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1 Understanding Patterns of A&E Presentations & Emergency Admissions at GP Practice Level Sharing Information with Individual GP Practices Update - 10.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Understanding Patterns of A&E Presentations & Emergency Admissions at GP Practice Level Sharing Information with Individual GP Practices Update - 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Understanding Patterns of A&E Presentations & Emergency Admissions at GP Practice Level Sharing Information with Individual GP Practices Update - 10 August 2009 Joe Clancy - Change & Innovation Manager - NHSL

2 2 Closer Working with GP Practices Locally Enhanced Services (LES) Aim –Build on current level of co-operation and understanding between independent GP contactors, Primary Care & Secondary care in NHSL Purpose –Facilitate development of information that will achieve common objectives outlined in National Strategy Scope - 3 main areas –A&E attendance –Re-admission & discharge planning –Referral management

3 3 Sharing A&E Information - Progress to Date Meeting with CHP Medical Director & Lead GPs –Format for sharing info agreed Anonymised GP Practice data currently being produced Follow up meeting - early June Plan to share with Practices by Autumn 2009 Thereafter, feedback from GPs in a standard format on reflections - intentions to improve the range of care options CHP Medical Director - Anonymised GP Practice data report to LMC

4 4 Where are we now July 2009 NHSL Emergency Access Board Steering Group meeting – suggested engagement between secondary & primary care clinicians to discuss the practice reports Awaiting feedback on LMC agreement September 2009 NHSL Emergency Access Board Steering Group meeting – CHP Medical Director invited to give update to the group on progress and discuss the way forward

5 5 Engagement with Glasgow University 2 meetings and ongoing dialogue with Professor Graham Watt & colleagues (Kate O’Donnell & Gary Mclean) What can be produced for mutual benefit to both organisations Sample GP practice report shared with Gary Mclean at Glasgow University Glasgow University to scope a 6 month piece of research work …. thereafter something more substantial Probable meeting in early September Other Boards interests?

6 6 Information Sharing Format 98 GP Practices Cover paper for each Practice Information Pack 1 - A&E attendances Information Pack 2 - Emergency admissions

7 7 GP Information Pack 1 - A&E Presentations GP Practice profile 1 - demography & deprivation GP Practice profile 2 - Age & deprivation GP Practice - QOF prevalence benchmarking GP Practice benchmarking GP Practice ranking GP Practice referral source & flow group Charts comparing trends over time

8 8 GP Information Pack 1 - Emergency Admissions 6 year trends - “Navigator” generated Admission numbers and rates Bed day numbers & rates Elective shown for completeness CHI population change Each GP Practice benchmarked against: –NHS Lanarkshire –NHS Scotland –North CHP –South CHP

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