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Texas Water Development Board Planning and Conservation Efforts Conservation Vanessa Escobar Cameron Turner John Sutton Conservation Data & Information:

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Water Development Board Planning and Conservation Efforts Conservation Vanessa Escobar Cameron Turner John Sutton Conservation Data & Information:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Water Development Board Planning and Conservation Efforts Conservation Vanessa Escobar Cameron Turner John Sutton Conservation Data & Information: Water Resources Planning Tom Barnett Kevin Kluge Erin McAuley Doug Shaw For Water Conservation Advisory Council April 20, 2011

2 Data & Information Overview Separate & Overlapping functions Identify Key Reporting Vehicles How Information is being used Conservation Efforts & Planning Efforts

3 Conservation & Responsible Development of Water for Texas Leadership Planning Information Financial Assistance Education Agency Mission

4 Board Members TWDB Executive Administration Water Science & Conservation Water Science & Conservation Finance Project Finance Project Finance Water Resources Planning & Information Water Resources Planning & Information Construction Assistance Operations & Administration

5 Water Science & Conservation Water Science & Conservation Water Resources Planning & Information Conservation Surface Water Groundwater Water Resources Planning Flood Planning TNRIS (Texas Natural Resource Information System) Agricultural Conservation Irrigation Water Use estimates Metering Reports Ag Grant Program Municipal Conservation Conservation Plans Annual Reports Water Loss Audits Education Best Management Practices Water IQ School Educational Resources Regional Water Planning Regional Planning Process Stakeholder Liaison State Water Plan Water Supply and Strategy Analysis Database Information Economic & Demographic Research State and Regional Estimates State and Regional Projections Water Use Surveys & Estimates Water Use Estimates GPCD Innovative Water Technology

6 Summary: Historic Water Use In Texas

7 Water Demand Projections (acft) 2012 State Water Plan Data 201020202030204020502060 TRAVIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL 199,677237,014274,610308,229342,865369,723 MANUFACTURING 23,00228,29438,50850,48357,70364,652 MINING 1,5311,6491,7271,8041,8801,935 STEAM ELECTRIC 17,50018,50022,50023,50027,50028,500 LIVESTOCK 704 IRRIGATION 1,1261,034951875805741 COUNTY TOTAL 243,540287,195339,000385,595431,457466,255

8 Water supply needs by water use category for 2010-2060. Texas Water Development Board Projected Supply - Projected Demand = Projected Needs

9 Estimates and Projections Cameron Turner Agricultural Water Conservation Doug Shaw Water Planning Research and Analysis Agricultural Water Use:

10 Annual Irrigation Estimates Evapo- transpiration (ET) USDA-Farm Service Agency (FSA) Groundwater Conservation Districts TCEQ

11 TWDB Crop Categories Cotton Sorghum Corn Rice Wheat Other Grain Forage, Hay & Pasture Peanuts Soybeans and Other Oil Crops Vineyard Orchard Alfalfa Sugarcane Vegetables Other Crops

12 Irrigation Estimates by Crop Type Estimated Crop Water Need (in/ac) = (Reference ET x Crop Coefficient) - Effective Rainfall

13 Estimated Crop Water Use Crop Irrigation Water Use = Estimated Crop Water Need (in/acre) Irrigated Crop Acres x

14 CountyCrop Initial Acres Initial Rate Initial Acre-Feet Revised Acres Revised Rate Revised Acre-Feet CARSONCOTTON 16,576.8 14.0 19,339.6 16,576.8 8.3 11,466.0 CARSONSORGHUM 4,984.7 11.0 4,569.3 4,984.7 9.6 3,988.0 CARSONCORN 21,323.1 22.0 39,092.4 21,323.1 20.0 35,539.0 CARSONWHEAT 13,463.4 26.0 29,170.7 13,463.4 14.0 15,707.0 CARSONOTHER_GRAIN 901.1 20.0 1,501.8 901.1 14.0 1,051.0 CARSONFORAGE_PASTURE 1,869.8 16.0 2,493.1 1,869.8 6.3 982.0 CARSONSOY_OIL 912.1 14.0 1,064.1 912.1 15.0 1,140.0 CARSONALFALFA 608.6 18.0 912.9 608.6 17.4 882.0 CARSONOTHER 1,438.8 6.0 719.4 1,438.8 6.0 719.0 CARSONFAILED 1,533.7 4.0 511.2 1,533.7 4.0 511.0 CARSONTOTALS 63,612.1 99,374.5 63,612.1 71,985.0 Draft Irrigation Estimates Comments and Revisions CountyCrop Initial Acres Initial Rate Initial Acre-Feet CARSONCOTTON 16,576.8 14.0 19,339.6 CARSONSORGHUM 4,984.7 11.0 4,569.3 CARSONCORN 21,323.1 22.0 39,092.4 CARSONWHEAT 13,463.4 26.0 29,170.7 CARSONOTHER_GRAIN 901.1 20.0 1,501.8 CARSONFORAGE_PASTURE 1,869.8 16.0 2,493.1 CARSONSOY_OIL 912.1 14.0 1,064.1 CARSONALFALFA 608.6 18.0 912.9 CARSONOTHER 1,438.8 6.0 719.4 CARSONFAILED 1,533.7 4.0 511.2 CARSONTOTALS 63,612.1 99,374.5 Example: 2009 irrigation estimates for Carson County with revised irrigation rates and acre-feet according to Panhandle GCD comments.

