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FMRI Study on the Cerebral Activation associated with Semantic Processing involved in Producing L1 and L2 Words Donghwee Kim*, Wonil Choi**, Hyungook Lim**

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Presentation on theme: "FMRI Study on the Cerebral Activation associated with Semantic Processing involved in Producing L1 and L2 Words Donghwee Kim*, Wonil Choi**, Hyungook Lim**"— Presentation transcript:

1 fMRI Study on the Cerebral Activation associated with Semantic Processing involved in Producing L1 and L2 Words Donghwee Kim*, Wonil Choi**, Hyungook Lim** Kichun Nam** *Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea Univ. ** Dept. of Psychology, Korea Univ..

2 Contents  Purpose  Introduction  Experiment & Results  Conclusion

3 Purpose To examine if the L1(Korean) semantic system and L2(English) semantic system are the common systems used during word production. To see where the semantic interference or facilitation is resolved in the brain shown in the behavioral data of L1 and L2 word production.


5 Rhetorical/semantic /syntactic system Conceptual preparation Preverbal message Grammatical encoding Morpho-phonological encoding Phonological score Phonetic coding Surface structure Articulatory score Articulation Self-perception Parsed speech Overt speech Model of addressee (ToM) Discourse model, etc Knowledge of external And internal world Lemmas Morpho-phonological code Mental lexicon Gestural scores Syllabary Phonological/ phonetic system

6 Example of Experimental Procedure Semanticall related Semanticall unrelated Identical No distractor Ex1). Word Distractor(e.g. 과일 )  Picture(e.g. Apple)  Naming Picture

7 Previous Study Glasser(1992) –Word(distractor)-Picture naming task –Monolingual participant –Semantic distractor ; inhibitory effect –Phonological distractor ; facilitatory effect Costa, Miozzo, Caramazza(1999) –Same task, but Spanish-English bilingual subjects –The same result with Glasser ’ s one Thus, initial semantic interference and then phonological facilitation

8 EXPERMENT I: Behavior

9 Experiment 1: Korean and English Picture Naming with Korean distractors Subjects –100 college students, ages 20 – 27, formal English education in the middle and high schools (6 years) Experimental task: Picture Naming with Distractor - 50 pictures (concrete word)  overt picture naming in Korean and English - Distractors (Korean)  no distractor, semantically unrelated, semantically related, identical,

10 Korean and English Picture naming with distractors Semanticall related Semanticall unrelated Identical No distractor

11 RESULTS: Behavioral Data

12 Korean picture naming (using the Korean distractor) Fast Naming: Shorter than 1100msec Identical < No Distractor  Facilitation  Repetition Priming Related >Unrelated  Inhibition  Lexical Competition Related >Unrelated  Inhibition  Lexical Competition

13 English picture naming (using the Korean distractor) Slow Naming: Longer than 1600msec Identical > No Distractor  Inhibition  Cross-linguistic Inhibition Related <Unrelated  Facilitation  Semantic Priming


15 Experiment 2-1: fMRI Korean Picture Naming with Korean distractors Subjects : 9 college students ages 20 – 27 all right handed formal English education in the middle and high schools (6 years) Experimental task: Picture Naming : 50 pictures (concrete word)  covert picture naming in Korean : Distractors (Korean) semantically related, semantically unrelated identical,

16 Experiment 2-2: fMRI English Picture Naming with Korean distractors Subjects : 12 college students : All right handed : Regular English education in the middle and high schools (6 years) Experimental task: Picture Naming : 50 pictures (concrete word)  covert picture naming in English : Distractors (Korean) semantically related, semantically unrelated identical,

17 Experimental (Activation) Condition Semantically related Semantically unrelated Identical No distractor

18 Control (Resting) Condition speak silently “mu mu (meaningless picture and meaningless naming)

19 fMRI Scanning CCCCCAAAACCAA Dummy scan (12 sec) Control task meaningless line figure (30 sec) Activation task Picture naming task (30 sec) Total 6 minutes 42 seconds 12+ (11 x 30) = 342 seconds 114 scans

20 Experiment 1, 2: fMRI data acquistion and analysis fMRI data acquistion -ISOL 3.0T forte at KIST fMRI center -TR 3000 msec, TE 35 msec –5 mm, 20 slices, 64*64 Matrix –FOV 24 cm, Flip angle 80° Data analysis -off-line analysis with SPM99 (Statistical Parametric Mapping) -Realignment, normalization, smoothing, general linear regression -paired t-test (Significant level, p<0.001)


22 Result_1: ( Picture naming without distractor) – (Meaningless naming) Activation in both cerebellum and occipital lobe (R>L) Activation in both cerebellum and occipital lobes, Left Broca’s area and supramarginal gyrus Korean NamingEnglish Naming

23 Result_2: ( Picture naming with the unrelated distractor) – (Picture naming) Activation in left cerebellum Occipital lobe near the preoccipital notch Right inferior frontal gyrus and temporal gyrus (posterior) Activation in both cerebellum Inferior parietal lobe (L>R) Left inferior frontal lobe KoreanEnglish

24 Result_3: ( Picture naming with the related distractor) – (Picture naming) Activation in left cerebellum and both occipital lobe Right temporal, parietal, frontal lobes Activation in both cerebellum Inferior parietal and frontal lobe(L>>R), KoreanEnglish

25 Result_4: ( Picture naming with the identical distractor) – (Picture naming) Activation in both cerebellum and right inferior parietal and occipital lobe No activation in right frontal lobe Activation in both cerebellum and Inferior parietal and frontal lobe (L>>R), KoreanEnglish

26 Korean picture naming (Correlation between RT and Brain) Fast Naming: Shorter than 1100msec Identical < No Distractor  Facilitation  Repetition Priming: Right Inferior Parietal Lobe Related >Unrelated  Inhibition  Lexical Competition: Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus Related >Unrelated  Inhibition  Lexical Competition: Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus

27 English picture naming (Correlation between RT and Brain) Slow Naming: Longer than 1600msec Identical > No Distractor  Inhibition  Cross-linguistic Inhibition: Left Inferior Frontal Lobe and Right Inferior Parietal Lobe Related <Unrelated  Facilitation  Semantic Priming: Larger Activation in Left Inferior Frontal Lobe and Parietal Lobe

28 Conclusion To examine if the L1(Korean) semantic system and L2(English) semantic system are the common systems used during word production.  Different Processing in Similar Areas To see where the semantic interference or facilitation is resolved in the brain shown in the behavioral data of L1 and L2 word production.   Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus and Right Inferior Parietal Lobe for Inhibition   Left Inferior Frontal and Parietal Lobe for Facilitation


30 Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. in Korea University Research Directions Cognitive, linguistic, and computational architecture of Korean and foreign language processing Brain mapping of the linguistic processing based on the brain imaging and lesion study Construction of the diagnostic tool and learning programs of native and foreign language disorder Research Group 3 psycholinguists, 4 medical doctors, 3 language pathologists, 2 computational linguists, 4 speech scientists, 2 graduate students in linguistics, 9 graduate students in experimental psychology, 5 undergraduate students

31 Interdisciplinary Approach Language Processing System Language Processing System 손상 뇌 접근 신경해부학 접근 전산학 접근 정보처리론 접근 한국어 형태 / 구문 지식표상 규명 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 한국어정보처리시스템 한국어정보처리 대뇌신경회로망 규명 언어장애 분류 및 DB 구축

32 Where are we? Prof. Nam ’ s E-mail Address – The homepage of our lab. – Tel : +82-2-3290-2068 Fax : +82-2-3290-2662

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