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Practice Makes Perfect: Integrating Practice Partner Activities Into Your Business Kim Fiske Presidential Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Makes Perfect: Integrating Practice Partner Activities Into Your Business Kim Fiske Presidential Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Makes Perfect: Integrating Practice Partner Activities Into Your Business Kim Fiske Presidential Director

2 First Rule of Business: DON’T GET OVERWHELMED!!! Included in Health Coach Business Kit Available in the shopping cart Guide your new Health Coaches through the activities in Training Guide 1 Training Guide 1

3 Your Story People Skills Overcoming Fear (Concepts)

4 YOUR “BEFORE” STORY Tired Hopeless Nothing worked for me Hurting Hungry all the time Cranky Sick

5 YOUR “AFTER” STORY I feel… I've lost 50 lbs... I have hope for the first time... It was easy... It fits with my busy schedule... Due to my weight loss, I was able to reduce my (Blood Pressure, Type2 Diabetes, Cholesterol) medications.... (Remember your disclaimer – “Results vary. Typical weight loss is 2-5 lbs per week for the first 2 weeks and 1-2 lbs per week thereafter”) Pick 2 – 3 things from each category – Heart-Felt!

6 PEOPLE MAKE A LIST OF EVERYONE YOU KNOW Don't pre-judge ANYONE If you LIKE them If they are ALIVE If they live in the US DON'T WORRY IF: They can't afford it They don't have any weight to lose You don't know what to say

7 Email Your Business Coach/Mentor the First 20 Names Start with the EASIEST names on the list!

8 3 Steps in Practice Partners Process New Health Coach sets up 3-Way Calls after asking their people to help them by being part of their training. 1 st - Business Coach/Mentor leads the 3-Way Call and Health Coach listens (Debrief) 2 nd - Business Coach/Mentor and Health Coach co- facilitate the 3-Way Call (Debrief) 3 rd - Health Coach leads the 3-Way Call and Business Coach/Mentor listens/interjects as needed (Debrief) Refer to Practice Partners in Training Guide 1

9 Use a Script Information in TG1/Pre-Client File Folder Why use a script? –Helps Coaches not get “lost in the woods” –Teaches a new Coach the important elements of starting a new Client –Teaches questioning/listening skills Practice the script with your new Health Coach prior to the 3-Way Call

10 POWER OF DEBRIEFING Debrief after each call to discuss: What REALLY happened on the call What went well Areas of opportunity for improvement


12 It’s as easy as… You know people I don' here's why I'm calling: May I send you some information about my program? (YES) While you're looking...if ANYONE comes to mind, who (wants to lose some weight/change their habits/is diabetic)..would you be willing to forward my info? (YES)

13 Its as easy as… GREAT - Thanks...that's all I needed - What's the best email for you? Would it be ok if I updated you occasionally on how things are going? (Most important question of ALL) YES! Hey...are you on Facebook? Let's connect there, too!

14 The PROCESS Is this a good time? Start with your STORY Segue with who you are and why you’re calling Don’t chit chat Don’t ENGAGE (if possible)

15 Level of Interest 1 - 10 10: Credit Card “Thrower” – Get ‘em started 5 – 9: Interested – Schedule follow up before hanging up 1 – 5: Nice – Polite – Put in Connections group

16 Send “Thank You” email within 24 hours If using iShare – keep track of their email address Put all email addresses in a group called “Connections”

17 CONNECTIONS EMAILS Every few weeks send a B/A picture and story. Example –“You wanted me to update you on how things were going…here’s Susie…thought you’d like her story…” Attach or insert picture…and paste story “Thanks for passing this on to whomever you know it could help.” Kim Fiske – Phone and website link Note: If sending as a group email remember to use BCC option!


19 Questions?

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