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Department Health and Physical Education School of Education and Behavioral Science 1 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 B.S. Health and Physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Department Health and Physical Education School of Education and Behavioral Science 1 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 B.S. Health and Physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department Health and Physical Education School of Education and Behavioral Science 1 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 B.S. Health and Physical Education B.S. Sport/Fitness Management CIP Code: 310501 Program Code: 370 Fall 2010

2 Student-Learning Outcomes Health and Physical Education (2008-2009) 1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills on the subject matter of health and physical education (Knowledge) 2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter in the knowledge of personal health and wellness. (Knowledge) 3. Demonstrate the principles of first aid and emergency response procedures. (Knowledge, Application) 4. Demonstrate ability to adapt physical education activities to the special needs learner within an inclusive environment. (Knowledge, Synthesis) 5. Demonstrate knowledge of anatomical terminology and the principles of the mechanical bases of human movement. (Knowledge, Comprehension) 6. Demonstrate their ability of implementing knowledge and skills into practice via internship with external internship supervisor’s ratings. (Application, Knowledge) 7. Demonstrate competence in current theory and application of the modern principles of human physiology relative to exercise science. (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application) 8. Demonstrate the ability to analyze, evaluate, and reflect on various programs via observations of school and recreation settings. (Application, Knowledge, Synthesis, Comprehension, Analysis) 2 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

3 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20103 Sport/Fitness Management (2010-2011) 1.Demonstrate an understanding of core content and disciplinary concepts that are essential for participation in physical education, sports, fitness and recreational programs and activities. (Knowledge) 2.Identify strategies to assist individuals in overcoming barriers to participation in physical activities and present appropriate programs based on needs assessment. (Knowledge, Analysis, Application) 3.Demonstrate knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills necessary to work respectfully and effectively with various populations and in diverse work environments. (Application, Synthesis) 4.Develop critical thinking models that include qualitative and quantitative techniques and be able to analyze data and solve problems using these models. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) 5.Posses an understanding of scientific-based principles/concepts in the discipline and recognize the interaction of these concepts in a practical learning environment. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) Student-Learning Outcomes Fall 2010

4 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20104 6. Describe strategies and identify resources used for communicating and collaborating with parents/guardians, community members, school personnel, and organizations in order to promote, enhance and advocate for program development. (Knowledge, Analysis, Evaluation) 7. Recognize and explain essential principles for managing and administering physical education, sport and recreation programs. (Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis) Sport/Fitness Management – Current program outcomes are not required by any accrediting agency. Student-Learning Outcomes (continued) Fall 2010

5 Alignment of Outcomes Pursuant to the University Mission, the Health and Physical Education Department seeks to be instrumental in preparing the student for professional success by offering quality educational opportunities and providing a student-centered environment that focuses on quality instruction and experiential learning. Department focus for the future (Plan 2013) Assess student learning effectively Seek accreditation from appropriate associations Partner with various entities to provide quality practicum and internship experiences Enhance and promote campus involvement in departmental programs and within the community Deliver course content in multiple formats 5 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

6 Measures of Learning Outcomes Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 6 Direct Measures Field Experience/Observation Reports Individualized Educational Plan Summative Assessments Pre-Post Assessments Indirect Measures IDEA Exit Interviews Program methodologies to address shortfalls in student learning Remediation Advisement – Plan of Study Sequence Courses Fall 2010

7 Report on actions from the three previously chosen priority outcomes 77 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Program Outcome 3. Demonstrate the principles of first aid and emergency response procedures. (Knowledge, Application) Action – Revise the outcome to address the new program emphasis. (Spring 2010) Program Outcome 5. (Revised) Possess an understanding of scientific-based principles/concepts in the discipline and the interaction of these concepts in a practical learning environment. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) Action – Develop additional assessments. Fall 2010 Additional assessments designed to address Outcome 5. HLTH 4503 Physiology of Exercise – Summative Evaluation and Instructional Task (fall, 2010) HPET 4203 Motor Learning – Summative Evaluation and Instructional Task (fall, 2010) HLTH 3243 Applied Anatomy & Kinesiology – Pre/Post Evaluation (fall, 2009 and spring, 2010) and Instructional Task (fall, 2010)

