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VBR/CSO Quarterly Training June 2013 Thomas Meadows TDVA Training Officer 615-441-3384 or 2.

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Presentation on theme: "VBR/CSO Quarterly Training June 2013 Thomas Meadows TDVA Training Officer 615-441-3384 or 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 VBR/CSO Quarterly Training June 2013 Thomas Meadows TDVA Training Officer 615-441-3384 or 2

2 Proposed Reductions Presented By: Tom Meadows

3 Proposed severance  Severance of service connection  Protection 10 Year Rule  Fraud or illegal obtainment of benefits

4 Proposed reduction  Proposed reduction in evaluation of service connected evaluations  20 Year rule

5 Specific increases  There are some increases that are for a specified period of time with minimum evaluations thereafter  Examples:  Prostate cancer  Joint replacements 13 months  Open heart surgery 3 months  Heart attack 3 months

6 Proposed reductions  Remember proposed reductions are proposals and may not be appealed  New evidence can be submitted within 60 days  May request personal hearing  If requested in 30 days then reduction will not occur until after the hearing is held

7 Other Types of Proposals  Income reductions Improved NSC Pension  Dependency changes  Apportionments  Competency  Incarceration  Drill Pay Waivers

8 3.105e  Reductions in evaluations actually get an additional 60 days from date of notification of reduction

9 Questions ?

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