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Outreach and Widening Participation at University of Hertfordshire Emma Greening Deputy Head, UK Recruitment and Access.

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach and Widening Participation at University of Hertfordshire Emma Greening Deputy Head, UK Recruitment and Access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach and Widening Participation at University of Hertfordshire Emma Greening Deputy Head, UK Recruitment and Access

2 Situation up to 2011 23 AimHigher schools in Hertfordshire – all activities funded by AimHigher Team of 3 AimHigher staff dealing with AimHigher schools All other schools in Hertfordshire and beyond covered by 2 (fte) Recruitment/Project Officers Most activities funded by University of Hertfordshire (exception = Year 9 days) Wide range of activities from Year 9 to Year 13

3 Question: How have you worked with the University in the past?

4 2011 onwards… AimHigher funding ends 31 st July 2011 6 former AimHigher schools have entered into a partnership with UH One ‘Outreach’ team replaces separate AimHigher and Recruitment Teams, some personnel changes Dedicated STEM Outreach Officer, dedicated Law Outreach Officer Continue to offer varied range of activities

5 To consult with a diverse group of teaching staff. This includes those accessing the Outreach team’s programme, and those who do not To assess and evaluate the programme offered by the Outreach team at the University of Hertfordshire To identify gaps in provision To assess budget spend from schools in preparing their students for Higher Education Challis-Dixey Associates conducted one focus group with 13 members of staff from across the region. A series of structured phone interviews with 8 members of teaching staff shortly followed. In total, 21 members of staff were consulted. Evaluation of Outreach Activities Aims of the evaluation

6 Evaluation of Outreach Activities What has been delivered in the past ‘Why go to University’ activities Student finance information and events 6 th form open evening for parents Interview practice with students Careers events PSHE days Emma Greening visits Aim Higher Student ambassadors Workshops including; EPQ, Diploma tasters and master classes Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) including: school visits and talks, guidance for schools, careers fairs and open days

7 Question: What activities would you like to see in the future?

8 Evaluation of Outreach Activities What the focus group would like to see Independent study lessons Lecturer attending a normal school lesson and teaching as if at University Subject specific taster days on campus, meeting with students studying that subject Support for teachers and parents on understanding student finances and what the University of Hertfordshire can offer Revision support, led by students University interview practice and support Online support, including question and answer sessions with students, lecturers and student finance Information, advice and guidance to sixth-formers

9 Video: youtube sites cannot be accessed by schools. Videos should be sent on a DVD to schools with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and lesson plan. If sent with subtitles, these can be played on displays around the schools Programme of events: should be sent at the beginning of the school year. Should be web-based, email and booklet Targeted communication: the Outreach team should speak to the careers coordinator and head of 6 th form Poster: 6 th form common room posters are easy to distribute and popular with students Face to face: meetings with key schools should be arranged at the beginning of the school year to agree what support they might need It should be up to us to find out ourselves Evaluation of Outreach Activities How do you want the Outreach team to communicate with you?

10 Outreach Activities 2011-2012 TypeNo. studentsCostsType of interventionExamples TalksUnlimited3 free to each school. £120 per session thereafter. Information and aspirational Parents and students Why go to University? Choosing your University and Course UCAS Applications and Personal Statements Student Finance Parents’ talk covering choices, applications and finance Revision Skills University Learning Skills Student Ambassador talks UnlimitedCharged at cost to us. Information and Aspiration Students, any year group Student Life talk Preparing for university WorkshopsMaximum 301 free to each school. £250 per half day thereafter. Interactive workshops Years 10 -13 Information and Skills Independent Living, Interview Skills, Goal Setting, Study Skills, Revision Skills Year 9 DaysMaximum 200£12 per head.Inspirational and fun Year 9 Includes a campus tour and opportunity to see the accommodation Campus visitMaximum 1001 free per school. £20 per head thereafter. Motivation and informationChoose a combination of talks and activities STEM FairMaximum 60 per school TBASubject focused IAG Motivational A carousel of interactive STEM exhibitions and workshops Subject taster days Maximum 30£10-£20 per head depending on our costs Subject focused IAG Motivational Range of different options

11 Thanks for your attention 01707 289391

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