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07.01.2011 LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM Presented by FARA Risk Control Services on behalf of ORM.

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Presentation on theme: "07.01.2011 LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM Presented by FARA Risk Control Services on behalf of ORM."— Presentation transcript:

1 07.01.2011 LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM Presented by FARA Risk Control Services on behalf of ORM

2 LOSS PREVENTION  FARA, who we are?  How to contact us? To Request Help from Loss Prevention Experts, call (800) 215-3272 ext. 232 or email us:

3 LOSS PREVENTION continued... What we do:  Conduct Audits & Compliance Reviews  Facility Walkthroughs  Accident/Incident Investigations  Building Appraisals  Assist in Inspections  Ongoing Consultations  Offer LP Coordinator Training

4 REQUIREMENTS Louisiana Revised Statute (LRS) Title 39, Sections 1543-1544 These legal mandates require your agency to develop and implement its own Loss Prevention Plan in conformity with the ORM’s general safety plan

5 LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM  General Safety Program  Driver Safety Program  Bonds, Crime, and Property  Equipment Management Program  Water Vessel Program  Flight Operations Program


7 COMPONENTS 1. Management Policy Statement 2. Assignment of Responsibilities 3. Safety Rules 4. Safety Meetings 5. Training 6. Safety Committees 7. Procedures for Inspection

8 8. Procedures for Incident/Accident Investigation 9. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 10. Record Keeping 11. Blood Borne Pathogens 12. First Aid 13. Emergency Preparedness Program 14. Hazardous Materials COMPONENTS continued...

9 CLASS “A” AGENCY  Class A agencies shall conduct and document safety meetings, safety committee meetings (if applicable), and inspections on a monthly basis

10 CLASS “B” AGENCY  Class B agencies shall conduct and document safety meetings, safety committee meetings (if applicable), and inspections on a quarterly basis

11 MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT What constitutes a statement? Who initiates a statement and what are its expectations? Responsibilities?

12 ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES  Delineation of duties  Accountability  Provided to employees  Written

13 DEPARTMENT/ AGENCY HEAD  FULL responsibility for, and implementation of, Safety Program  Authorizes necessary expenditures  Approves safety policies  Participates in the safety program

14 DEPARTMENT LOSS PREVENTION COORDINATOR  Has FULL responsibility for the overall safety program  Has direct access to Department Secretary  Communicates with all safety officers  Demonstrates leadership to safety officers  Provides help and support in development of agency programs and policies

15 FIELD/AGENCY LOSS PREVENTION REP.  Responsible for the implementation of the departmental/agency loss prevention program  Should have direct access to the Departmental Loss Prevention Coordinator and Agency Head

16 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT  Works with safety committee and others  Executes work orders  Maintains and repairs safety equipment, guards, and appliances  Maintains a regular maintenance schedule and keeps records  Conducts regularly scheduled inspections

17 SUPERVISOR / FOREMAN  Inspects work area  Trains employees to work safely  Obtains prompt first aid  Reports and investigates accidents  Corrects unsafe conditions and acts  Serves on safety committee  Holds safety meetings  Discusses safety with employees

18 EMPLOYEE  Works in accordance with accepted safety practices  Reports unsafe conditions and practices  Observes safety rules and regulations  Makes safety suggestions  Serves on safety committees

19 SAFETY RULES  Written general safety rules (and site/task specific, if applicable)  Easily understood and enforceable  Annually distributed, reviewed and documented  Written copy provided to all employees

20 SAFETY MEETINGS  Frequency  Meeting vs. Training  Effectiveness  Attendance  Available for audits

21 SAFETY TRAINING Mandatory topics:  Sexual Harassment  Drug-Free Workplace Other necessary training

22 PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION  Purpose  Frequency Class A/Class B

23 WRITTEN INSPECTION PLAN  Housekeeping safety rules  Inspection procedures for facility/location  Written inspection report/checklist: Building safety Electrical safety Emergency equipment Fire safety Office safety Storage methods



26 HAZARD REPORTING Must include:  Hazard Control Log or other acceptable means  Method for employees to notify management  Method for repairs or corrective actions

27 PROCEDURES FOR ACCIDENT / INCIDENT INVESTIGATION  Prevent recurrence of accidents/incidents  100% completion of all applicable forms

28 ACCIDENT / INCIDENT FORMS  DA2000 (for employees) Do NOT use the DA2000 for vehicular accidents  DA3000 (for visitors/clients)  Property concerns

29 COMPLIANCE  Written accident/incident investigation procedures  Responsibilities  Documentation

30 GUIDELINES  Conduct an investigation For all reported accidents & incidents  When an accident/incident occurs: Thoroughly investigate Determine cause Determine contributing factors Compile information Prepare the report

31 JSAs shall be developed for accident/incident trends, death, or a change in a job procedure or equipment JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)

32 JSA’s continued...  Job Safety Analyses should be reviewed in the accident investigation process  JSAs should be maintained, made available and accessible in the work area  Employees should have documented annual training

33 RECORDKEEPING FOR AUDIT/TRAINING PURPOSES Shall retain for 1 year:  Inspection reports  Hazard control log/similar reporting form  JSA training records  Incident/Accident investigations  Safety meetings  BBP (High Risk) Shall retain for 5 years:  BBP (Low Risk)  Drug-Free Workplace  Sexual Harassment

34 BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS  5 COMPONENTS OF A BBP PROGRAM: Exposure Determination Methods of Compliance Work Practice Controls Training Medical Evaluation for Affected Employees

35 BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS continued...  Training High risk – within 90 days of hire and annually thereafter Low risk – within 90 days of hire and every 5 years thereafter retraining is required for all low risk employees involved in a BBP EXPOSURE EVENT. Procedures for spills and spill kits must be available, maintained, and stocked

