mentoring, and one which is probably the most difficult and which requires the most focused skill- base. It has a specific goal in mind. A vital aspect of formal mentoring is that it moves towards a specific time bound goal or goals that are accepted at the outset by both mentor and mentee. Mentoring Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending 15/06/2010

4 Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Definition  A volunteer provides informal social support to build trust and relations where none exist” Mentoring and Befriending Scotland Befriending Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending 15/06/2010

5 Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending 15/06/2010

6 Pastoring, Mentoring & Befriending Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending 15/06/2010



9 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending


11 Pastoring 15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending Befriendi ng Mentorin g

12 15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending ~ Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta Ecclesiastes 4: 7 Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: 8 There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. "For whom am I toiling," he asked, "and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?" This too is meaningless— a miserable business! 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

13  Useful info Mentoring and Befriending Foundation 1st Floor, Charles House Albert Street Eccles Manchester M30 0PW Tel: 0161 787 8600 Fax: 0161 787 8100 Email:

14 Contact: Tommy Cloherty 020 7713 7655 xt.222 07984 192 679

15 15/06/2010 Pastoring, mentoring & Befriending  Contact: Shona Macpherson 020 7920 6449 07584 233 526 Housing Justice 22-25 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1DX 020 7920 6600

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