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Transplant Annual Review Software support and process.

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Presentation on theme: "Transplant Annual Review Software support and process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transplant Annual Review Software support and process

2 Process List of all patients on active and suspended list held in MARS software at UHB Date of listing used for annual review date Transplant review form sent out 3 months before annual review date Required return within 3 months of annual review date (therefore 6 months to return form)

3 Process Forms with covering letter sent to patient and responsible doctor Sent by post to patients Sent by email (preferably) to consultant (or by post if no email address available) Returned by email List updated in software New form sent out 3 months before next annual review date

4 Suspension Patients will be suspended or removed from the transplant list if this is decided by patient/responsible consultant at annual review Patient suspended if form not returned 3 months after annual review date Patients who are currently suspended from the transplant list will also need annual review but the covering letter will reflect their suspended status and explain need for review

5 Transplant annual review form The form is 2 sides of A4 If delivered by email, it is an excel form so can be completed and sent back electronically This will enable automatic electronic update Paper forms will be processed manually On return, forms will be stored as electronic documents in UHB Portal in the patient’s record The following demonstration of the form is split into sections to be visible on Powerpoint slides

6 Bilbo Baggins 123456789 01/01/2014 These details will be filled in already Interactive radio buttons


8 Whole page of notes available for elaboration on any points above

9 Go Live Training for administration and transplant co- ordinating teams in progress Likely go-live November 2014 Review forms will be sent out month by month thereafter

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