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2016 Charter Review Commission Discussion Orange County Board of County Commissioners January 6, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Charter Review Commission Discussion Orange County Board of County Commissioners January 6, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Charter Review Commission Discussion Orange County Board of County Commissioners January 6, 2015

2 Charter Review Commission History Structure and Function Charter Review Commission Highlights Next Steps 2

3 Charter Review Commission History Structure and Function Charter Review Commission Highlights Next Steps 3

4 History Charter Review Commission History Fla. Const. Art. VIII, s. 1(g) governs Charter Counties Grants all powers of local self- government not inconsistent with general law, or with special law approved by vote of the electors 20 Charter Counties in Florida 4

5 November 1986 – First Orange County Charter approved by voters –Effective on January 1, 1987 First charter mirrored then-existing County government –Five commission members elected at large Provided for a Charter Review Commission (“CRC”) –Appointed by September 1987 with recommendations by August 1988 –Thereafter, appointed on 4-year cycles –Last CRC was in 2012 History Charter Review Commission History 5

6 Charter Review Commission History Structure and Function Charter Review Commission Highlights Next Steps 6

7 Three ways to propose change to Charter: –Board of County Commissioners –Citizen petition –Charter Review Commission Referendum required for approval CRC empowered to conduct comprehensive study of any or all phases of county government Highlights Next Steps Structure and Function Charter Review Commission Structure and Function 7

8 11 to 15 members –County electors –Not elected officials Convene on a 4-year cycle –Appointed no later than February 1 of the year prior to a presidential election –Must adjourn no later than Monday following the election Charter Review Commission Structure and Function (Con’t) 8

9 Proposed Charter amendments and revisions placed on ballot at general election Report of proposed changes to Clerk of BCC –Due no later than last day for qualifying for election to county office –Includes financial impact statement CRC required to hold at least four public meetings County defrays reasonable expenses of the CRC Charter Review Commission Structure and Function (Con’t) 9

10 Expectations of members –Attendance at meetings from February 2015 through September 2016  1-3 meetings per month  Multiple public meetings and locations  Subcommittee meetings –Ability to receive/respond to electronic notifications and documents Charter Review Commission Structure and Function (Con’t) 10

11 Charter Review Commission History Structure and Powers Charter Review Commission Highlights Next Steps 11

12 CRC convened seven times since inception CRC Charter amendment highlights: –1988 – created 6 single-member districts and a county chairman –1992 – created citizen review board; made Sheriff, Property Appraiser and Tax Collector elected charter offices; non-partisan elections for charter offices Highlights Charter Review Commission Highlights 12

13 1996 – charter offices reverted back to constitutional offices; minimum standards for regulating adult entertainment; term limits for commissioners 2000 – No proposals on ballot Charter Review Commission Highlights (Con’t) 13

14 2004 – Addressed residential growth in overcrowded schools; created Consolidation of Services Study Commission; commencement of terms and vacancies in office 2008 – Required local code of ethics with business and financial relationship disclosure; provided citizens right to public input at BCC meetings; required cost analysis for future charter proposals 2012 – Prescribed method to fill vacancies in office when authorized by law; changed the due date of the CRC report; and provided that county ordinances shall prevail over municipal ordinances related to simulated gambling or gambling Charter Review Commission Highlights (Con’t) 14

15 Charter Review Commission History Structure and Powers Charter Review Commission Highlights Next Steps 15

16 January 27, 2015 – BCC Resolution –Appointing members to 2016 CRC –Establishing scope of duties –Providing dates of first few meetings –Establishing funding Submit names of appointees no later than Friday, January 16 th Charter Review Commission Next Steps 16

17 2016 Charter Review Commission Discussion Orange County Board of County Commissioners January 6, 2015

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