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Current* Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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1 Current* Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
PPAP Meeting Birmingham 15 July 2009 Elisabeth Falk University of Sussex Def. current: running or under construction

2 Neutrino-oscillation experiments: what to measure, and how
Outline Neutrino-oscillation experiments: what to measure, and how Accelerator-based experiments Reactor experiments Conclusions and outlook 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

3 Neutrino Mixing Dm212 n2 n1 n3 Dm232 ne nt nm
What to measure, and how Neutrino Mixing Dm212 n2 n1 n3 Dm232 ne nt nm Unknown CP-violating phase Solar n + KamLAND: q12 = (34 ± 3)o Dm212 = 7.6 x 10-5 eV2 Reactor n (CHOOZ): sin2 2q13 < 90% CL (or q13 <~ 10o) Dm231 ~ Dm232 Atmospheric n + MINOS, K2K: q23 = (45 ± 7)o Dm232 = 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

4 Accelerator-Based vs. Reactor Experiments
What to measure, and how Accelerator-Based vs. Reactor Experiments LBL accelerator experiments: sin2 q12, Dm232: Look for disappearance (nm  nm) as a fnc of L and E Near detector to measure unoscillated spectrum q13, δCP, sign(Dm232): Look for appearance (nm  ne) in nm beam vs. L and E Near detector to measure background nes (beam + mis-id) P (nm  ne) = f (d, sign(Dm312)) Reactor experiments: q13 only: Look for disappearance (ne  ne) as a fnc of L and E Near detector to measure unoscillated flux P (ne  ne) independent of d; matter effects small Accelerator-based and reactor experiments complementary Two-detector experiment to reduce systematic errors: Flux, cross-section and detector uncertainties minimised ND FD MINOS, T2K, NOnA Double Chooz, Daya Bay, RENO 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

5 Experimental Approach
What to measure, and how Experimental Approach (nm) disappearance measurements: Measure unoscillated nm spectrum at Near Detector Extrapolate using MC Compare to measured spectrum at Far Detector ne appearance measurements: Measure ne spectrum at Far Detector Near Detector to measure background nes (beam + mis-id) Predict Far Detector background using MC Unoscillated Oscillated Monte Carlo nm spectrum spectrum ratio Monte Carlo ~ sin2 2q23 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex ~ Dm232

6 Neutrino Beam Protons strike graphite target
Accelerator-based experiments Neutrino Beam NuMI Protons strike graphite target Magnetic horns focus secondary p/K Decay of p/K produces (mostly) muon neutrinos NuMI 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

7 Players: MINOS, T2K, NOnA Accelerator-based experiments MINOS:
NuMI (Fermilab) to Soudan mine, MN 735 km baseline Magnetised sci/steel calorimeters Taken beam data since 2005 Two more years of data-taking Large UK involvement All ana/working groups have UK co-convener(s) Made significant h/w & DAQ contributions T2K: J-PARC (Tokai) to Kamioka mine 295 km baseline, off-axis New beam FD: Super-K (water Cerenkov) Start data-taking in 2010 Large UK involvement ND280 off-axis detector (P0D, ECAL, DAQ, ….) NOnA: NuMI (Fermilab) to Ash River, MN 810 km baseline, off axis Upgrade beam power “Totally active” tracking liquid sci calorimeters Start data-taking in 2013 No UK involvement 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

8 MINOS Main physics results to date:
Accelerator-based experiments MINOS nm disappearance Main physics results to date: nm disappearance: |Δm232|=(2.43 ± 0.13) x 10-3 eV2 at 68% C.L sin2(2θ23) > 0.90 at 90% C.L. Most precise result for |Δm232| to date ne appearance: 1.5s excess (within realms statistical fluctuation): Normal hierarchy (dCP = 0): sin2(2θ13) < 0.29 (90% C.L.) Inverted hierarchy (dCP = 0): sin2(2θ13) < 0.42 (90% C.L.) nm disappearance: Study 7% nm component See 1.9s fewer events than CPT-conserving Neutral-current interaction rate: Limit on sterile neutrinos: fs < 0.68 (90% C.L.) ne appearance 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

