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Published byMadyson Woodman Modified over 10 years ago
Unit II, Lesson 4 一。 Binq bu 並不, Binq mei 並沒 : Strong negative to deny what someone else has said or implied. 1. 他並不是我的朋友。 He is not my friend. Ta binq bush perng.yeou. 2. 我並沒有跟他說甚麼。 I didn’t tell him anything. Woo binq meiyeou gen ta shuo 3. 他其實說得並不好。 Actually he doesn’t really speak well at all. Ta chyishyr binq bu hao.
Unit II, Lesson 4 二. Jyy yaw (.sh) 只要 ( 是 ): As long as, provided that, if only (not only if): 1. 只要是不下雨就好了。 As long as it doesn’t rain, we’ll be alright. Jyy bu shiahyeu jiow hao.le. 2. 只要是丁一不來就沒有問題。 As long as Ding I doesn’t come, Jyy Ding I bu lai jiow meiyeou wenn.tyi. There’s no problem. 3. 只要你有龍,你哪儿都可以下去。 Jyy yaw nii yeou long, nii naal dou kee.yii chiuh. As long as you’ve got a dragon, you can go anywhere. 4. 啊,只要是我有錢,我就會買一座海島。 Ah, jyy woo yeou chyan, woo jiow huey mae i-tzuoh haedao. Ah, if only I were rich, I’d buy an island.
Unit II, Lesson 4 三. Duo 多 and Shao 少 before verbs: 1. 請大家多喝一點儿。 Everyone please drink some more. Chiing dahjia duo he ideal. 2. 只要你多寫幾次就記得。 If you write it a few more times, you’ll Jyy yaw nii duo shiee jii-tsyh jiow remember it. 3. 你昨天就是多說了那一句。 Yesterday you just said that one Nii tzwotian duo shuo.le ney i-jiuh. sentence too many. 4. 你少寫一點,丁一就看不懂。 Nii shao shiee i dean, Ding I jiow kann.budoong. All you have to do is leave out a dot and Ding I can’t understand.
Unit II, Lesson 4 四. Tzay 再 : Again, Another 1. 再喝一兩杯。 Have another glass or two. Tzay he i leang bei. 2. 我們再等一天,好不好﹖ How about waiting one more day? tzay deeng i-tian, hao.buhao? 3. 請你再說一次,好嗎﹖ Would you please say it one more time? Chiing nii tzay shuo i-tsyh, 4. 你可以再給我一個嗎﹖ Could you give me one more? Nii kee.yii tzay geei woo 5. 你再問他一次看看。 Ask him another time and see what he says. Nii tzay wenn.ta i-tsyh kann.kann.
Unit II, Lesson 4 五. Clauses as Subjects: 1. 天天喝酒對你不好。 Tiantian he-jeou duey nii buhao. Drinking every day is bad for you. 2. 他不要幫忙是他的事。 Ta buyaw bang-mang sh shyh. If he doesn’s want to help that is his business. 3. 我問他那個問題有甚麼不對呢﹖ Woo wenn.ta neyg wenntyi yeou What’s wrong with my asking him that question?
Unit II, Lesson 4 六. Topic-Objects: 1. 丁一寫的書我不看。 I don’t read Ding I’s books. Ding I shu woo bu kann. 2. 你昨天買的那本書我已經看過。 Nii tzwotian ney been shu woo yii.jing kann.guoh. I have already read that book you bought yesterday. 3. 不喜歡馬的人你喜歡嗎﹖ Bushii.huan ren nii Do you like people who don’t like horses?
Unit II, Lesson 4 七. Objects after subject but before verb for emphasis or contrast: 1. 我這個喜歡,那個不喜歡。 Woo jeyg shii.huan, neyg bushii.huan. I like this one, but not that one. 2. 我中國茶也有。 Woo Jonggwo char yee yeou. I’ve got Chinese tea too. 3. 你這種東西不要買。 Nii ney joong dong.shi buyaw mae. Don’t buy things like that (that sort of thing).