36 FIRST AID  Written program that addresses the needs of employees and visitors  All agencies shall have a first aid kit  First aid attendant recommended when: Night shifts or minimal/partial crews When surrounding medical facilities are closed When field/remote crews are not in close proximity of medical facilities

37 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Written plan should address:  Fire (documented annual drills)  Natural Disasters  Proximity Threats  Terrorism  Violence in the Workplace

38 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS  Must conduct a documented “site assessment”  If HM are present, must have a written site specific HM program

39 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS continued...  Must be handled, stored, and disposed of properly  MSDS must be available  Proper PPE must be available  Lab Hoods must be available where appropriate

40 TRAINING  HAZCOM  Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Lab Safety  Lab Hoods


42 DRIVER SAFETY  A written program is required and shall cover: Procedures for enrolling and identifying employees permitted to drive on state business Procedures/definition for identifying high risk drivers Driver training Disciplinary action for high risk drivers Claims reporting Accident investigation Definition of a state vehicle Roles and responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and employees

43 DEFINITIONS  Vehicular Accident  Authorized driver  High Risk Driver  State Vehicle

44 AUTHORIZING DRIVERS  Enroll employee in training within 90 days  Complete DA2054  Annually run, review, and attach ODR to DA 2054  Agency head or designee signs/dates DA 2054 to authorize employee  Employee trained every 3 years thereafter  Signed/dated “authorized (or unauthorized) drivers list”

45 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS  Accidents reported same day  DA 2041 completed and submitted to ORM Transportation Claims within 48 hours—Do not complete DA 2000  Employees must self-report all moving violations no later than the next scheduled work day

46 INSPECTION/REPAIRS OF STATE OWNED VEHICLES  Must complete monthly inspection checklist for each vehicle  Document corrective action  Preventive maintenance must be performed and documented


48 BONDS, CRIME, & PROPERTY  Program covers two key areas  Which agencies must participate?

49 WRITTEN PROGRAM Written program shall address:  Managing assets/fiscal internal controls  Training  Internal Audits  Responding to internal and/or legislative audits  Investigation/reporting losses/damages  Responsibility/accountability of employees  Security  Key Control

50 SECURITY Written policy shall address:  Limited, controlled access for authorized individuals to buildings 24 hours a day, seven days a week  Monitoring/controlling visitor access  Securing all entrances & exits, both day & night  Limiting access to data on personal computers

51 KEY CONTROL Written policy shall include:  Key/card log  Procedures to change locks/codes  Employee responsibilities  Methods for issuing, returning, & accounting for lost/stolen keys/cards  Procedures for handling keys/cards

52 WRITTEN PROCEDURES Written procedures must address the following:  Separation of duties  Controlling inventories (including disposal)  Purchasing  Reporting & investigating losses/damages  Timely reporting to ORM Claims Unit  Handling of negotiable items  Securing vaults/safes  Assigning individual to monitor/update program


54 COMPONENTS  Responsibilities  Specific Inventory  Preventive Maintenance Procedures  Preventive Maintenance Schedule

55 COMPONENTS continued...  Testing Procedures  Documentation  Training

56 RECORDKEEPING  Records are maintained for life of equipment  Typewritten or computer- generated

57 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Written procedures must address the procurement, use, maintenance, and disposal of PPE for the following:  Head  Face  Eyes  Ears  Torso  Extremities  Hands  Feet  Respiratory System

58 PPE  Workplace Assessment  Identify Appropriate PPE  Training

59 WORK ORDER SYSTEM Written work order procedures shall cover:  Scheduled PM and/or Repairs Reported Problems Emergency Problems

60 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT (LO/TO)  Agency Personnel vs. Contractors  Training of Employees  Appropriate LO/TO Devices

61 BOILERS  Must be Inspected as per jurisdictional requirements  Current Inspection Certificates Posted At/Near Equipment  Inspection Deficiencies Must be Corrected & Documented

62 ELEVATORS  Inspected Semi-Annually  Code Violations Corrected & Documented  Certificates Available  Fire Service Key

63 CONFINED SPACE  Assessment  Permit vs. Non-permit spaces  Contract vs. In-house

64 CONFINED SPACE continued...  Goal  Training Equipment PPE Rescue Environmental Testing Permits (if applicable)

65 STATE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FUNDS To be eligible, an agency must have a:  written PM program  statement from Department/Agency Head or financial officer  copy of bids for repair/replacement  letter from LPO stating agency passed its equipment management audit


67 COMPONENTS OF WRITTEN PROGRAM  Responsibilities  Enrolling employees  Definition of high-risk operators

68 COMPONENTS continued...  Operator training  Disciplinary action  Claims reporting  Accident investigation  Definition of State water vessels

69 DEFINITIONS  High-Risk Operator  Water Vessel  State-owned/leased/hired vessel

70 INSPECTIONS/REPAIRS Written checklist must include: Fire extinguishers Personal flotation devices Sound signaling devices Flares Damage to the vessel Communication devices Lighting Trailers

71 ACCIDENT REPORTING  Form DWF-BIR-010-OP Obtain from Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries for all non-commercial vessels  Form CG-2692 Obtain from Coast Guard for Commercial vessels

72 CLAIMS  Claims reporting


74 COMPONENTS  Responsibilities  Training  Accident analysis  Definition of an accident  When to report an accident  How to report an accident

75 FAA Pilots flying for the State of Louisiana must comply with all procedures established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

76 ACCIDENT REPORTING  In addition to FAA forms, the pilot will complete the ORM Aircraft Incident/Accident Report (if pilot is unable, then supervisor must complete)  Must be submitted to the Transportation Unit within 48 hours  If injury or property damage is evident, contact Claims ASAP at 225-219-0168


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