8 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20108 Program Outcome 5. (revised) Fall 2010 National Red Cross Assessments Certification ModuleAcademic YearNumber of StudentsResults American Red Cross First Aid Fall 2009/Spring 2010 Fall 2008/Spring 2009 74 70 100% pass 90% (63) pass CPR/AED Fall 2009/Spring 2010 Spring 2009 (optional) 74 13 100% pass HLTH 2213 First Aid Course is applicable to the previous outcome Students from multiple degree programs enroll in this course Content includes American Red Cross Certification Modules - First Aid, CPR/AED Students completing all course requirements achieve certification 2 classes per semester for fall, 2009 and spring 2010 Pre-post test - 30 item multiple-choice Percent Students completing National Red Cross Certification First Aid Pre Test/Post Test % Average Score – Comparison of Sport/Fitness Majors with the Class Degree programSemester/YearNumber of studentsPre Test AveragePost Test Average Sport/FitnessSpring 20101249.1%84.3% ClassSpring 20106053.3%83.8% Sport/FitnessFall 20091060.5%88.3% ClassFall 20096165%85.5%

9 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-20109 Program Outcome 4. Demonstrate ability to adapt physical education activities to the special needs learner within an inclusive environment. (Knowledge, Synthesis) Action – Revise the outcome and assessments to address the new program emphasis. Program Outcome 2. (Revised) Identify strategies in overcoming barriers to participation in physical activities and present appropriate programs based on needs assessment. (Knowledge, Analysis, application) New courses have been adopted and other courses have been revised to meet the Outcome. Additional assessments have been or are in the process of development to address Outcome 2. HLTH 4553 Exercise Prescription – Instructional Task (Spring 2011) HLTH 4563 Principles of Strength Training and Conditioning (new course, Fall 2010) HPET 4003 Administration of Sport and Activity Programs (Spring 2011) HPET 4203 Motor Learning - Instructional Task and Summative Evaluation (Fall 2010) Fall 2010 Report on actions from three previously chosen priority outcomes

10 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201010 Program Outcome 2. (Revised) Individual Education Plan ( IEP) Semester/YearNumber of Students Unacceptable Score below 70% Acceptable Score 70% - 89% Target Score 90% - 100% Spring 2010190109 Fall 200914086 Spring 200912435 Fall 200816538 Spring 2008215610 HLTH 3013 Adapted Physical Education Core course required of students in both degree programs Students from other degree programs also enroll in this course Complete 3 hours of observation at a selected site Create an IEP based on an identified special need of a k-12 student Assess the need and plan an appropriate program for the k-12 student Number of Students Scoring by Performance Level on the Assessment Fall 2010 Passing score = Acceptable (70%) or Above

11 Individual Education Plan (IEP) Semester/YearNumber of StudentsAssessment Tools/Screening Procedures (25 points) Planning the Program (50 points) Duration of Services (5 points) Spring 20101919.9434 Fall 20091422383.6 Spring 20091216.628*3.5 Fall 2008161937.85 Spring 20082120.244.25 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 11 Program Outcome 2. (Revised) Mean Scores by Criterion Individual Education Plan Assessment Assessment consists of four criteria: Demographic Information Assessment Tools/Screening Procedures Planning the Program Duration of Services Fall 2010

12 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201012 Program Outcome 8. Demonstrate the ability to analyze, evaluate, and reflect on various programs via observations of school and recreation settings. Action – Revise the outcome and the assessments to reflect the new program emphasis. Program Outcome 3. (Revised) Demonstrate knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills necessary to work respectfully with various populations and in diverse work environments. (Application, Synthesis) Additional Assessments to be developed and included for Outcome 3. (Revised) HLTH 3013 Adapted Physical Education – Observation/Field Experience Report (Fall 2010) HPET 3013 Sport Psychology –Instructional Task (Spring 2011) HPET 3383 Physical Education in the Secondary School – Observation/Field Experience Report (Spring 2011) HPET 3363 Community & Recreation Leadership - Observation/Field Experience Report (Spring 2010) HPET 4003 Administration of Sport and Activity Programs - Observation/Field Experience Report (Spring 2011) HPET 4223 Capstone Experience: Sport/Fitness Management (Spring 2011) Fall 2010 Report on actions from three previously chosen priority outcomes

