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Futures Tools for Everyday Life and Work Integral Futures: knowing ourselves, our businesses and our contexts in richer ways Dr Stephanie Pride StratEDGY.

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Presentation on theme: "Futures Tools for Everyday Life and Work Integral Futures: knowing ourselves, our businesses and our contexts in richer ways Dr Stephanie Pride StratEDGY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Futures Tools for Everyday Life and Work Integral Futures: knowing ourselves, our businesses and our contexts in richer ways Dr Stephanie Pride StratEDGY Strategic Foresight

2 In this session... Why use tools? What is Integral Theory? Unpacking the Four Quadrants Applying the Four Quadrants to – understanding contexts – self understanding for leadership – understanding your organisation Discussion/questions

3 “We shape our tools, thereafter they shape us” John Culkin, after Marshall McLuhan

4 “the Integral Approach helps you to see both yourself and the world around you in more comprehensive and effective ways” Ken Wilber, ‘Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice’ 2005


6 Integral Theory - The Four Quadrants I INTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Intentional (self & consciousness) IT EXTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Behavioural (brain and organism) WE INTERIOR/COLLECTIVE Cultural (culture and wordview) ITS EXTERIOR/COLLECTIVE Social (social and environment) INDIVIDUAL EXTERIOR INTERIOR COLLECTIVE

7 “I” - Intentional (interior/individual)


9 “It” - Behavioural (exterior individual)

10 Exterior/individual “It” - Behavioural Individual organism material body and brain (e.g. valves, blood vessels, neuro- transmitters)

11 “We” - Cultural (interior/collective)

12 Interior/collective “We” - Cultural collective interior experiences shared values, language, meaning, relationships culture traditions

13 “Its” - Social (exterior/collective) File:Bowen_House_Beehive_Parliament.JPG#mediaviewerFile:Bowen_House_Beehive_Parliament.JPG

14 Exterior/collective “Its” - Social social, political, economic systems & processes organisational systems exterior forms and behaviours of the group

15 Understanding Contexts: The Four Quadrants Applied to Health

16 Understanding Contexts: Four Quadrants Applied to the ‘eco-crisis’

17 Four Quadrants applied to self–understanding for leadership INTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Your emotional and psychological well being Your personal beliefs & assumptions EXTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Your behaviours Your physical wellbeing INTERIOR/COLLECTIVE Contribution to modelling values & unconscious collective assumptions EXTERIOR COLLECTIVE Contribution to modelling org. systems and rules

18 Four Quadrants applied to understanding your business INTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Employee Engagement Emotional & psychological well being, aspirations, dreams EXTERIOR/INDIVIDUAL Performance Physical well-being Behaviours INTERIOR/COLLECTIVE Shared world views, myths and beliefs; Customs and traditions EXTERIOR COLLECTIVE Organisational systems, processes and structures: Hierarchies, reward systems

19 References/further reading ‘Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice: IOS BASIC AND THE AQAL MAP’ Ken Wilber AQAL, Spring 2005, Vol. 1, No. 1 ‘An integral theory of consciousness’ Ken Wilber, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4 (1), February 1997, pp. 71-92 Imprint Academic of Consciousness Studies

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