9 Accelerator-based experiments
MINOS Future plans: Update all analyses with more than double the data set Data in the can (3.2  7E20 POT) Muon antineutrino running Switch beam magnetic horns to focus p- Start in September this year Make the first direct measurement Reduce uncertainty on Dm232 by an order of magnitude nm mode for 2E20 POT, or until July 2010 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussexß

10 T2K Physics programme: Milestones: Phase I: Potential phase 2:
Accelerator-based experiments T2K Physics programme: Phase I: Discovery/measurement of q13 D(sin2 2q23) ~ 0.01 (1%) D|Dm232| < 1 x 10-4 eV (a few %) (90% CL) Potential phase 2: Search for CP violation Milestones: ND suite operational by end of 2009 Beam power ramped over next few years (2009: 30 kW; 2010: 100 kW; 2011: 300 kW; + “a few years”: 750 kW Phase 1: total of 5E21 POT 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

11 Accelerator-based experiments
NOnA Significant injection of funds via US stimulus package revived NOnA Physics programme: Optimised for ne appearance An order of magnitude more sensitive than MINOS Improve sin2 2q23 and |Dm232| by an order of magnitude (compared to MINOS) Mass hierarchy (sign (Dm232)) Long baseline: only experiment sensitive to this Milestones: 1 May 2009: FD groundbreaking Autumn 2011: Start of beam upgrades (400 kW  700 kW) 2013: Data-taking with full FD 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

12 Measuring q13: ne Disappearance
Reactor experiments Measuring q13: ne Disappearance ne ne (nm,t) Nuclear power station Near Detector d = m Far Detector d = km Present limit from CHOOZ: sin2(213) < 0.15 (90% C.L.) at Dm231 = 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 Dominant source of systematic error in CHOOZ: Reactor neutrino spectrum ~ Cancels out with two detectors 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

13 The Detectors Example: Double Chooz Reactor experiments
Outer Veto: Plastic scintillator panels n Target: 10 m3 liquid scintillator doped with 0.1% Gd g Catcher: 23 m3 liquid scintillator Buffer: 114 m3 mineral oil with ~400 PMTs Inner Veto: 90 m3 liquid scintillator with 80 PMTs Shielding: 15 cm steel Prompt e+ signal Eprompt = En – (Mn – Mp) + me Inverse Beta Decay Delayed n capture on Gd (t ~ 30 ms) with emission of g cascade ( E ~ 8 MeV) 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

14 Players: Double Chooz, RENO, Daya Bay
Reactor experiments Players: Double Chooz, RENO, Daya Bay RENO, Korea Expected sin2213~0.03 250 ton-GWth Double Chooz, France Expected sin2213~0.03 85 ton-GWth Small UK interest (Sussex, no longer funded) Daya Bay, China Expected sin2213~0.01 1400 ton-GWth Main differences: Reactor power/no of cores Configuration cores vs. detectors; no. of detectors Detector target mass 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

15 Status and Expected Milestones*
Reactor experiments Status and Expected Milestones* Double Chooz RENO Daya Bay N and F tunnels completed 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Near Hall occupancy ND hall + tunnel construction begins ND and FD commissioning First detector complete; start dry run ND and FD ready for data-taking FD ready for data-taking Near Hall ready for data-taking Far Hall ready for data-taking; Ling Ao Hall ready a bit earlier sin2 2q13 ~ 0.06 ND ready for data-taking sin2 2q13 ~ 0.03 ??? sin2 2q13 ~ 0.03 sin2 2q13 ~ 0.01 15/7/09 * DC schedule includes my estimated delays – not official, so don’t quote it! RENO, DB official schedules, but at least DB will likely be delayed by a few months E. Falk, U. of Sussex

16 Comparison of q13 Sensitivities
M. Mezzetto, Venice, March 2009 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

17 Comparison of q13 Sensitivities
M. Mezzetto, Venice, March 2009 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

18 Conclusions and Outlook
Past and present experiments have pinned down q13, Dm212, q23, Dm232 MINOS recently announced 1.5s result for q13 T2K and reactor experiments come on-line within ~a year from now Next 5 years will see sensitivity to sin2 2q13 to ~0.01, plus order of magnitude improvement on q23 and Dm232 Need combination of different baselines + reactor to resolve q13, δCP, sign (Dm232) Would be difficult to search for δCP if sin2 2q13 < 0.01 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