13 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201013 Observation/Field Experience Report – Physical Education Elementary Schools HPET 3333 Semester/YearNumber of StudentsUnacceptable 0-29 points Acceptable 30-39 points Target 40-50 points Spring 201030%66.6% (2) 33.3% (1) Fall 2009911.1% (1) 77.7% (7) Spring 2009150%20% (3) 80% (12) Percentage of Students (370) Scoring at Each Performance Level Program Outcome 3. (Revised) HPET 3333 Physical Education in the Elementary Schools Required course Physical Education Degree Program (378) Selected course Sport/Fitness Management Degree Program Three hour observation/field experience report Students reflect on experiences Fall 2010 Passing Score on the assessment = Acceptable or Above

14 Student-learning outcome and measurements Priority Outcome 1 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 5. Possess an understanding of scientific-based principles/concepts in the discipline and recognize the interaction of these concepts in a practical learning environment. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) HLTH 3243 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology HPET 4203 Motor Learning HLTH 2213 First Aid Pre/Post Test (Direct) Summative Test (Direct) Pre/Post Test (Direct) Content Validity Inter-rater Inter-rater Fall, Spring 14 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

15 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201015 Display of Assessment Data Priority outcome 1 Outcome 5. Possess an understanding of scientific-based principles/concepts in the discipline and recognize the interaction of these concepts in a practical learning environment. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology Pre-Post Test Semester/YearDegree ProgramNumber of Students Average % Score Pre Test Average % Score Post Test Average % Score Improvement Spring 2010Sport/Fitness944.285.541.3 Physical Education447.381.834.5 Other1560.28625.8 Fall 2009Sport/Fitness56286.424.4 Physical Education45376.523.5 Other1257.586.228.7 Fall 2010 HLTH 3243 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology Required course in both degree programs 100 item test – multiple-choice Data displayed includes all students disaggregated by degree program Comparison of Student’s Average Percent Score Pre-test /Post-test and % Improvement Score

16 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201016 Motor Learning Summative Assessment Degree ProgramNumber of studentsUnacceptable Level < 83% Acceptable Level 83% - 91% Target Level 92% - 100% Sport/ Fitness Management 70%43% (3) 57% (4) Physical Education70%14% (1) 86% (6) Other90%11% (1) 89% (8) Outcome 5. (Revised) HPET 4203 Motor Learning Assessment included as result of Outcome revisions Spring semester 2010 data – first administration Required course in both degree programs Data disaggregated by degree program Passing score = Acceptable (83%) and Above Percent Students Scoring at Each Level of Performance by Degree Program Fall 2010

17 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201017 Program Outcome 5. (Revised) Additional assessments will be included for this outcome beginning with the fall semester 2010. Students enrolled in HLTH 4503 - Physiology of Exercise will be assessed with both a summative test and an instructional task (criterion-based). Student by degree program Semester/YearNumber of students Pre Test AveragePost Test Average% Improvement Pre/Post Test Average 370Spring 20101249.1%84.3%35.2% ClassSpring 20106053.3%83.8%30.5% 370Fall 20091060.5%88.3%27.8% ClassFall 20096165%85.5%17.5% First Aid Pre-test/Post-test % Average Score Fall 2010 HLTH 2213 First Aid SemesterNClass Pre Test Mean N(370) Pre Test Mean NClass Post Test Mean N(370) Post Test Mean Spring 20107215.91214.87225.31223.5 Fall 20097119.21018.17125.91027.2 Comparison of Mean Scores Class and Sport/Fitness Major Pre/Post Test by Semester

