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Premillennialism Lesson 2
A Study of Revelation 20
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Revelation Summarized Christ revealed to the apostle John as the Alpha and the Omega, One who had died, but was now alive forevermore The immediate audience, the 7 churches of Asia, receive the encouragements and warnings of the revelation revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos God appears on His throne as the Omnipotent One who controls all things Jesus presented as the Worthy Lamb, the Lion of Judah The Seven Seals are opened to reveal the victory for the Lamb and God’s faithful servants and judgment for Satan and his allies The Seven Trumpets warn of the impending judgments of God upon the enemies of the Lamb and His faithful servants
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Revelation Summarized The battlefield is drawn for the spiritual warfare between the Dragon and the man child Man child is Christ, the Lamb Dragon is Satan, the abaddon First beast is the Roman Empire and its persecuting emperors Second beast is the Roman Concilia, persecuting arm of the emperors The Seven Bowls of God’s wrath are poured out upon the enemies of the Lamb The fall of Rome, the Great Harlot, provides hope and assurance of victory for God’s faithful servants Victory over Satan and his allies culminates with notice of their eternal destruction in the lake of fire
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Key Passages for Understanding Revelation 20 Sixth Bowl of wrath poured out upon the dragon, the beast and the false prophet (second beast) Revelation 16:12-16 Dragon is Satan, the deceiver First beast is the Roman Empire and its persecuting emperors Second beast is the Roman Concilia, persecuting arm of the emperors Beast and false prophets were oppressors of saints in 1st century
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
They are gathered into the place called Har-Magedon (Armageddon) Historic battle site (Valley of Megiddo) Deborah and Barak against Canaanites Gideon’s 300 drive out Midianites Josiah slain in battle with Pharoah Neco Armageddon now used symbolically as the battleground in which the beast and false prophet will meet their fate
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Key Passages for Understanding Revelation 20 Victory over fall of Rome (Great Harlot) Rev 19:1-10 Blood of servants avenged (reference Rev 6:9-11) “I am a fellow servant with thee and with thy brethren that hold the testimony of Jesus” (reference Rev 6:9) Judgment of the Beast and False Prophet Rev 19:11-21 Jesus, the Lamb, introduced as the Faithful and True, The Word of God, and King of Kings and Lord of Lords Comes forward to judge and make war Beast rises up for futile attempt to battle Christ Beast and False prophet cast into lake of fire
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Theory finds basis in Revelation 20 Basic tenets not found in Revelation 20 Second coming of Christ A bodily resurrection Reign of Christ on earth Literal throne of David Jerusalem of Palestine Conversion of Jews
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
Literal versus Figurative Figurative Key Abyss Chain Dragon Literal 1,000 year reign
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
What is the message of Revelation 20? Ultimate assurance that God’s faithful servants will be victorious, and that the enemies of the Lamb will be judged and destroyed Judgment of Rome Rev 17 & 18 Judgment of Beast and False Prophet Rev 19 Judgment of the Dragon reserved until Revelation 20
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
What is the message of Revelation 20? Satan Bound for 1,000 years Rev 20:1-3 Satan’s ability to control limited Allies of present conflict destroyed Cannot overcome victory of saints in Christ Number 1,000 defines a complete period of time Cast into the abyss Not as punishment, but constraint End of 1,000 year period coincides with ultimate destruction of Satan in Lake of Fire
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
What is the message of Revelation 20? Reign of martyred saints and those who had not worshipped the beast Rev 20:4-6 Thrones designate honor Judgment is that rendered by God on behalf of these saints “How long, O Master, the holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood…” Rev 6:10 Reign with Christ during the 1,000 period (same period define above) Triumph characterized as a resurrection (Eze 37:1-14 Valley of dry bones) Have no fear of the second death
Premillennialism - Revelation 20
What is the message of Revelation 20? Satan loosed and shortly thereafter cast into the Lake of Fire Rev 20:7-10 Loosed for “a little time” Rev 20:3 Satan and his allies, Gog and Magog, surround the faithful of God Representative of enemies of Israel as seen in Ezekiel 38-39 Symbolic of the enemies of the saints in the present age Allies of Satan cast into Lake of Fire The devil cast into the Lake of Fire (which is the 2nd death See Rev 20:14) which is an eternal destruction
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