15 2012 State Water Plan

16 Projections for the 2012 State Water Plan Figure 2.2 – Projected Water Demands (acre-feet/year) Taken from “Water for Texas: Summary of 2011 Regional Water Plans”

17 Livestock Water Use Although Livestock Water Use represents a small portion of Total Water Use in the State, We are all very aware of how important the livestock industry is to the State of Texas, it’s history and it’s future.

18 Livestock Water Use Livestock Water Use Coefficients (gallons/day) Dairy Cattle: 75 Cattle: 15 Hogs: 11 Sheep: 2 Goats:.5 Horses: 12 Laying Hens: 90/1,000 birds Broilers: 15/1,000 birds TWDB Staff calculates annual Livestock water use for each County by gathering Livestock population data from Texas Agriculture Statistics Service (TASS) and Applying livestock water use coefficients.

19 Plans, Audits,& Reports John Sutton Municipal Water Conservation Erin McAuley Water Planning Research and Analysis Municipal Water Use:

20 Required by TWDB or TCEQ for many utilities: Water conservation plans  Utility Profile Annual reports Water loss surveys 5-year implementation reports Drought contingency plans Water Use Survey Purpose: Water conservation is a critical element to meeting the State's long-term water needs For water utilities and their customers, conservation programs are often more economical because they can postpone or eliminate the need for new infrastructure Conservation & Planning Reporting Requirements

21 Conservation Plans Utility Profile Annual Report Water Use Survey Water Loss Survey 5-yr Implementation Report Drought Contingency Plan TCEQTWDB

22 Water Conservation Plan (WCP), 31 TAC Chapter 363, Subchapter A, Rule 363.15 The purpose of a WCP is to establish specific and quantified 5- and 10-year goals for water use. The WCP should establish a schedule for achieving those targets and goals, establish a method of tracking progress, and establish a water rate structure which is cost-based and which does not encourage the excessive use of water. Water Conservation Plans

23 Utility Profile ~ is part of WCP Evaluates water and wastewater systems Identifies customer use characteristics, water conservation opportunities, and potential targets and goals. Assists with water conservation plan development and ensures that important information and data is considered when preparing the water conservation plan and its target and goals. Information includes: population served number of connections water supply system data history of water use waste water system data

24 Water Conservation Plans Applicable to Entities With TWDB loans greater than $500,000 Surface water right through TCEQ 3,300 or more connections Components WCP should contain long-term elements such as ongoing education activities, metering, water accounting and estimated water savings from water reuse and recycling activities, leak detection and repair and other conservation activities.  Utility Profile  Targets & Goals  GPCD & Water Loss  Minimum Requirements  Non-promotional Rates  Education & Outreach  Drought Contingency Plan  Other Checklist Requirements Frequency Every 5 years


26 Water Conservation Annual Report (AR), 31 TAC Chapter 363, Subchapter A, Rule 363.15(g) An Annual Report is required from each entity that submits a WCP. The Annual Report shall report annual progress in implementing each of the minimum requirements in the WCP. As the report form is completed an entity should review their WCP to see if they are making progress towards meeting stated goals. *5year –Implementation Reports prepared for the TCEQ providing the required information may be submitted to the TWDB to fulfill this reporting requirement. Annual Reports

27 Applicable to Entities with TWDB loans greater than $500,000 3,300 or more connections Surface water right through TCEQ * Anyone with a requirement to have a Water Conservation Plan Components The Annual Report collects utility data on:  Targets and Goals  GPCD  Water Savings  Water Loss  Educational Programs  Rebate & Retrofit Programs  Rate Structures  Metering & Meter Repairs Frequency Due annually by May 1

28 Average Goal Average Reported MinimumMaximum Meeting 5-Year Goal Gallons per Capita per Day (GPCD) 1471564345442% Residential GPCD NA10137294NA Water Loss12%11%0%42%64% Annual Report Data Submitted in Fiscal Year 2010

29 5 - year Implementation Report TCEQ 5-year Implementation Report, 30 TAC Chapter 288, Subchapter B A water conservation plan is required from each entity with a non-irrigation surface water right greater than 1,000 ac-ft/yr or an irrigation surface water right greater than 10,000 ac- ft/yr through TCEQ. The 5-year Implementation Report shall summarize the annual progress in implementing the 5-year goals in the WCP. Submit to TCEQ by May 1, 2014, and every five years thereafter.

30 Water Loss Survey Water Loss Survey, 31 TAC Chapter 358, Subchapter B, Rule 358.6 The purpose of a Water Loss Survey is to help conserve the state’s water resources by reducing water loss occurring in the systems of drinking water utilities. A Water Loss Survey is required by all retail water utilities.

