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Fractal behavior of the BCC/FCC phase separation in iron-gold alloys Artur Błachowski 1, Krzysztof Ruebenbauer 1, Anna Rakowska 2,3 1 Mössbauer Spectroscopy.

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Presentation on theme: "Fractal behavior of the BCC/FCC phase separation in iron-gold alloys Artur Błachowski 1, Krzysztof Ruebenbauer 1, Anna Rakowska 2,3 1 Mössbauer Spectroscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fractal behavior of the BCC/FCC phase separation in iron-gold alloys Artur Błachowski 1, Krzysztof Ruebenbauer 1, Anna Rakowska 2,3 1 Mössbauer Spectroscopy Division, Institute of Physics, Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland 2 Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland 3 Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Science, Kraków, Poland

2 Fe-Au Phase Diagram BCC–Fe(Au) as-cast 3 at.% Au annealed ~0 at.% Au FCC–Au(Fe) as-cast 33 at.% Fe annealed 23 at.% Fe Fe 70 Au 30 and Fe 50 Au 50 as-cast and annealed 250ºC/24h + 500ºC/48h Nanoparticles of FCC-Au(Fe) and BCC-Fe(Au) phases with diameter about 50 nm !!! Ultra high-resolution scanning electron microscope SEM-FEG + EDS (Nova 200 NanoSEM) 200x – 300000x

3 Fe 70 Au 30 as-cast EDS results (1 μm scale) 14 at.% Au in dark regions and 45 at.% Au in bright regions

4 Fe 50 Au 50 as-cast EDS results (1 μm scale) 49 - 56 at.% Au

5 Fe 70 Au 30 annealed EDS results (1 μm scale) 14 at.% Au in dark regions and 45 at.% Au in bright regions

6 Fe 50 Au 50 annealed EDS results (1 μm scale) 19 at.% Au in dark regions and 75 at.% Au in bright regions

7 What is fractal? – self-similarity – fractal dimension 1) mathematical fractal Sierpiński carpet and triangle, Mandelbrot set, Julia set, Barnsleys fern (atractor) 2) natural fractal mountain landscape, window frost, cauliflower surface, blood vessels, exchange quotations

8 Roughness method Image were pixelized into square pixels with L = 8 bits per pixel representing linear gray scale with the highest value ( 255 ) representing white. N = 2048 pixels vertical and M = 2375 pixels horizontal. fractal dimension r - pixel edge size log R log r

9 d = 1.903(4) d = 1.8928 Test

10 diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) fractal d = 1.71 Results

11 500 μ m 500 nm Conclusions – self-similarity – fractal dimension similar to (hydrodynamic) DLA fractal

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