18 Analysis of assessment data Priority Outcome 1 Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology Pre-Post Test Prerequisite course for other science-based courses Eclectic population Data presented in the table displays performance for all students enrolled When compared to overall class performance - Sport Fitness Management majors - spring semester were below average on both measures pre (9%) and post (2.5%) When compared to overall class performance for the fall semester - Sport Fitness majors performed a little better (4%) than the class average on the pre test but underperformed the class (3%) on the post test Motor Learning Summative Test First administration – All students performed at or above the Acceptable Level (83%) First Aid Sport/Fitness Management students underperformed other students on the pre-test (4.2%) and 4.5% respectively) Sport/Fitness Management students outperformed all other students (.5% and 2.8% respectively) on the post-test Both semesters the Sport/Fitness Management student outperformed all other students on % increase from pre-test to post-test Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201018 Fall 2010

19 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201019 Action Plan for Student-Learning Outcome Priority Outcome 1 Outcome 5. Possess an understanding of scientific-based principles/concepts in the discipline and recognize the interaction of these concepts in a practical learning environment. (Knowledge, Application, Synthesis) ActionTimeline Implementation Timeline Completion Human and/or Fiscal Resources needed Continue to evaluate the sequencing of courses to provide student opportunities for success. Each Semester Faculty input Adhere to prerequisite courses requirements when enrolling students in course. Each Semester Faculty Advisement Monitor areas where majors underperform (Applied Anatomy) and provide additional curricula as required. Each Semester Faculty Provide current ancillary materials to enhance the classroom content. Library Databases Publishers Ancillaries Monitor and evaluate scoring rubrics for each assessment. Each Semester Instructional Faculty Fall 2010

20 Student-learning outcome and measurements Priority Outcome 2 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 7. Recognize and explain essential principles for managing and administering physical education, sport and recreation programs. ( Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis) HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership Observation/ Practicum Experience (Direct) Criterion- referenced Inter-raterSpring semesters 20 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

21 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201021 Display of assessment data Priority Outcome 2 Outcome 7. Recognize and explain essential principles for managing and administering physical education, sport and recreation programs. (Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis) Observation/Practicum Experience - HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership Semester/YearNumber of StudentsUnacceptable Level <70% 0-244 points Acceptable Level 70%-89% 245-315 points Target Level 90%-100% 315-350 points Spring 201019 Sport/Fitness 0%5%95% 16 Other 0%12.5%87.5% Percentage of Students Scoring at Each Level of Performance HPET 3363 Community and Recreational Leadership – Observation/Practicum Experience Report Students are required to complete 20 hours of observation/practice at a selected site Maintain a journal of experiences Reflect on experiences and make a presentation to the class Data compares the Sport/Fitness Management students to all students in the class Passing score at or above the Acceptable Level (70%) of Performance Fall 2010

22 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201022 CategoryNumber of students% Unacceptable% Acceptable% Target <140 points140-179 points180-200 points Hours (200 points) 190% 100% <70 points70-80 points90-100 points Journal Entries (100 points) 190%26% (5) 74% (14) <10.5 points10.5-13 points13.5-15 points Demographics (15 points) 195% (1) 32% (6) 63% (12) <10.5 points10.5-13 points13.5-15 points Responsibilities (15 points) 190%42% (8) 58% (11) <14 points14-17 points18-20 points Reflection (20 Points) 1911% (2) 63% (12) 26% (5) Display of assessment data Priority Outcome 2 Percent Sport/Fitness Management Majors Scoring at Each Level of Performance by Category HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership (continued) Program Outcome 7. Fall 2010

23 Analysis of assessment data Priority Outcome 2 Community and Recreational Leadership – Observation/Practicum Experience Students performed well on the assessment overall A significant part of the total assignment involved hours at the host site – 100% of the students accumulated full value On other categories included in the assessment, the majority of the students performed at or above the Acceptable Level The majority (63%) of student scores on the Reflection category score at the Acceptable Level Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201023 Fall 2010

