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MODUL 1 Analisis & Informasi Proses Bisnis (CSA221)

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Presentation on theme: "MODUL 1 Analisis & Informasi Proses Bisnis (CSA221)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MODUL 1 Analisis & Informasi Proses Bisnis (CSA221)

2 Tim Dosen PAMU Heru Setiawan, SKom;MT Disusun oleh :

3 Materi 1 BPMN (Bussiness Process Modelling and Notation)

4 BPMN Process Diagram

5 BPMI Standards Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) Business Process Query Language (BPQL) Business Process Semantic Model (BPSM) Business Process Extension Layers (BPEL)

6 BPMI Protocol Stack Web Services Stack: W3C, WSDL, OASIS, UDDI Choreography: W3C WD-CDL Execution: OASIS BPEL BAM: BPMI BPQL BPEL Extensions: BPMI BPXL OMG BPDM interchangeable Model: BPMI BPSM Visual Design: BPMI BPMN

7 Use of BPMN BPMN visual design tool Import from metamodel Export to metamodel Export to BPEL Save BPDs

8 BPM Architecture Runtime engine - BPEL External process Administration and monitoring console Graphical editor - BPMN Exporter (BPMN to BPEL mapping) WS-CDL toolkit: Code generator compliance validator Internal system, inline code Human worklist application Deployment Mgt language Web services Standard worklist interface XML, web services, J2EE,.NET, Java C# Generates, validates

9 BPMN Elements

10 BPMN Symbols Events Processes Connectors Gateways

11 Events An event is something that happens during the process Events affect the flow of the process and usually have a cause and/or impact Events are classified as either start, intermediate or end

12 Sample Events Events are classified as start, intermediate or end events. Start events have single borders, intermediate events have double borders and end events have thick borders.

13 Activity Activity is a step in a process that performs work Activities are either atomic or compound (subprocess) – Compound activities have their own activities, events, gateways, etc. Processes are hierarchical – Activities within a compound activity can also be a compound activity

14 Activities

15 Sequence Flow

16 Gateways Gateways are controllers that split or join sequence flows

17 Pools and Lanes Pools represent different business processes, organizations, functional area, application, location, etc. The process in only one pool is normally shown at a time. Other pools are treated as black boxes Lanes are subdivisions of pools that normally show different roles with the process.

18 Messages Only messages are allowed between pools

19 Data Objects

20 Process Patterns

21 Basic process structure Start Event Sequence of activities End event

22 Intermediate event

23 Variables and properties Objects in diagrams can have properties and decisions can be made based on the values assigned to them

24 Exception handling and compensation Exception occurs in subprocess Expanded subprocess

25 Compensation Compensation is used to undo the effects of previous activities This…..causes this to fire

26 Parallel Split AND Gateway

27 Multi-Choice Inclusive OR

28 Exclusive Choice XOR gateway

29 Multi-Merge

30 Discriminator and N-Out-of-M Join

31 Deferred Choice Wait for response

32 Cancel Case

33 Expense Report Process

34 Mortgage Company Case Mortgage Co. take applications from potential customers, make an assessment whether or not to offer the mortgage, and then, either reject the application or make the offer. Offer? Yes No

35 Setting Timers Now, assume that we want to represent the fact that our potential customer contacted Mortgage Co. to ask for an application form. We want to set a clock running to send them a reminder after seven days if Mortgage Co. does receive the application.

36 Setting Timers

37 Application and Reminders as sub-process

38 Loop Process Instead of representing a loop as a explicit sequence of activities, it’s possible to use a loop activity instead. However, it doesn’t really make sense to wait for the application indefinitely so Mortgage Co. has decided to send two reminders then cancel the application and archive the case.

39 Loop with counter

40 Decisions based on Events If the customer never sends in the application, then the process will never get to the assessment phase, but what if the customer does let Mortgage Co. know that they do not want to proceed. After sending the application packet, Mortgage Co. waits for one of three different events.

41 Event-based exclusive gateway

42 Non-interrupt alert Now assume Mortgage Co. guarantees that they will respond to a loan application within 14 days. In support of this, the process should alert a manager after 10 days if it has not been completed and then every day thereafter.

43 Non-interrupt alert

44 Representing messages

45 Modeling Data and Documents




49 Decisions with more than one right answer

50 Conditional Flow

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