19 Reactor Experiment Howto: Improve on Chooz
CHOOZ : Rosc = 1.01 ± 2.8% (stat) ± 2.7% (syst) Statistics More powerful reactor (multi-core) Larger detection volume Longer exposure Experimental error: n flux and cross-section uncertainty Multi-detector Identical detectors Reduce inter-detector systematics (normalisation, calibration...) Background Improve detector design Increase overburden Improve knowledge of background by direct measurement Larger S/B Reach ~1% precision E. Falk, U. Sussex

20 Double Chooz Systematic Uncertainties
n energy, Dt, (distance e+ - n) E. Falk, U. Sussex

21 Baselines and Reactor Power
Reactor experiments Baselines and Reactor Power Double Chooz Daya Bay RENO OK P = 8.2 GWth/2 cores L = 1.05 km P = 11.6 GWth/4 cores ~2011: 17.4 GWth/6 cores L ~ 1.8 km P = 16.1 GWth/6 cores L ~ 1.4 km 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

22 Daya Bay and Ling Ao Nuclear Power Plant
LingAo II NPP 2.9GW2 Under construction (2010) LingAo NPP 2.9GW2 Daya Bay NPP 2.9GW2

23 Reactor experiments Daya Bay Run Plan DYB (40 t) LA (40 t) Far (80 t) Istall first two detectors in DB Near Hall within a year from now Take data (engineering run) while Ling Ao and Far Halls completed Additional detectors deployed in pairs, one in Ling Ao and one in Far Hall, as they become ready – except last pair One detector to be moved from Near to Far Hall Last pair deployed in Near + Far Halls Run for three years Publish OK 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

24 Daya Bay: Redundancy Measuring sin2213 to 0.01 need to control systematic errors very well. We believe that the relative (near/far) detector systematic error could be lowered to 0.38%, with near/far cancellation and improved detector design. Side-by-side calibration: Event rates and spectra in two detectors at the same near site can be compared  How IDENTICAL our detectors are? Detector swapping: Daya Bay antineutrino detectors are designed to be MOVABLE. All detectors are assembled and filled with liquids at the same place. Detectors at the near sites and the far site can be swapped, although not necessary to reach our designed sensitivity, to cross check the sensitivity and further reduce the systematic errors. DYB (40 t) LA (40 t) Far (80 t)

25 Comparison of q13 Sensitivities
Reactor experiments Comparison of q13 Sensitivities Daya Bay Double Chooz sin22q13 limit ssys= 0.6% Far+Near Detectors ssys= 2.6% Far Detector only OK 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

26 Comparison of q13 Sensitivities
M. Mezzetto, Venice March 2009 Assumptions: DC to start end of 2009; ND 1.5 yrs later More likely 2nd quarter of 2010 (my estimate) DB to start mid 2011 From C. White: Schedule slipping by a few months T2K: 0.1 MW in 2010; MW in 2011; MW thereafter From D. Wark: 0.1 MW in 2010; 0.3 MW in 2011; ramp to 0.75 MW over a few years MINOS, OPERA: sensitivity as per proposal, scaled by POT OK 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

27 Overview Long baseline Fermilab  735 km  Soudan
MINOS Overview Long baseline Fermilab  735 km  Soudan Near detector at Fermilab Measure beam composition, energy spectrum Far detector in Minnesota Search for and study oscillations Test the nm  nx oscillation hypothesis Measure precisely |Dm232| and sin2 (2q23) Search for sub-dominant nm  ne oscillations Sensitive to q13 Other MINOS physics: Search for sterile neutrinos, CPT/Lorentz violation Compare nm, nm oscillations Studies of cosmic rays and atmospheric neutrinos Neutrino interaction studies in the Near Detector 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

28 Muon-Neutrino Disappearance Analysis
MINOS Muon-Neutrino Disappearance Analysis Strong energy-dependent spectrum distortion Spectrum fit with two-flavour oscillation hypothesis Fit constrained to physical region + includes three largest systematics Results: |Δm232|=(2.43 ± 0.13) x 10-3 eV2 at 68% C.L. sin2(2θ23) > 0.90 at 90% C.L. PRL (2008) Most precise measurement of |m232| to date 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