24 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-201024 Action Plan for Student-Learning Outcome Priority Outcome 2 Outcome 7. Recognize and explain essential principles for managing and administering physical education, sport and recreation programs. (Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Synthesis) ActionTimeline Implementation Timeline Completion Human and/or Fiscal Resources needed Additional assessments are needed and desired to fully address this Outcome. Courses have been approved and/or realigned. HPET 3023 Sport Management HPET 4003 Administration Sport & Activity Programs HLTH 3013 Adapted Physical Education HPET 4223 Capstone Experience – Sport/Fitness Management Beginning Fall 2010 with new course offerings and assessments for those courses scheduled. Each semester as courses are included in the curriculum. Fiscal resources for faculty travel to evaluate site/ and practicum supervisor and professional development (continuing) Monitor student performance on the Observation/Practicum Experience Report. Next AdministrationEach Administration thereafter Faculty Review the assessment rubric.Each semester Faculty Fall 2010

25 Student-learning outcome and measurements Priority Outcome 3 PROGRAM OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE MEASUREMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Measurements Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Methods used to determine reliability of measurements Schedule for measurements Outcome 6. Describe strategies and identify resources used for communicating and collaborating with parents/guardians, community members, school personnel and organizations in order to promote, enhance and advocate for program development. (Knowledge, Analysis, Evaluation) HPET 3363 Community & Recreation Leadership Observation/ Practicum Experience (Direct) Criterion- Referenced Inter-raterSpring 25 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

26 26 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Display of Assessment Data Priority Outcome 3 Fall 2010 Outcome 6. Describe strategies and identify resources used for communicating and collaborating with parents/guardians, community members, school personnel and organizations in order to promote, enhance and advocate for program development. (Knowledge, Analysis, Evaluation) Observation/Practicum Experience Semester/YearNumber of StudentsUnacceptable Level <70% Acceptable Level 70%-89% Target Level 90%-100% Spring 201019 Sport/Fitness 0%5%95% 16 Other 0%12.5%87.5% Percentage of Students Scoring at Each Level of Performance HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership previously presented as appropriate for Outcome 7. has carry-over value to this Outcome also. Specifically, as it relates to communicating and collaborating with the community and on-site personnel.

27 Analysis of assessment data Priority Outcome 3 27 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 New assessments have been developed are being administered in the following courses this semester and/or the upcoming spring 2011 semester : Professional Involvement Checklist HPET 2322 Introduction to Health, Physical Education, Recreation HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership HPET 4003 Administration of Sport and Activity Programs HPET 4223 Capstone Experience HPET 3023 Sport Management – Event Management Profile The Observation/Field Experience Report for HPET 3363 Community & Recreational Leadership was previously analyzed in Priority Outcome 2. Fall 2010

28 28 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Action Plan for Student-Learning Outcome Priority Outcome 3 Outcome 6. Describe strategies and identify resources used for communicating and collaborating with parents/guardians, community members, school personnel and organizations in order to promote, enhance and advocate for program development. (Knowledge, Analysis, Evaluation) ActionTimeline Implementation Timeline Completion Human and/or Fiscal Resources needed Implement new assessments as courses appear in the schedule. Beginning Fall 2010ContinuingFaculty Development opportunities pertaining to new course development. Software update in new curricular area. Develop additional appropriate assessments. Beginning Spring 2011ContinuingFaculty Workshops Review and revise assessments as necessary. As courses come into the curriculum ContinuingFaculty Fall 2010

29 Ancillary Actions Seek accreditation from outside agencies i.e. National Strength Training and Conditioning Association Assist students in seeking appropriate credentials for the selected profession Revise syllabi and update course offerings as the areas of study evolve Replenish and update equipment in the science-based curricular areas Transition students to the appropriate degree option Provide viable experiential learning opportunities that have the potential to lead to employment Survey graduates on a regular basis 29 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

30 Published information on graduates 30 Academic Year 09-10Entered Graduate SchoolWorking In Discipline Other Summer 20091 38 Fall 20091 52 Spring 2010 367 Total 514 Program Quality Improvement Report 2009-2010 Fall 2010

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