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Reporting of Abatement Plans 7 th EIONET Meeting 19 March 2002 Juergen Schneider.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting of Abatement Plans 7 th EIONET Meeting 19 March 2002 Juergen Schneider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting of Abatement Plans 7 th EIONET Meeting 19 March 2002 Juergen Schneider

2 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Reporting of abatement plans D P S I R Emission Air Quality Abatement plans

3 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Reporting of abatement plans Reporting on  air emissions  air quality data  abatement plans

4 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Air Emissions 1  Since many years results are summarised in reports available on the internet.  Legal basis UN/ECE CLRTAP; NEC Dir; Monitoring mechanism; UNFCCC; in addition sector specific reporting, e.g. LCP; IPPC;....)  Format/content well defined; previously national totals, in SNAP categories.  Reporting on emissions under the UN/ECE CLRTAP and the NEC Dir. is currently revised and will include i.a. activity data and projections for 2010, 2015 and 2020.

5 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Air Emissions 2  In addition, Parties should report on current reduction plans taking into account their obligations under the protocols. Current legislation projections may deviate from current reduction plans in either direction depending on the state of legislation and projected future activity levels.

6 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Air Emissions 3 Clients/purpose  Commission; IC/checking legal compliance  CAFE/CLRTAP/Review, policy development  National experts/comparisons, modelling, trends...  Experts developing AQ models, e.g. EMEP/linking emissions with ambient air levels and deposition)  Experts doing IAM, e.g. CIAM/ development of cost effective emission reduction strategies

7 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Air Quality Data 1  Reported since many years; summarised in reports, e.g. EMEP and EEA; available on the internet Legal basis EoI; FWD & DD: Annual questionnaire; Ozone Dir., EMEP;  Formats/content  well defined  EoI: Raw data and meta data  FWD & DD: Assessment in relation to AQ LV  Ozone Dir: Exceedance statistics  EMEP: raw data

8 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Air Quality Data 2 Clients/purpose  Commission/checking legal compliance with AQ Dir.  CAFE/review, policy development  National and international experts/ comparisons, trend assessment; success of measures;…  Experts doing effect studies, e.g. WHO  Experts developing AQ models, e.g. EMEP/validation;

9 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans UNFCCC 1  Partly established (UNFCCC, ECE CLRTAP), partly under development (EC Dir.) UNFCCC  Legal basis: UNFCCC, COP decisions;  COP 5.... promote progress to this end, each of these Parties shall communicate, within six months of the entry into force of the Convention for it and periodically thereafter.....detailed information on its policies and measures..... as well as on its resulting projected anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases.....

10 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans UNFCCC 2  Format/content well defined, very detailed  Reports available on web-side of UNFCCC  Clients/purpose  UNFCCC secretariat/Compliance checking  National Experts/providing information on strategies and policies

11 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans ECE 1 ECE  Legal basis: EB decisions  Formats/content defined by ECE (less extensive as in previous years!)  Reports available on ECE web-side  Clients/purpose  ECE secretariat, other bodies of the Convention like EB, IC/Compliance checking  National Experts/providing information on strategies and policies

12 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans MM EU  Legal basis: Monitoring mechanism 1999/296/EC (GHG) Article 2(2) National Programmes including information on national policies and measures, measures for the implementation of Community legislation and policies, and projections of future emissions.  Formats/content well defined in guidelines; very detailed  Clients/purpose  EC/Compliance checking  National Experts/providing information on strategies and policies

13 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans NEC  Legal basis: Directive on National Emission Ceilings (NO X, SO 2, NMVOC and NH 3 ) Article 6  1. Member States shall, by 1 October 2002 at the latest, draw up programmes for the progressive reduction of national emissions of the pollutants referred to in Article 4 with the aim of complying at least with the national emission ceilings laid down in Annex I by 2010 at the latest.  2. The national programmes shall include information on adopted and envisaged policies and measures and quantified estimates of the effect of these policies and measures on emissions of the pollutants in 2010. Anticipated significant changes in the geographical distribution of national emissions shall be indicated.

14 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans NEC  Legal basis: Directive on National Emission Ceilings (NO X, SO 2, NMVOC and NH 3 ) Article 8  2. Member States shall, by 31 December 2002 at the latest, inform the Commission of the programmes drawn up in accordance with Article 6(1) and (2). The Commission shall forward the national programmes received to the other Member States within one month of their reception.  4. The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 13(2), establish provisions to ensure consistent and transparent reporting of national programmes.

15 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans NEC  Format/content: To be defined by the Commission  Reports will be available  Clients/purposes:  EC/(Compliance checking)  CAFE/Scenario development, review, policy development  National experts/exchange of information, gain experience

16 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans NEC Minimum information in a simple, comparable format:  Identification and description of measures  Quantification of the effects (including time lag)  Estimation of costs  Desirable: ex post analysis of success and costs

17 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans FWD Legal basis: FWD  Article 8: MS ensure a plan is prepared or implemented for attaining the limit value.  Article 11: MS send these plans to the Commission within 2 years; MS shall inform the Commission every three years of the progress of the plan.  Article 8: Commission shall regularly check implementation of the plans by examining their progress and the trends in air pollution

18 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans FWD Action plans (Art. 7) to ensure compliance

19 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans FWD Format/content:  Outline in Annex IV of the FWD (Assessment + measures) Clients/purpose:  EC/compliance checking  CAFE/???  National Experts/learn from experience in other MS

20 Reporting of abatement plans Juergen Schneider 19 March 2002 Abatement plans FWD  Proposal by Working Group on Implementation  What information should be reported?  Which level of detail is reasonable for this kind of information?  Is there any preferable format to provide that information?  (Is there guidance needed to help responsible authorities to obtain the information required to fulfil the reporting requirements?)

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