31 Water Loss Survey The TWDB Water Audit Worksheet is a "top down" audit and is referred to as a "desktop" exercise using existing estimations and records. Data is used in TWDB loan applications and in regional water planning studies. Assists the utility to improve their delivery system and to reduce revenue losses. Due to TWDB by March 31, 2011, and every five years thereafter.

32 Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), 30 TAC Chapter 288, Subchapter B All wholesale public water suppliers, retail public water suppliers serving 3,300 or more connections, and irrigation districts must submit a DCP. Retail public water suppliers serving less than 3,300 connections must prepare and adopt a DCP and make the plan available upon request. Often times the DCP is a component of the Water Conservation Plan. Submit DCP to TCEQ by May 1, 2014, and every five years thereafter. Provide a copy of DCP to Regional Planning Group. Drought Contingency Plans

33 The Drought Contingency (Emergency Demand Management) Plan is a strategy or combination of strategies for responding to temporary and potentially recurring water supply shortages and other supply emergencies. contains “triggers” to implement levels in required reductions in use of water may include activities that are considered normal water conservation practices

34 Municipal Water Use Data: Annual Water Uses Survey Distributed annually to over 4000 public water systems and municipal-type systems

35 Water Use Survey Water Use Survey, Texas Water Code §16.012 (m) The purpose of the Survey is to gather data to be used for long-term water supply planning. The new online survey can be accessed here: Submit a Water Use Survey to TWDB annually.

36 Entities Surveyed Municipal entities that use ground and surface water – City owned systems (1,000) – Water districts (700) – Water supply corporations (750) – Private utilities supplying residential, commercial, and institutional water (1,500) Mandatory response required by the Texas Water Code

37 Water Uses Survey: What Information is Collected Water source information : – Groundwater – Surface water – Reuse Purchased water Volume of intake

38 Water Uses Survey: What Information is Collected Sales – Wholesale water sales to other systems – Sales to large industrial firms System information – PWS ID – Population served – Connections by category – Categorized sales volumes: SF, MF, C/I

39 Water Uses Survey: How the Data is Used Groundwater pumping volumes used by groundwater conservation districts Data is used in the regional water planning process Water demand for municipal and industrial needs are projected out 50 years at the county level

40 Regional Water Planning Process

41 Per-Person Water Use in Planning Reported annually for cities (>500 population) Net Water Use – Includes water use of residential, commercial, and institutional users – Includes self-supplied water users inside city – No water sales to large industrial users – No retail water sales to customers outside of city limits Population – Texas State Data Center July estimates

42 Residential GPCD

43 HDR Service Area Boundaries Project

44 Accessing WUS Data Water Uses Survey data is available here: 4) Residential GPCD is the estimated water use for single family and multi-family residences, expressed on a per capita (population) basis. These estimates, based on responses to questions recently added to the annual water use survey, are being published for the first time. The pilot display of this data should be viewed in the context that, since the reporting of such data had not been historically required, different systems may categorize and report residential water use differently. A dash ( - ) indicates that the primary utility for the city did not report realistic residential volumes in the 2008 survey. No Return - The primary water utility for this city failed to return a 2008 water use survey.

45 Plans, Audits,& Reports John Sutton Municipal Water Conservation Tom Barnett Water Planning Research and Analysis Industrial Water Use:

46 Required by TWDB or TCEQ: Water conservation plans Annual reports 5-year implementation reports Drought contingency plans Water Use Survey Purpose: Water conservation is a very critical element to meeting the State's long-term water needs For industries, conservation programs are often economical because they can reduce operating and production costs, met environmental needs, and play a role in positive marketing. Conservation & Planning Reporting Requirements

47 Industrial Water Data: Annual Water Use Survey Distributed each year in January to roughly 2200 industrial facilities: - Manufacturing Facilities - Mining Operations - Steam Electric Plants

48 2008 Water Use Survey Estimates

49 Industrial Water Use Survey: What We Ask For In addition to basic system and water source information: 1. NAICS code – North American Industrial Classification System 2. Number of employees 3. Sales to other facilities 4. Electric power generation

50 Manufacturing: Sector-Level Analysis



53 Mining Water Demand Estimates and projections for the next planning cycle will be done by the Bureau of Economic Geology at UT-Austin SectorShare of Mining Water UseRegion of Concentration Oil & Gas40%Barnett Shale (fracking) and Permian Basin Aggregates30%Distributed widely, concentrated around major metro areas Coal20%Lignite belt in Central and East Texas Other (mostly sand)10%Distributed widely


55 Steam Electric Water Demand Types of power plants in Texas – Steam Turbines – Gas Turbines – Combined Cycle – Nuclear – Hydroelectric – Alternative (wind/solar) Different types of plants have different water-use coefficients Water use in this sector is dominated by cooling process and pollution control


57 Industrial Water Use Survey: How is it used? Industrial water demand is projected out 50 years at the county level for manufacturing, mining, and steam electric

58 John Sutton 512-463-7988 Tom Barnett 512-463-4209 Cameron Turner 512-936-6090 Doug Shaw 512-463-1711 Erin McAuley 512-463-3538 Vanessa Escobar 512-463-1667

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