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1 From a Child In Need of Services (CHINS) to Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES) 1/28/2013 Children’s League A Snapshot of EOHHS activities.

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Presentation on theme: "1 From a Child In Need of Services (CHINS) to Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES) 1/28/2013 Children’s League A Snapshot of EOHHS activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 From a Child In Need of Services (CHINS) to Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES) 1/28/2013 Children’s League A Snapshot of EOHHS activities related to An Act Regarding Families and Children Engaged in Services (FACES) Chapter 240 of the Acts of 2012 Glenn Daly Director Office of Youth Development MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services

2 2 Title An Act Regarding Families and Children Engaged in Services; Chapter 240 of the Acts of 2012 Effective Date November 5, 2012 Children no longer referred to as “CHINS” cases. Now… Families and Children Engaged in Services “FACES” 1. The New Law

3 3 2. Key Components of The New Law 1.Requires the EOHHS secretary to establish a network of child & family service programs, and family resource centers throughout the Commonwealth 2.Mandates significant changes to the court process 3.Establishes a Family and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board 4.Some provisions effective immediately, others subject to a 3 year timeline

4 4 1/30/13 (& each year thereafter on this date): Board report on recommendations for funding/implementation 11/5/13 (within 12 months): The Secretary of EOHHS shall design a pilot program for the delivery of community-based services in each county The Board shall submit recommendations to the governor and house/senate committees on W & M for funding/implementation 11/5/12 (90 days) Effective date: Court treats all CHINS proceedings as FACES proceedings; court begins referral process to EOHHS 12/5/12 (Within 30 days): Appointments to Advisory Board 1/4/13 (Within 60 days): First meeting of Advisory Board 11/5/14 (within 24 months): the secretary of EOHHS shall implement the pilot program in each county 11/5/15 (within 36 months): the secretary of EOHHS shall establish a statewide network of child and family service programs and family resource centers 3. Three Year Timeline Y1 Y3 Y2

5 5 4. The Secretary Shall Subject to appropriation or third party reimbursement: (1) establish a network of child and family service programs and family resource centers (2) develop guidelines and standards (3) promote efficiency by including in the network: CBHI organizations local schools; other local public/private organizations; and local medical, behavioral or mental health care providers

6 6 4a. The Secretary Shall 4) coordinate the services including outreach, intake, screening, assessment and referral (5) encourage cooperation among local providers (6) monitor and provide technical assistance (7) require the use of standard intake, screening and assessment tools (8) create a data collection system

7 7 4b. The Secretary Shall The secretary of EOHHS, the commissioner of ESE, the commissioner of probation and the chief justice of the juvenile court shall provide to the advisory board periodic data reports Within one year: Design the pilot Within 2 years: Implement the pilot program in each county and analyze the effectiveness of the pilot sites Subject to appropriation, …create a pilot program to address the unique needs of girls who run away”.

8 8 4c. The Secretary Shall “…provide a mechanism for the clerk of the juvenile court to obtain information and make referrals to family resource centers or community-based services programs, if available, and any other entity available to provide services to children or families.” Addtionally the secretary: Designates, for use by the the court clerk, a family resource center, community-based services program or other entity that can provide community-based services in the juvenile court district where the child resides

9 9 5. Family and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board The law establishes a Family and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board to assist and advise the Secretary on the development and implementation of the community-based service network and to monitor the progress. The board is within, but not subject to the control of EOHHS. The Governor and the Chief Justice of the Juvenile Court designate 1 board member each to serve as co-chairs of the board. (Board consists of approximately 20 members.)

10 10 Commissioners DCF, DYS, DMH, DPH, DESE Director Office of Medicaid Child Advocate DCF Adolescent Social Worker DMH Case Manager Juvenile Judge and Probation Officer Chair of CPCS (public defender) Board 5 members appointed by Governor: –DA, independent education advocate, private provider of children’s behavioral health services, parent who is not a Commonwealth employee, member municipal police 1 member appointed by Speaker of House 1 member appointed by Senate President 1 member appointed by minority leader of House 1 member appointed by minority leader of Senate 5a. Family and Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board (cont.)

11 11 6. The Advisory Board Shall (1) advise the secretary …in designing and implementing a community-based service network and family resource center pilot program … including methods to collect …data on clients served (2) monitor the progress being made by EOHHS (3) keep informed concerning the progress being made by the probation department in developing a system to collect data

12 12 (4) provide a mechanism for the clerk… to obtain information and make referrals (5) provide advice and make recommendations with respect to the adequacy of resources and support to expand the pilot program (6) coordinate with the department of probation to obtain …information from the juvenile court (7) keep informed concerning the effectiveness of the juvenile court in providing assistance to children and families 6a. The Advisory Board Shall (cont.)

13 13 Within 12 months of the effective date of this act…submit recommendations to the governor and the house and senate committees on ways and means for funding and implementation activities based on the review of such data submitted. (b) The advisory board shall review the pilot program design and make recommendations to the secretary as to whether sufficient information, workforce and funding is available to prepare and implement a pilot program. 6a. The Advisory Board Shall (cont.)

14 14 6b. The Advisory Board Shall (cont.) “ …or before January 30 of each year, report in writing to the governor, the child advocate, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on children and families and persons with disabilities and on the joint committee on the judiciary on the progress made relative to the implementation…” The report shall include the design plans for the pilot program and any progress made toward its implementation, including a recommended budget for the activities to be undertaken and any necessary legislative changes. Each annual report thereafter shall report its expectation of progress toward the goals … which will be achieved in the following year. Once the pilot program has been established, the report shall include a detailed account of the program’s successes and obstacles as well as any recommendations to alter the program design or establish new pilot centers.

15 15 “The secretary shall provide a mechanism for the clerk.. to obtain information and make referrals to family resource centers or community-based services programs… and any other entity available ” 7. Information and Referral Services Information and Referral RFR: issued January 7, 2013 Bids due: January 30, 2013 Expected Contract start date: February 15, 2013 (b) The advisory board shall…provide a mechanism for the clerk …to obtain information and make referrals to... the pilot program”

16 16 7a. Information and Referral Services (cont.) Behavioral, medical & mental health services Family and parent support Remedial education services Assistance with insurance issues Mentoring Civic engagement/community service After school and out-of-school time Residential programs Crisis management Case management Disability services Special education services; Financial assistance information Contact information for programs and services. EOHHS RFR: Expand upon and maintain a Commonwealth-wide call center that provides 24/7 telephonic information and referral services to all families and individuals requiring assistance, including but not limited to families with children who are involved with the Commonwealth’s FACES (Chapter 240) program and other interested parties; Database includes, but is not limited to, information re:

17 17 7b. Information and Referral Services (cont.) Conduct outreach and marketing activities statewide, to ensure that the call center is utilized by families and interested parties who serve families. For the purpose of the FACES program under Chapter 240, the selected Contractor shall develop a minimum of 10,000 brochures for distribution to schools, human services agencies, law enforcement, the court system, and faith-based organizations.

18 18 7c. Information and Referral Services (cont.) With permission from the caller, provide follow-up services to callers who have requested services, to ensure the client has connected to such service to which the Contractor referred the caller. Provide multi-lingual phone line services to callers and offer interpretation services for non- English speaking callers. Monitor call activity, track call data and submit aggregate data reports to EOHHS, including but not limited to those related to types of services and calls to understand trends

19 19 8. FY 2014 Budget EHS Line item 4000-0051: $1.53M total Includes funding for Family Access Centers and web/telephonic information & resource system

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