29 Antimuon-Neutrino Disappearance Analysis
MINOS Antimuon-Neutrino Disappearance Analysis Measure |Δm232|, sin2(2θ23) Test CPT FNAL Wine & Cheese three weeks ago nm CC events are 7% of beam Mis-ID muon and NC backgrounds relatively larger As CC analysis, but with extra cuts Track-length likelihood, charge-sign significance Oops, the spectrum plot isn’t for the data, only for the prediction!! 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

30 The Future If the excess persists If the excess goes away
All these analyses have used 3x1020 of the 7x1020 protons-on-target that have been recorded As of this June’s summer shutdown Over the next year, the analyses will be updated with the increased dataset Using the blind analysis policy on the new data Graphs below show the θ13 sensitivity for 7x1020 PoT If the excess persists If the excess goes away 16th-22nd July 2009 Justin Evans

31 Electron-Neutrino Appearance Analysis
MINOS Electron-Neutrino Appearance Analysis CC Event Sub-dominant neutrino oscillations P(νμ→νe) ≈ sin2θ23 sin22θ13 sin2(1.27Δm231L/E) Also CPv and matter effects: not shown here but included in fit ANN algorithm to select ne events Background measured in ND NC events, high-y nm CC, beam ne, oscillated nt at FD Data-driven technique: compare horn on/off data Predict FD background from measured ND background + MC NC Event eCC Event 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

32 Electron-Neutrino Appearance Analysis
MINOS Electron-Neutrino Appearance Analysis Far Detector spectrum obtained after blind analysis Expected background: 27 ± 5(stat) ± 2(syst) Contours from Feldman-Cousins method Fit to number of events Observed events: 37 Results: Normal hierarchy (dCP = 0): sin2(2θ13) < 0.29 (90% C.L.) Inverted hierarchy (dCP = 0): sin2(2θ13) < 0.42 (90% C.L.) 1.5s excess Well within realms of statistical fluctuation 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

33 Neutral Current Analysis
MINOS Neutral Current Analysis General NC analysis overview: All active neutrino flavours participate in NC interaction Mixing to a sterile ν will cause a deficit of NC events in Far Detector Assume one sterile neutrino and that mixing between νμ, νs and ντ occurs at a single Δm2 Survival and sterile oscillation probabilities become: (αμ,s = mixing fractions) Simultaneous fit to CC and NC energy spectra yields the fraction of νμ that oscillate to νs: Say that new results are immient (what stats?) 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

34 Future Plans Update all analyses with more than double the data set
MINOS Future Plans Update all analyses with more than double the data set Muon antineutrino possibilities Switch beam magnetic horns to focus p- MINOS can make the first direct measurement Reduce uncertainty on Dm232 by an order of magnitude Introduce one or two slides on numubar ana 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

35 Main Measurements: sin2q13
T2K Main Measurements: sin2q13 Simulated SK spectrum Use CCQE: ne + n  e- + p Main backgrounds: Beam ne contamination NC p0 events 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

36 Main Measurements: sin2q23, Dm232
T2K Main Measurements: sin2q23, Dm232 Use CC quasi-elastic events: nm + n  m- + p Background from non-CCQE interactions Dm322 sin22q23 nm disappearance Precision prospect: D (sin22q23) ~ 0.01 (1%) D (Dm232) < 1 x 10-4 eV2 (a few %) at 90% C.L. @ Dm2 ~ 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

37 J-PARC Accelerator Complex
T2K J-PARC Accelerator Complex Protons to 30 GeV on 23/12/08 Commissioning is on time Commissioned, in use for material & life science n beam-line components Commissioning in progress Commissioned, in use for material & life science 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex Neutrino Beam Line

38 T2K Near Detectors at 280 m On- and off-axis detectors 280 m downstream of target Understand the neutrino beam before oscillations occur T2K timeline Apr 09: Beam-line commissioning 10 days Summer-autumn 09: Install INGRID & ND280 Oct 09: Restart beam commissioning Dec 09-June 10: Physics run Aim to improve CHOOZ limit ND 280: Off-axis detectors inside UA1 magnet On-axis: INGRID Scintillator/iron modules 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

39 Beam Power Projections
T2K Beam Power Projections April 1, 2009 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

40 T2K Discovery Potential 15/7/09 E. Falk, U. of Sussex

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