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Matthew 5:5-14. Lord- Teach us to Pray Luke 11:1  Communal/public prayer vs. Private devotional prayer? v.5-6  Jesus does not condemn all public prayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 5:5-14. Lord- Teach us to Pray Luke 11:1  Communal/public prayer vs. Private devotional prayer? v.5-6  Jesus does not condemn all public prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 5:5-14

2 Lord- Teach us to Pray Luke 11:1  Communal/public prayer vs. Private devotional prayer? v.5-6  Jesus does not condemn all public prayer John 11:38-44 I Kings 8:22-24  Go into your inner chamber Gk- tameion- the picture of the talit/prayer shawl- “little tent” Psalm 91:4 “You have covered me with your garment”  Not where you are but Who you are speaking to. Who are you focused on as you pray? – John 14:3

3 Lord Teach us to Pray  Keep it real v.7-8 Isaiah 29:13 Human religion but No heart!  Jesus does not dismiss all repetitive prayer- Daniel 6:10 Luke 22:39-46  Empty meaningless repetitive prayer  Simplicity and intention of the heart- Luke 18:13- God be merciful to me a sinner

4 A Living Relationship with the Father  Our Father in Heaven-v.9 Isaiah 64:8 Psalm 103:13  God our Father in Jewish prayer Avinu Malkeinu-Our Father Our King Avinu Shebashamayim- Our Father in Heaven  Not “Daddy”  The disciples saw it in Jesus- John 14:9  A spirit of adoption- sons and daughters Galatians 4:6 Romans 8:15

5 Hallowed Be Your Name v9  The Power and Holiness of the Name of God- Exodus 20:7  When we come face to face with the Holy One we are forever changed-Exodus 33:20 Isaiah 6:3  When we come face to face with the Holy One we worship. Revelation 4:8-11

6 Your Kingdom Come v.10  Olam Hazeh or Olam Haba Which is real? Exodus 25:40 Revelation 21:1-3  A certain coming reality Revelation 11:15 Philippians 2:10  Where are you focused? Where are you placing your investment? Matthew 6:33

7 Your Will Be Done v.10  Key to powerful prayer- John 14:13 I John 5:14 - Seeking and doing God’s will  Jesus lived it- more than words! Luke 22:42 Philippians 2:8  On earth as in heaven Isaiah 61:1-2 Psalm 146:7-8 Micah 4:3

8 Give us today our Daily Bread v.11  Adonai Yireh The Lord who sees and provides- Genesis 22:14 Manna in the wilderness- bread from heaven- Deuteronomy 8:2-4  Why are we fearful and anxious? Matthew 6:34 Philippians 4:6-7

9 Forgive us as we Forgive v. 12,14  The unforgiving servant Matthew 18:23-35  How have you been forgiven? Psalm 103:12 Colossians 3:13

10 Keep us from Temptation Deliver us from the Evil One v.13  We are in a very real life and death spiritual battle- Ephesians 6:12  Jesus our Redeemer- Leviticus 25:47- 55 Freedom from debt and from imprisonment  Haggai 1:6 Holes in our pockets  The Son has set you free! John 8:36 Galatians 5:1

11 I Timothy 1:15

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