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We can no longer assume that by opening the doors on Sunday morning...

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Presentation on theme: "We can no longer assume that by opening the doors on Sunday morning..."— Presentation transcript:


2 We can no longer assume that by opening the doors on Sunday morning...

3 We can no longer assume that by opening the doors on Sunday morning... That people will get out of bed and come to church.

4 4 How “welcoming” are we?

5 Before inviting people “back” to church we need to consider:

6 Before inviting people “back” to church we need to consider: 1. Who do we invite?

7 Before inviting people “back” to church we need to consider: 1. Who do we invite? 2. What are we inviting them to?

8 Before inviting people “back” to church we need to consider: 1. Who do we invite? 2. What are we inviting them to? 3. Are we ready to host them?

9 Here’s what some churches do....



12 The hardest part of going “back” to church is the trip from the car in the parking lot through the door of the church......

13 .... then you realize that you have come through the wrong door....

14 What would people come “back” for or “back” to?



17 Un-welcoming “Techniques”.... Greet people you know.

18 Un-welcoming “Techniques”.... Greet people you know. Or just get rid of greeters altogether.

19 Un-welcoming “Techniques”.... Greet people you know. Or just get rid of greeters altogether. But if you're trying to make guests feel unwelcome, it is actually more effective to have greeters talk to their friends.

20 Welcoming “Techniques”.... Greet people you know. Or just get rid of greeters altogether. But if you're trying to make guests feel unwelcome, it is actually more effective to have greeters talk to their friends. Train them to carry on conversations with other greeters, and sort of just ignore people they don't recognize.


22 Once you get through the door...

23 Once you get through the door... The question is.....

24 Where do I sit?

25 Make finding a seat really hard. All members can participate in this one.

26 Where do I sit? Make finding a seat really hard. All members can participate in this one. Just "save" all the seats at the back of the church or on the aisles.

27 Where do I sit? Make finding a seat really hard. All members can participate in this one. Just "save" all the seats at the back of the church or on the aisles. If you can make a guest come to the front of the church or crawl over several people to find a seat, you'll almost guarantee they'll feel unwelcome.


29 During the service...

30 During the service... It’s Self-Service!

31 There are no greeters....

32 During the service... It’s Self-Service! There are no greeters.... People find their own bulletins and then try to find the right page in the right book.


34 During the service...

35 Would you describe your experience as....

36 “Ineffably sublime.....”

37 “Crown Him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, Creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime.....”

38 “Ineffably sublime.....” “Crown Him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, Creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime.....” Familiar?... An “old faithful”?

39 “Ineffably sublime.....” “Crown Him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, Creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime.....” Familiar?... An “old faithful”? Or...words I’ve never used before, let alone understand....



42 Pews from the Ark

43 One Visitor was asked “was your pew comfortable?”

44 Pews from the Ark One Visitor was asked “was your pew comfortable?”

45 “Oh yes, thank you..... It was a long wooden bench. I had to climb over several people to get “in”... But once there, it was fitted with kneelers of the hardest variety possible. I found a few old candy wrappers in the book racks. The benches looked like they needed a new lease on life but were not uncomfortable until we knelt.”



48 After the service...


50 What is Christian Welcome? “Christian Welcome is not just about being nice to visitors, it is about incorporating new people into the Body of Christ”

51 A Welcoming Church Member “consider others better than yourselves” - Philippians 2:3 Maybe they have something to teach us....

52 What do we need to do?

53 Before the service During the service After the service After Sunday

54 What do we need to do? Before the service During the service After the service After Sunday What does “welcome” look like?

55 What are we inviting people to?

56 Who will you invite as your guest?

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