Unit II, Lesson 4 八. Dou 都 after Sheir 誰, 甚麼, Neei- 哪, Naal 哪儿 : 1. 誰都喜歡禮拜五。 Everybody likes Friday. Sheir dou shii.huan liibay-wuu. 2. 哪個都好。 Either one is fine. Neeig dou hao. 3. 哪儿都可以。 Anywhere will do. Naal dou kee.yii. 4. 我哪天都有空。 I’ve got time any day. Woo neei-tian dou yeou konq. 5. 甚麼問題都沒有。 There is no problem whatsoever. wenn.tyi dou mei yeou. 6. 我哪個都不要。 I don’t want either of them. Woo neeig dou buyaw.
Unit II, Lesson 4 九. Bang-Mang 幫忙 : To help; Bang can also go with an indirect object and an “infinitive. ” 1. 他總是幫忙。 He always helps. Ta bang-mang. 2. 咱們都去幫他的忙,好不好﹖ Let’s all go help him. dou chiuh bang mang, hao.buhao. 3. 你可以幫我做一件事嗎﹖ Could you help me do something? Nii kee.yii bang woo tzuoh i-jiann 4. 你為甚麼沒有幫我幫他的忙呢﹖ Nii meiyeou bang woo bang Why didn’t you help me help him?
Unit II, Lesson 4 十. Chyan 前, Yiichyan 以前 : Before, Ago 1. 三年前,我還不知道丁一是誰。 San nian chyan, woo hair bujydaw Ding I sh sheir. Three years ago I didn’t yet know who Ding I was. 2. 他兩天前就走了。 He left two days ago. Ta leang tian chyan jiow tzoou.le. 3. 三分鐘以前,我以為我完了。 San fen jong yiichyan, woo yiiwei woo wan.le. Three minutes ago I thought I’ve had it. 4. 我第一次看見他是兩個月以前。 Woo dih i tsyh kann.jiann.ta sh leangg yueh yiichyan. The first time I saw her was two months ago.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十一. Yiichyan 以前 : Before,...; Used to: 1. 我以前以為他是壞人。 I used to think he was a blackguard. Woo yiichyan yiiwei ta sh huayren. 2. 以前,我每年都去一兩個禮拜。 Yiichyan, woo meei nian dou chiuh i leangg liibay. I used to go for one or two weeks every year. 3. 以前,他很少笑。 Before, he rarely laughed. Yiichyan, ta heen shao shiaw.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十二. Yiihow 以後 : After, from now, later: 1. 三天以後你們再去問他。 Go ask him again three days from now. San tian yiihow tzay chiuh wenn ta. 2. 他一個禮拜以後就走。 He is leaving in a week. Ta ig liibay yiihow jiow tzoou. 3. 他一個禮拜以後就走了。 He left a week later. Ta ig liibay yiihow jiow tzoou.le. 4. 三年以後你就會知道我為甚麼這樣做。 San nian yiihow nii jiow huey jy.daw woo jeyyanq tzuoh. Three years from now you will know why I am doing this.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十三. Yiihow 以後 : Hereafter, thereafter: 1. 以後我沒有再看見他。 Thereafter I never saw him again. Yiihow, woo meiyeou tzay kann.jiann.ta. 2. 以後你有問題就去看丁一吧。 Yiihow nii yeou wenn.tyi jiow chiuh wenn Ding Hereafter, if you have questions, go ask Ding I. 3. 我以後要天天鍛鍊鍛鍊。 Woo yiihow yaw tian,x duann.lian xx. From now on I am going to work out every day.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十四. Howlai 後來 : Later, After that (referring only to events in the past): 1. 後來他到哪儿去了﹖ Where did he go after that? Howlai ta daw naal chiuh.le? 2. 他本來很喜歡,後來,不知道為甚麼,他不喜歡了。 Ta beenlai heen shii.huan, howlai, bujydaw, ta bu shii.huan.le. He originally liked it very much, but later, I don’t know why, he didn’t like it anymore. 3. 本來我們以為他是共產黨。後來才知道他是國民黨。 Beenlai yiiwei ta sh Gonqchaandaang. Howlai tsair jy.daw ta sh Gwomindaang. Originally we thought he was a Communist. Only later did we learn he was a Nationalist. 4. 後來我又買了一條龍。 Later I bought another dragon. Howlai woo yow mae.le i tyau long.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十五. Adverbs made by duplicating adjectives and ( 地 ) Note: A one syllable adjective is repeated in the 1st tone. 1. 你得好好地寫。 You have got to write very carefully. Nii deei shiee. 2. 我請你慢慢地說。 Please say it very slowly. Chiing nii shuo. 3. 我們快快地吃完飯就去看電影。 chy-wan fann jiow chiuh kann diann.yiing. Let’s quickly finish eating and go see a movie. 4. 你要是客客氣氣地問他,他肯定會說可以的。 Nii wenn.ta, ta keendinq huey shuo If you ask him very politely, he will surely say yes.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十六. Jiow 就 : Simply, merely, just: 1. 我就喝湯好了。 I’ll just have some soup. Woo jiow he-tang, hao.le. 2. 我沒說甚麼。我就問了他他鼻子怎麼這麼大。 Woo mei shuo Woo jiow wenn.le.ta ta byitz dah. I didn’t say anything. I just asked him why his nose was so big. 3. 就給他一個紅的好了。 Just give him a red one. Jiow geei.ta ig hao.le. 4. 他就是那種人。 He is simply that kind of person. Ta ney joong ren. That’s just the kind of person he is.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十七. Jiow 就 : Used to show that something happened or will happen sooner than one might have expected: 1. 對不起,我明天就走,所以沒法子去看他。 Duey.buchii, woo mingtian jiow tzoou, suoo.yii mei chiuh kann.ta. Sorry, I am leaving tomorrow, so there is no way I can go see him. 2. 他吃完了飯就走了。 He finished eating and left. Ta chy-wan.le fann jiow tzoou.le. He left right after he finished eating. 3. A: 你明天才走,是不是﹖ B: 不,我今天就走。 A: Nii mingtian tsair tzoou, sh.bush? B: Bu, woo jintian jiow tzoou. A:You are not leaving until tomorrow, right? B:No, I am leaving today.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十八. Deei 得 and Bubih 不必 : Must, have to: Do not have to: (N.B. deei is used only in the positive and bubih only in the negative. Therefore there is no choice question form using either deei or bubih): 1 你真的得去嗎﹖ Do you really have to go? Nii deei 2. 你不必給他看。 You don’t have to show it to him. Nii bubih geei ta kann. 3. 我們不必都去問他吧﹖ 我們都不必去問他。 bubih dou chiuh dou bubih chiuh wenn.ta. We don’t all have to go to ask him, do we? None of us has to go ask him.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十九. Keendinq 肯定, Idinq 一定 ; Bu idinq 不一定 : Certainly, definitely; Not necessarily: 1. 丁一一定是個喜歡龍的人。 Ding I idinq sh g shii.huan ren. Ding I most assuredly is a dragon fancier. 2. 你肯定輸。 You are bound to lose. Nii keendinq shu. 3. 我們一定得問他。 We’ve definitely got to ask him. idinq deei wenn.ta. 4. A: 喜歡巴哈的人肯定是好人。 B: 也不一定。 A:Shii.huan ren keendinq sh hao ren. B:Yee bu idinq. A:People who like Bach are undoubtedly good people. B:Not necessarily.
Unit II, Lesson 4 十. Chyan 前, Yiichyan 以前 : Before, Ago 三年 ( 以 ) 前, --------- San nian chyan, ----------- Three years ago,---------- 十一. Yiichyan 以前 : Before,...; Used to: 以前, -----, 现在, ---- Yiichyan, ---,shianntzay----. Subj. used to----, now Subj.----. 十二. Yiihow 以後 : After, from now, later: 一個禮拜以後, ----- 。 After a week/in a week---. Ig liibay yiihow,-----. 十三. Yiihow 以後 : Hereafter, thereafter: 我以後要 ----- 。 From now on I am going to ---- Woo yiihow yaw ----. When---? 甚麼時候 --- ﹖ shyrhow---?
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